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The difficulties students have while learning English.
Nowdays the English language is one of the key ones in the world.. It consired to be the language instrument of global business and,moreover, it is spoken by millions of people all over the world. Nevertheless, it may be one of the most tough languages to study as it consists lots of grammar rules and their exceptions that makes it profoundly gruelling . Despite that enormous number of people have proven the fact that this goal can be achieved. Being assisted by modern school system each can master English as a second language.
Here is the list of the most common troubles learners encounter while studying English. Besides this article contains the best resolutions to make learning the language fun and easy in the modern ambitious labour market..
Challenges faced by Vocational ESL Learners
Students want to know what challenges and difficulties will encounter while learning English. Here they are:
Problem 1. Difficulty of Pronunciation
Pronunciation is one of the hardest tasks learners face as the English language quite differs from their mother tongue. They have to pay attention to learning the pronunciation in a proper way that is usually tough to do. For a example, repetition of some words can take several times before they can do it correctly. This requires using their articulation to form the English pronunciation.
Problem 2. Tricky vocabulary
The English language is believes by most of scholars has the huge variety of word that makes learning it arduous. Due to uniquely complex lexicon as it includes varied roots, endings, exceptions, subtle nuances, plus the impact, of Latin and Old English), there is a great difference in spelling words. Besides English contains a lot of synonyms that make a tiny sense for learners, or seem to be an opposition in using
Problem 3. Grammatical structures
For most of English learners the grammar of English is totally effortful. Grammatical rules and vocabulary take a lot of time to be mastered. Even native speakers say the grammar is notoriously problematic.
English includes quite a few grammar tenses. Especially beginners get baffled not having direct interpretations in their own language. And word arranging is a real struggle.
Not having practice with native speakers makes learning process quite ineffective. As students don’t perceive English speech by ear without real communication. And, listening tasks are not always enough helpful.
Nevertheless, grammar is crucial while studying the language. It means it should be learned since the start of your learning the language. The set of grammar rules and structures provides students speak correctly.
Problem 4. Collocations and slang
For sure, English-speaking people speak informal language. For foreigners it’s definitely hard to pick up the different meanings of the common words. You can get confused without mastering all these nuances. For example the phrase;”You rock!” doesn’t mean somebody to be a rock.It means somebody to be great or kind like that.
Problem 5. Phrasal verbs and idioms
Phrasal verbs are combinations of verbs and prepositions or adverbs. Idioms are widely used expressions used figuratively not literally. Without knowing the right meaning of them you can get bewildered and stuck.
Problem 6. Detection of sounds
Deficiency of phonemic listening makes studying English knotty. It affects students’ capacity to utter words in the right way. It is so ‘cause Ukrainian doesn’t contain similar letters and sounds. Detecting the distinction in pronunciation can take lots of practice to achieve the required skills
Problem 7. Rapid speech
Native speakers speak quite quickly that makes misunderstanding of what they are saying for Ukrainian learners. ELS need to be communicated in a slower pace as English/American people seem to swallow endings of words. So their speech sounds misarticulate for foreigners.
Problem 8. Incomprehension of accents
A great variety of English accent is extant throughout English-speaking countries. In respect that fact understanding of English speech is rather grueling for non-natives. Sometimes it is tough for native speakers to get it ‘cause the accent is unlike in non-identical in all of English-speaking countries. So what is to say about newly-arrived immigrants or just visitors? They get conflicted trying to speak in a perfect way but citizens misunderstand foreigns as they have their own accent as well. English of non-native speakers is definitely hard to be understood. The incorrect accent makes communication totally difficult, particularly in different spheres of business, including industry, manufacturing, agriculture etc. While a native speaker speaks English fluently and masterly, his/her business partner is into poor English, which makes negotiation go in unclear and confusing way.
Nonetheless, you should not give up learning English as it is the instrument of international communication and interaction. You should take attention to all aspects of that. Grammar skills are necessary to speak and write literately. Reading skills are required for reading on your own. And, of course, vocabulary is needed to express yourself clearly and perceive others’ speech. All the mentioned play a vital role in become proficient and get the profound knowledge of the language. Moreover, with those experiences you can meet new people all over the world, get an opportunity to study and live abroad, get a top job and be promoted and access to multiply countries.
Authors- Suryanto, Zahra eka sari,“Difficulties and strategies in learning English”.
Author-SJI Pazmino,”methodological guide to facilitate the learning of English in middle-aged adults”.
Author- Patsy M. Lightbown, Nina spade,
“How languages are learned”.