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Англійська мова за професійним спрямуванням









Підготувала викладач

англійської мови

Якимець У. П.







1. Look at the pictures. Do you know what a plumbing system is? Can you explain its main function?

http://ans4u.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/09/plumbing-for-kitchen-sink-everydayphotos-home-decoration-plumbing-a-kitchen-sink-plumbing-a-kitchen-sink.jpg        http://emmettsmith.co.uk/images/commercialplumbing/large01.jpg


  1. plumbing systems [ˈplʌmɪŋ] сантехнічні системи
  2. removal  [rɪˈmuːv(ə)l] переміщення
  3. pipe [paɪp] труба
  4. fixture [ˈfɪkstʃə] кріплення, хомут
  5. sewage  system [ˈs(j)uːɪdʒ] каналізаційна система
  6. installation [ˌɪnstəˈleɪʃ(ə)n] монтаж, установка
  7. regulations  [ˌrɛɡjəˈleɪʃ(ə)n] норми, правила
  8. clay [kleɪ] глина
  9. lead [lɛd], [liːd] свинець
  10.  water supply system система водопостачання
  11.  pressure [ˈprɛʃə] тиск
  12.  pump [pʌmp] насос, помпа
  13.  copper [ˈkɒpə] мідь
  14.  brass [brɑːs] латунь (жовта мідь)
  15.  steel [stiːl] сталь
  16.  cast iron [ˈkɑːstˌaɪən] чавун
  17. plastic [ˈplæstɪk] пластик
  18.  municipal [mjuːˈnɪsɪp(ə)l] комунальний, міський
  19.  well [wɛl] колодязь, джерело
  20.  stream [striːm] потічок
  21.  contaminated [kənˈtæmɪneɪtɪd] забруднений
  22.  waste [weɪst] розтрати
  23.  domestic [dəˈmɛstɪk] домашній
  24.  heater appliance [ˈhiːtə] нагрівальний прилад
  25.  district heating [ˈdɪstrɪktˌhiːtɪŋ] центральне теплопостачання

The distribution of drinking water and the removal of waterborne waste in a building are carried out by means of a plumbing system which consists of pipes and fixtures. The main difference between a plumbing system and a water and sewage system is that the former supplies one building, whereas the latter serves a group of buildings or a city.

Plumbing installation must follow some regulations to ensure safe, quality construction. Water systems of ancient times used pipes or channels made of clay, lead or stone. Today water supply systems use high pressure pumps and pipes made of non-toxic materials, such as copper, brass, steel, cast iron and plastic.

The drinking water supply usually comes from a municipal water supply, water wells, streams, rivers, lakes or rainwater. It is fundamental that clean water is not contaminated by the waste water side of the processing system. The domestic hot water supply is provided by means of water heater appliances, or through district heating.



2. Read the text and choose the correct option.

  1. The plumbing system in the building is needed for the distribution of drinking water and…

A pipes and fixtures.

B pressure pumps and pipes.

C the removal of waterborne waste.

  1. A plumbing system supplies...

A a group of buildings.

B one building.

C a city.

  1.  A plumbing system consists of...

A  waterborne waste.

B pressure pumps and pipes.

C pumps and fixtures.

  1.  A sewage system supplies...

A a group of buildings or a city.

B one building

C a plumbing instalation

  1.  Plumbing installation must ... some regulations.

A follow 

B use

C consist of

  1.  Today water supply systems use high pressure pumps and pipes made of...

A toxic materials. 

B non-toxic materials. 

C streams.

  1.  ... usually comes from municipal water supply, water wells, streams, rivers, lakes or rainwater.

A Waterborne waste 

B Non-toxic material 

C The drinking water supply


3. Read the text again and answer the following questions.

  1. What is carried out by means of a plumbing system?
  2. What does a plumbing system consist of?
  3. What is the difference between a plumbing system and a water and sewage system?
  4. What must plumbing installation follow?
  5. What materials were used in water systems of ancient times?
  6. What materials are used in water systems today?
  7. Where does the drinking water supply usually come from?

 4. Read the definitions and match them to the terms in the box.


Non-potable water • A health hazard • Potable water • Pollution • A water system


1 ________ is any of the conditions and practices in the water supply system and its operation which can be harmful for the water consumer.

2 _______ includes water treating and water-using equipment for the supply and distribution of water and waste for a town/city.

3 ________ is the presence of dangerous substances in the water.

