Діагностувальна робота з англійської мови для 3 класу (підсумкова за рік) (за підручником Start up 3 клас С.Губарєва, О Павліченко)

Про матеріал
Діагностувальна робота з англійської мови для 3 класу (підсумкова за рік) (за підручником Start up 3 клас С.Губарєва, О Павліченко)
Перегляд файлу

Діагностувальна робота з англійської мови для 3 класу

(підсумкова за рік)

(за підручником Start up 3 клас С.Губарєва, О Павліченко)



Task 1 Choose the correct variant 


Hi! My name is Olenka. I want to tell you about my classroom. My classroom is very big and nice. There are fifteen desks in my classroom. There is a whiteboard on the wall. There is a teacher’s desk in front of the whiteboard. You can see two bookcases in my classroom. There are many flowers on the windowsills. We have got a play area in our classroom. We can play there every day.


1)  My name is … .

a)     Tom

b)    Olenka

c)     Mary

d)    Rolly


2) My classroom is … .

a)     big

b)    small

c)     very big

d)    very small


3) There are … desks in my classroom.

a)     eleven

b)    five

c)     thirteen

d)    fifteen


4) There is a teacher’s desk … the whiteboard.

a)     in front of

b)    on

c)     in

d)    under


5) There are many … on the windowsills.

a)     books

b)    toys

c)     flowers

d)    pens


6) We have got a play area in our classroom. We can … there every day.

a)     write

b)    read

c)     play

d)    dance


Task 2 Tick the statements “Yes” or “No”:


Hello! My name is Polly. I go to school every day. We have got many subjects.  They are Maths, Art, Music, PE and English. We can count at the Maths lesson. I like counting. I paint pictures at the Art lesson. I sing the song at the Music lesson. We run, jump and play with the ball at the PE lesson. We read and write at the English lesson. My favourite lesson is English.


7) My name is Polly.

  1.     I go to school at the weekend.
  2.     We can count at the Maths lesson.

10) I sing the song at the Music lesson.

11) We run, jump and play with the ball at the PE lessons.

12) My favourite lesson is Maths.






Task 1 Read the text and choose the correct variant.


Hello. My name is Ivan. I’m 11. I am from Ukraine. I live in Poltava. I am a pupil. My hobby is painting. I go to the Art School on Monday and on Wednesday. I like to be there. I meet there with my friends and have a lot of fun at the Art School. I also study painting there.

I have got a family. It is not very big. We are mum, dad and my sister Ann. We have got a lot of activities. My dad likes playing football; my mum can cook very well. My sister likes dancing and singing. We are very happy family.

Last week we visited my grandparent. We met together. We helped my grandparents about the house, played games and made a chocolate cake. The cake was very tasty, It was great. I like spending time with my family.


1. Ivan’s hobby is __________.

a) swimming

b) riding a bike

c) cooking

d) painting


2. He meets with his __________ at the Art School.

a) parents

b) friends

c) teachers

d) grandparents


3. Ivan’s family has got a lot of __________.

a) hobbies

b) friends

c) teachers

d) activities


4. Last week Ivan’s family visited

a) parents

b) his Art School

c) grandparents

d) friends


Task 2 Read the text and fill in the blanks.


Once upon a time, there was a little bunny named Benny in a magical forest. Benny loved to live in this forest and make new friends. One sunny day, Benny found a shiny red apple under a big tree. He decided to share the apple with his best friend, a squirrel named Sammy. Sammy was very happy and thanked Benny for the apple. Together, they enjoyed the apple and played games in the forest. They saw colorful butterflies and listened to the birds singing.

