Діагностувальна робота з письма НУШ за І семестр

Про матеріал
Англійська мова. Діагностувальна робота з письма. 4 клас НУШ. Завдання розроблені згідно навчального матеріалу та пройдених тем за перший семестр.
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Form_____ Name, surname _________________________________ V1

Date _____________________________________________________



Task 1. Look and write the time.

1. The time activity for GRADE 3     2.The time activity for GRADE 3      3.The time activity for GRADE 3     4.The time activity for GRADE 3

1. It’s________________________________________

2. It’s________________________________________

3. It’s________________________________________

4. It’s________________________________________


Task 2. Fill in with is or are.

  1. There _____________ a cake.
  2. There _____________some bananas.
  3. There _____________some tomatoes.
  4. There _____________ an apple.
  5. There _____________ some eggs.


Task 3.  Look, compare and make up sentences as in the example.


   Dolphin Coloring Page Free Printable for Kids


1, The elephant is bigger than the dolphin.___________________________

2. ___________________________________________________________

3. ___________________________________________________________

4. ___________________________________________________________

Task 4. Look and complete. Use the Present Continuous.













  1. Dad and daughter are __________________________________________________
  2. Mother _____________________________________________________________
  3. Son ________________________________________________________________



Form_____ Name, surname _________________________________ V1

Date _____________________________________________________



Task 1. Look and write the time.

1.  The time activity for GRADE 3    2.   The time activity for GRADE 3     3. The time activity for GRADE 3     4. The time activity for GRADE 3

1. It’s________________________________________

2. It’s________________________________________

3. It’s________________________________________

4. It’s________________________________________


Task 2. Fill in with is or are.

  1. There _____________ an orange.
  2. There _____________some apples.
  3. There _____________ a carrot.
  4. There _____________some lemons.
  5. There _____________ a cucumber.

Task 3.  Look, compare and make up sentences as in the example.


Dog for children : smiling dog - Dogs Kids Coloring Pages                   

1. The tiger is bigger than the dog._________________________________

2. ___________________________________________________________

3. ___________________________________________________________

4. ___________________________________________________________


Task 4. Look and complete. Use the Present Continuous.













  1. Dad and daughter are __________________________________________________
  2. Mother _____________________________________________________________
  3. Son ________________________________________________________________



До підручника
Англійська мова (підручник для загальноосвітніх навчальних закладів) 4 клас (Павліченко О.М., Доценко І.В., Євчук О.В.)
4 грудня 2021
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