4 ________ is water which is not safe for human consumption.

5 ________ is free from impurities and dangerous substances. Its bacteriological and chemical quality complies with the requirements of the waterworks regulations of the state department of health and of the department of public works of the city.








5. Look at the picture and match the words with the Ukrainian equivalents.



  1. cleanout
  2. drains
  3. faucet
  4. main vent stack
  5. gas and water shutoff valves
  6. gas meter
  7. water meter
  8. main soil stack
  9. water heater
  1. каналізаційні труби
  2. газовий лічильник
  3. головна відвідна (каналізаційна труба)
  4. водонагрівач
  5. кран (змішувач)
  6. люк для очищення засмічення
  7. головна вентиляційна шахта
  8. клапани для перекриття газу та води
  9. лічильник споживання води














What must a PLUMBER do?

The job description of a plumber will include putting in place, fixing and maintaining plumbing systems. As a rule, you may get to look after cold water, steam, heat, sewage and drainage systems. These may be industrial, domestic and commercial plumbing systems.

You will get to inspect pumps, heaters, sinks, tanks, pipes, valves and joints to decide what’s broken or malfunctioning, in order that you can fix or exchange all these as necessary.

You will have to be able to read blueprints, drawings and schemes to find out the layout of the system, and also to learn positions of pipe connections and other fixtures.

The trade may require working with a variety of specialist plumbing tools, like pipe cutters, threading disks, reamers etc.

You must note that you may end up working in dim light, small spaces, dirty spaces, big heights, toxic materials (for instance, acid), and you may end up drenched in scalding or freezing water on some days.

Plus, as well as the physical skills required for the job, you will also need to learn the legal requirements of plumbing; you’ve got to study safety regulations, and to ascertain that your work answers all the existing legal processes.

What other skills do you need to have to turn into an excellent plumber?

The job description of a plumber will certainly require a mix of intelligence and physical skill.

Your hands will most certainly get dirty, and you ought to be comfortable with that fact. A head for heights may also come in useful, as will the capacity to lift and carry heavy things. You need to be willing to get yourself into small spaces and work there, e.g. in little cellars, underneath sinks and behind washing machines. You’ll have to have a skill to use a variety of tools in a safe and proper manner, so being generally good with your hands is required for every aspiring plumber.

As well as the above, you’ve got to have a great skill and initiative to problem solve: seriously, you’ll need it when you’re stuffed under a bath with freezing water spurting in your face. You have to be very flexible, as there are lots of plumbing systems you’ll be required to know your way around. A good judgment and a mind which is open to unusual solutions will also stand you in good stead.

Above all, you’ll need good habits in your job, be scrupulously honest and very professional, as your reputation with clients is very important in your plumbing career.

In conclusion, plumbing is a highly skilled trade, so you see that your plumbing training is going to take lots of serious effort. But it can also be highly   rewarding and well-paid, as good tradesmen are always rare. Everyone needs plumbers, you know?




  1. plumber [ˈplʌmə] сантехнік
  2. maintaining [meɪnˈteɪnɪŋ] експлуатація
  3. steam [stiːm] пара
  4. heat [hiːt] тепло
  5. sewage [ˈsjuːɪʤ] каналізація
  6. drainage system [ˈdreɪnɪʤ ˈsɪstɪm] водостічна система
  7. pump [pʌmp] насос,помпа
  8. heaters [ˈhiːtəz] обігрівачі
  9. sink [sɪŋk] раковина, стічна труба
  10. tank [tæŋk] бак, резервуар
  11. pipe [paɪp] труба, трубопровід
  12. valve [vælv] клапан
  13. joint [ʤɔɪnt] місце з’єднання
  14. malfunctioning [mælˈfʌŋkʃnɪŋ] несправний
  15. blueprints [ˈbluːprɪnt] документація
  16. drawing [ˈdrɔːɪŋ] ескіз
  17. scheme [skiːm] схема, рисунок
  18. layout of the system [ˈleɪaʊt] макет системи
  19. fixture [ˈfɪkstʧə] пристосування
  20. plumbing tool слюсарний інструмент
  21. pipe cutter [paɪp ˈkʌtə] труборіз
  22. threading disk різьбонарізний диск
  23. reamer [ˈriːmə] ример, розвертка
  24. dim light [dɪm laɪt] тьмяне світло
  25. acid [ˈæsɪd] кислота
  26. to drench [drenʧ] промокати, заливати
  27. scalding [ˈskɔːldɪŋ] ошпарений
  28. safety regulations [ˈseɪftɪ regjʊˈleɪʃn] правила техніки безпеки
  29. to ascertain [æsəˈteɪn] переконатися
  30. intelligence [ɪnˈtelɪʤəns] розум
  31. cellar [ˈselə] підвал
  32. aspiring [əˈspaɪərɪŋ] початківець
  33. judgement [ˈʤʌʤmənt] рішення
  34. scrupulously [ˈskruːpjʊləslɪ] скрупульозний, добросовісний