Once upon a time, there was a little bunny named Benny 5)___________. Benny loved to live in this forest and make new friends. One sunny day, Benny found a shiny red apple 6) ____________. He decided to share the apple 7) ______________, a squirrel named Sammy. Sammy was very happy and thanked Benny for the apple. Together, they enjoyed the apple and played games in the forest. They saw colorful butterflies and listened 8) ______________.


a) with his best friend

b) in a magical forest

c) under a big tree

d) to the birds singing.

e) at the stadium

f) pupil’s report


Task 3 Find the name of the picture






C:\Users\Zver\Desktop\Firefly дети украшают новогоднюю елку 28386.jpg


a) The children are sunbathing.

b) The children are decorating a Christmas Tree.

c) The children are climbing the mountain.

d) The children are watching cartoons.




Task 1. Write an email to your pen friend.



Hello 1) ______________!

My name is 2) _________________.

I live in 3)_________________. My address is 4) __________________.

I go to school. My favourite subjects are 5) _________________.

     I have got a hobby. My hobby is 6) ________________.



Task 2. Circle the correct variant.


7) There are some/any milk in the fridge.

8) He are/is my friend.

9) We went/go to the seaside yesterday.

10) We went/go to the seaside every year.

11) I was/were at home yesterday.

12) He play/plays computer games every day.


Speaking (проводимо у індивідуальній співбесіді)


  1.     What is your name?
  2.     How old are you?
  3.     Where do you live?
  4.     Where do you study?
  5.     What is your favourite dish?
  6.     Tell me some words about your family.
  7.     Tell me some words about your hobby.
  8.     Describe me your favourite toy.
  9.     What is your favourite holiday?
  10.   What do you want to be?
  11.   When is your birthday?
  12.   Tell me some words abouy helthy and unhealthy food.










Варіанти для роздаткового матеріалу Listening

Варіант 1

Завдання 1 Choose the correct variant 

1)  My name is … .

a) Tom

b) Olenka

c) Mary

d) Rolly


2) My classroom is … .

a) big

b) small

c) very big

d) very small


3) There are … desks in my classroom.

a) eleven

b) five

c) thirteen

d) fifteen


4) There is a teacher’s desk … the whiteboard.

a) in front of

b) on

c) in

d) under


5) There are many … on the windowsills.

a) books

b) toys

c) flowers

d) pens


6) We have got a play area in our classroom. We can … there every day.

a) write

b) read

c) play

d) dance


Завдання 2 Tick the statements “Yes” or “No”:

7) My name is Polly.

8) I go to school at the weekend.

9) We can count at the Maths lesson.

10) I sing the song at the Music lesson.

11) We run, jump and play with the ball at the PE lessons.

12) My favourite lesson is Maths.


Варіант 2

Завдання 1 Choose the correct variant 

1)  My name is … .

     a) Mary

b) Rolly

c) Tom

d) Olenka


2) My classroom is … .

a) very big

b) small

c) big

d) very small


3) There are … desks in my classroom.

a) eleven

b) fifteen

c) thirteen

d) five


4) There is a teacher’s desk … the whiteboard.

a) in

b) on

c) in front of

d) under


5) There are many … on the windowsills.

a) toys

b) flowers

c) books

d) pens


6) We have got a play area in our classroom. We can … there every day.

a) play

b) read

c) write

d) dance


Завдання 2 Tick the statements “Yes” or “No”:

7) We can count at the Maths lesson

8) I go to school at the weekend.

9). My name is Polly.

10) We run, jump and play with the ball at the PE lessons.

11) I sing the song at the Music lesson.

12) My favourite lesson is Maths.

Варіант 3

Завдання 1 Choose the correct variant 

1)  My name is … .

a) Tom

b) Mary

c) Olenka

d) Rolly


2) My classroom is … .

a) very small

b) small

c) very big

d) big


3) There are … desks in my classroom.

a) fifteen

b) five

c) thirteen

d) eleven


4) There is a teacher’s desk … the whiteboard.

a) under

b) on

c) in

d) in front of


5) There are many … on the windowsills.

a) flowers

b) toys

c) books

d) pens


6) We have got a play area in our classroom. We can … there every day.

a) write

b) play

c) read

d) dance


Завдання 2 Tick the statements “Yes” or “No”:


7) My name is Polly.

8) I go to school at the weekend.

9) We can count at the Maths lesson.

10) I sing the song at the Music lesson.

11) We run, jump and play with the ball at the PE lessons.

12) My favourite lesson is Maths.


Варіант 4

Завдання 1

1)  My name is … .

     a) Olenka

b) Rolly

c) Tom

d) Mary


2) My classroom is … .

a) small

b) very big

c) big

d) very small


3) There are … desks in my classroom.

a) fifteen

b) eleven

c) thirteen

d) five


4) There is a teacher’s desk … the whiteboard.

a) on

b) in front of

c) in

d) under


5) There are many … on the windowsills.

a) toys

b) books

c) pens

d) flowers


6) We have got a play area in our classroom. We can … there every day.

a) dance

b) read

c) write

d) play


Завдання 2 Tick the statements “Yes” or “No”:


7) We can count at the Maths lesson

8) I go to school at the weekend.

9). My name is Polly.

10) We run, jump and play with the ball at the PE lessons.

11) I sing the song at the Music lesson.

12) My favourite lesson is Maths.


Варіанти для роздаткового матеріалу Reading

Варіант 1 Reading:

Завдання 1 Прочитайте текст і виберіть правильний варіант відповіді


Hello. My name is Ivan. I’m 11. I am from Ukraine. I live in Poltava. I am a pupil. My hobby is painting. I go to the Art School on Monday and on Wednesday. I like to be there. I meet there with my friends and have a lot of fun at the Art School. I also study painting there.

I have got a family. It is not very big. We are mum, dad and my sister Ann. We have got a lot of activities. My dad likes playing football; my mum can cook very well. My sister likes dancing and singing. We are very happy family.

Last week we visited my grandparent. We met together. We helped my grandparents about the house, played games and made a chocolate cake. The cake was very tasty, It was great. I like spending time with my family.


1. Ivan’s hobby is __________.

a) swimming

b) riding a bike

c) cooking

d) painting


2. He meets with his __________ at the Art School.

a) parents

b) friends

c) teachers

d) grandparents


3. Ivan’s family has got a lot of __________.

a) hobbies

b) friends

c) teachers

d) activities


4. Last week Ivan’s family visited

a) parents

b) his Art School

c) grandparents

d) friends


Завдання 2 Прочитайте текст і вставте пропущені фрази, зверніть увагу, що завдання містять дві лишні фрази.


Once upon a time, there was a little bunny named Benny 5) ___________. Benny loved to live in this forest and make new friends. One sunny day, Benny found a shiny red apple 6) ____________. He decided to share the apple 7) ______________, a squirrel named Sammy. Sammy was very happy and thanked Benny for the apple. Together, they enjoyed the apple and played games in the forest. They saw colorful butterflies and listened 8) ______________.


a) with his best friend

b) in a magical forest

c) pupil’s report

d) to the birds singing.

e) at the stadium

f) under a big tree


Task 3 Знайдіть і позначте назву малюнка.





C:\Users\Zver\Desktop\Firefly дети украшают новогоднюю елку 28386.jpg

a) The children are sunbathing.

b) The children are decorating a Christmas Tree.

c) The children are climbing the mountain.

d) The children are watching cartoons.

Варіант 2 Reading:

Завдання 1 Прочитайте текст і виберіть правильний варіант відповіді


Hello. My name is Ivan. I’m 11. I am from Ukraine. I live in Poltava. I am a pupil. My hobby is painting. I go to the Art School on Monday and on Wednesday. I like to be there. I meet there with my friends and have a lot of fun at the Art School. I also study painting there.

I have got a family. It is not very big. We are mum, dad and my sister Ann. We have got a lot of activities. My dad likes playing football; my mum can cook very well. My sister likes dancing and singing. We are very happy family.