  1. Answer the questions.
  2. What does the job description of a plumber will include?
  3. What will you have to do?
  4. What else will you need to learn?
  5. Your reputation with clients is very important in your plumbing career, isn’t it?


2. Translate the underlined sentences in a written form.


3. Find the English equivalents of the word-combinations in the text.

  1. водостічна система
  2. спеціальні сантехнічні інструменти
  3. правила техніки безпеки
  4. піднімати і переносити важкі речі
  5. працювати при тьмяному світлі
  6. використовувати різноманітність інструментів належним чином
  7. сантехнік-початківець
  8. бути чесним і професійним
  9. забирати багато серйозних зусиль
  10. добре оплачуваний


     4.  Translate the word-combinations into Ukrainian

  1. maintaining plumbing systems
  2. fix or exchange all as necessary
  3. to read blueprints, drawings and schemes
  4. to learn the legal requirements
  5. to study safety regulations
  6. to work in little cellars, underneath sinks and behind washing machines
  7. good tradesmen are always rare







    5. Translate the Duties and Responsibilities of a Plumber in a written form. Try to remember these rules and use them in your trade.


Duties and Responsibilities of a Plumber

  • They have to fix the plumbing in any structure
  • They first have to study all the piping and find the root cause
  • They should be able to work all kinds equipment that will help them in making repairs
  • They have to educate the clients on proper care of the plumbing
  • They have to look for water damage that may have been caused and inform the owners
  • They have to ensure that all the safety measures of a building are in place
  • They have to inform the clients in advance of the money they will charge and give an estimate
  • The plumbers have to carry out inspection of other piping systems as well to see if there is any damage
  • They have fix problems from the root cause and not perform quick fix measures
  • The plumbers have to work with other experts if they are working on new building projects








What's in a plumber's tool box?

Mini pipe cutter- міні-труборіз
Rigid Mini pipe cutter 



copper pipe cutter 2"-труборіз для мідних труб

 Copper pipe cutter

Crimpers  [ˈkrɪmpə] щипці для прес-муфт
Pex crimping tool 



]Ultrlock pex cinch ring crimper Crimper  [ˈkrɪmpə] щипці

Steel pipe cutter-труборіз для сталевих труб


Steel pipe cutter




PVC Hand saw- ручна пила для ПВХ(полівініл хлорид)
PVC Saw 

Offset pipe wrench Offset pipe wrench- розвідний ключ



Flaring tool kit – набір інструментів для паяння
Flaring tool 

Offset hex pipe wrench Offset hex wrench -

шестигранний ключ


Cast iron snap cutter – труборіз для залізних

Soil pipe cutter 



Torpedo /spirit level- рівень
Plumber's torpedo level 

Telescopic basin wrench Basin wrench / telescopic –

ключ для вимірювання діаметру труби

Plastic tubing cutter Plastic tube cutter/ scissor type -

ножиці для різання пластикових труб

Pipe extractors- плашки (для різьби)
Pipe extractors 

Pipe reamer – стругалка для труб
Pipe reamer inside / outside 



Torch head / Turbo torch – паяльник для паяння міді


Turbo torch for soldering

Fire extinguisher Fire extinguisher  - вогнегасник

Gasket cutter Gasket cutter / punches – циркуль для

вирізування отворів

Plunger - вантус



Write down the words into your vocabularies. Make up 10 sentences using new topical vocabulary.





 Look at the picture and match the words with the Ukrainian equivalents.