Last week we visited my grandparent. We met together. We helped my grandparents about the house, played games and made a chocolate cake. The cake was very tasty, It was great. I like spending time with my family.


1. Ivan’s hobby is __________.

a) painting

b) riding a bike

c) cooking

d) swimming


2. He meets with his __________ at the Art School.

a) parents

b) teachers

c) friends

d) grandparents


3. Ivan’s family has got a lot of __________.

a) hobbies

b) friends

c) activities

d) teachers


4. Last week Ivan’s family visited

a) grandparents

b) his Art School

c) parents

d) friends


Завдання 2 Прочитайте текст і вставте пропущені фрази, зверніть увагу, що завдання містять дві лишні фрази.


Once upon a time, there was a little bunny named Benny 5) ___________. Benny loved to live in this forest and make new friends. One sunny day, Benny found a shiny red apple 6) ____________. He decided to share the apple 7) ______________, a squirrel named Sammy. Sammy was very happy and thanked Benny for the apple. Together, they enjoyed the apple and played games in the forest. They saw colorful butterflies and listened 8) ______________.


a) with his best friend

b) in a magical forest

c) at the stadium

d) to the birds singing.

e) under a big tree

f) pupil’s report


Task 3 Знайдіть і позначте назву малюнка.





C:\Users\Zver\Desktop\Firefly дети украшают новогоднюю елку 28386.jpg

a) The children are climbing the mountain.

b) The children are decorating a Christmas Tree.

c) The children are sunbathing.

d) The children are watching cartoons.



Варіант 3 Reading:

Завдання 1 Прочитайте текст і виберіть правильний варіант відповіді


Hello. My name is Ivan. I’m 11. I am from Ukraine. I live in Poltava. I am a pupil. My hobby is painting. I go to the Art School on Monday and on Wednesday. I like to be there. I meet there with my friends and have a lot of fun at the Art School. I also study painting there.

I have got a family. It is not very big. We are mum, dad and my sister Ann. We have got a lot of activities. My dad likes playing football; my mum can cook very well. My sister likes dancing and singing. We are very happy family.

Last week we visited my grandparent. We met together. We helped my grandparents about the house, played games and made a chocolate cake. The cake was very tasty, It was great. I like spending time with my family.


1. Ivan’s hobby is __________.

a) riding a bike

b) painting

c) cooking

d) swimming


2. He meets with his __________ at the Art School.

a) friends

b) grandparents

c) parents

d) teachers


3. Ivan’s family has got a lot of __________.

a) activities

b) friends

c) hobbies

d) teachers


4. Last week Ivan’s family visited

a) his Art School

b) friends

c) parents

d) grandparents


Завдання 2 Прочитайте текст і вставте пропущені фрази, зверніть увагу, що завдання містять дві лишні фрази.


Once upon a time, there was a little bunny named Benny 5) ___________. Benny loved to live in this forest and make new friends. One sunny day, Benny found a shiny red apple 6) ____________. He decided to share the apple 7) ______________, a squirrel named Sammy. Sammy was very happy and thanked Benny for the apple. Together, they enjoyed the apple and played games in the forest. They saw colorful butterflies and listened 8) ______________.


a) to the birds singing.

b) in a magical forest

c) under a big tree

d) with his best friend

e) at the stadium

f) pupil’s report


Task 3 Знайдіть і позначте назву малюнка.





C:\Users\Zver\Desktop\Firefly дети украшают новогоднюю елку 28386.jpg

a) The children are watching cartoons..

b) The children are climbing the mountain

c) The children are sunbathing.

d) The children are decorating a Christmas Tree.



Варіант 4 Reading:

Завдання 1 Прочитайте текст і виберіть правильний варіант відповіді


Hello. My name is Ivan. I’m 11. I am from Ukraine. I live in Poltava. I am a pupil. My hobby is painting. I go to the Art School on Monday and on Wednesday. I like to be there. I meet there with my friends and have a lot of fun at the Art School. I also study painting there.