  1. vent stack
  2. shutoff  valve
  3. drain
  4. trap
  5. cold/hot water supply
  6. overflow pipe
  7. faucets/taps
  8. bath
  9. toilet
  10. sink
  11. shower


  1. каналізація, злив
  2. сифон
  3. крани
  4. душ
  5. ванна
  6. переливна труба
  7. труба холодного/гарячого водопостачання
  8. вентиляційна труба
  9. унітаз
  10. раковина (умивальник)
  11. перекривний клапан






Match the words with their definitions


  1. boiler
  2. convection
  3. pipe
  4. prefabricated
  5. regulation
  6. switch
  7. trust
  8. ventilation
  1. a long, round tube made of plastic or metal used for carrying gas or liquids
  2. a written rule made to control something
  3. built in parts that can be assembled
  4. control for an electrical device
  5. part of the central heating which burns some kind of fuel, used to provide hot water
  6. a group of companies that control the market for something they produce
  7. the process of heat travelling though gases or liquids
  8. the exchange of inside and outside air in a building



Read and translate the sentences. Choose the best alternative to complete the sentences.

  1.  Most water heaters in household and commercial use are of the tank type and use electricity/gas.
  2.  The two parts in the waste disposal system of a building are the drainage and the venting/plumbing systems.
  3.  Modern drainage systems make use of geo-textile filters to stop fine grains and soil stones/particles from clogging the drain.
  4.  Electrical systems must follow a number of safety measures and their installation must be checked by an inspector when the building process/heating system is finished.
  5.  Electric heat pumps can be used as air conditioners too, when the weather is cool/warm.
  6.  The solar thermal panels are usually installed on house roofs and contain cells whose semiconductors react with sunlight/heat.
  7.  In inadequately ventilated buildings there are pollutants and excessive water/moisture that can be harmful.
  8.  Passive/Adequate solar building design means making windows, walls and floors in such a way that they are able to collect, store and distribute solar energy in winter and reject it in summer.
  9.  Annual consumption of primary energy/materials in the EU should be reduced by 20% by 2020.
  10. 10 In the last few years energy conservation/protection has been a subject of great interest.



Look at the picture. Using the vocabulary from the previous lessons write down the translation of the elements of the scheme.



















  1. Look at the picture of Hazard Pictograms.


Have you ever seen these pictograms? Where?

What is the use of the pictograms? Why do we need them?


  1. Write down the words and word combinations into your exercise book and translate them into Ukrainian.




  1. Make up 5 sentences using new topical vocabulary.


  1. Try to remember the meaning of these signs!






Variant 1

  1. Match the English and Ukrainian equivalents.
  1. sewage system
  2. regulations
  3. cast iron pipe
  4. faucets
  5. water heater
  6. pipe cutter
  7. valve
  8. trap
  1. водонагрівач
  2. клапан
  3. каналізаційна система
  4. чавунна труба
  5. труборіз
  6. норми, правила
  7. кран
  8. сифон


             ІІ. Translate into Ukrainian


  1. Water systems of ancient times used pipes or channels made of clay.
  2. The plumbing system in the building is needed for the distribution of drinking water.
  3. The plumber should have a skill to use a variety of tools in a safe and proper manner.
  4. A regulation is a written rule made to control something.
  5. Always remember - the safe way is the best way.


  1. Translate into English
  1. Система водопостачання
  2. Газовий лічильник
  3. Спеціальні сантехнічні інструменти
  4. Бути чесним і професійним
  5. Завжди пам’ятайте про правила техніки безпеки.


  1. Ask as many questions as you can to the following sentence.

       The plumbing system of the house must be done professionally.





Variant 2

  1. Match the English and Ukrainian equivalents.
  1. heater appliance
  2. district heating
  3. installation
  4. water shutoff valve
  5. vent stack
  6. safety regulations
  7. pump
  8. plumber
  1. вентиляційна шахта
  2. правила техніки безпеки
  3. нагрівальний прилад
  4. сантехнік
  5. центральне теплопостачання
  6. монтаж, установка
  7. клапан для перекриття води
  8. насос, помпа


             ІІ. Translate into Ukrainian


  1. Today pipes are made of non-toxic materials, such as copper, brass, steel, cast iron and plastic.
  2. Plumbing installation must follow some regulations.
  3. The job of a plumber requires a mix of intelligence and physical skills.
  4. Ventilation is the exchange of inside and outside air in a building.
  5. You are responsible for your own safety and safety of others


  1. Translate into English
  1. Комунальне водопостачання
  2. Лічильник споживання води
  3. Піднімати і переносити важкі речі
  4. Правила техніки безпеки є дуже важливі.
  5. Хороші майстри своєї справи – це завжди рідкість.


  1. Ask as many questions as you can to the following sentence.

      The professional must follow all the safety regulations.

























































































































































































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