I have got a family. It is not very big. We are mum, dad and my sister Ann. We have got a lot of activities. My dad likes playing football; my mum can cook very well. My sister likes dancing and singing. We are very happy family.

Last week we visited my grandparent. We met together. We helped my grandparents about the house, played games and made a chocolate cake. The cake was very tasty, It was great. I like spending time with my family.


1. Ivan’s hobby is __________.

a) painting

b) riding a bike

c) cooking

d) swimming


2. He meets with his __________ at the Art School.

a) grandparents

b) friends

c) parents

d) teachers


3. Ivan’s family has got a lot of __________.

a) friends

b) activities

c) hobbies

d) teachers


4. Last week Ivan’s family visited

a) his Art School

b) grandparents

c) parents

d) friends


Завдання 2 Прочитайте текст і вставте пропущені фрази, зверніть увагу, що завдання містять дві лишні фрази.


Once upon a time, there was a little bunny named Benny 5) ___________. Benny loved to live in this forest and make new friends. One sunny day, Benny found a shiny red apple 6) ____________. He decided to share the apple 7) ______________, a squirrel named Sammy. Sammy was very happy and thanked Benny for the apple. Together, they enjoyed the apple and played games in the forest. They saw colorful butterflies and listened 8) ______________.


a) to the birds singing.

b) at the stadium

c) under a big tree

d) with his best friend

e) in a magical forest

f) pupil’s report


Task 3 Знайдіть і позначте назву малюнка.





C:\Users\Zver\Desktop\Firefly дети украшают новогоднюю елку 28386.jpg

a) The children are sunbathing.

b) The children are climbing the mountain

c) The children are watching cartoons..

d) The children are decorating a Christmas Tree.



Варіант 1 Writing


Task 1. Write an email to your pen friend.



Hello 1) ______________!

My name is 2) _________________.

I live in 3)_________________. My address is 4) __________________.

I go to school. My favourite subjects are 5) _________________.

     I have got a hobby. My hobby is 6) ________________.



Task 2. Circle the correct variant.


7) There are some/any milk in the fridge.

8) He are/is my friend.

9) We went/go to the seaside yesterday.

10) We went/go to the seaside every year.

11) I was/were at home yesterday.

12) He play/plays computer games every day.


Варіант 2 Writing


Task 1. Write an email to your pen friend.



Hello 1) ______________!

My name is 2) _________________.

I live in 3)_________________. My address is 4) __________________.

I go to school. My favourite subjects are 5) _________________.

     I have got a hobby. My hobby is 6) ________________.



Task 2. Circle the correct variant.


7) We went/go to the seaside every year.

8) I was/were at home yesterday.

9) We went/go to the seaside yesterday.

10) There are some/any milk in the fridge

11) He are/is my friend.

12) He play/plays computer games every day.









Варіант 3 Writing


Task 1. Write an email to your pen friend.



Hello 1) ______________!

My name is 2) _________________.

I live in 3)_________________. My address is 4) __________________.

I go to school. My favourite subjects are 5) _________________.

     I have got a hobby. My hobby is 6) ________________.



Task 2. Circle the correct variant.


7) We went/go to the seaside yesterday

8) I was/were at home yesterday.

9). We went/go to the seaside every year.

10) He play/plays computer games every day.

11) He are/is my friend.

12) There are some/any milk in the fridge


Варіант 4 Writing


Task 1. Write an email to your pen friend.



Hello 1) ______________!

My name is 2) _________________.

I live in 3)_________________. My address is 4) __________________.

I go to school. My favourite subjects are 5) _________________.

     I have got a hobby. My hobby is 6) ________________.



Task 2. Circle the correct variant.


7) He are/is my friend.

8) We went/go to the seaside yesterday.

9) I was/were at home yesterday.

10) There are some/any milk in the fridge

11) We went/go to the seaside every year.

12) He play/plays computer games every day.







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