Директорська контрольна робота для 11 класу

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Директорська контрольна робота для 11 класу містить завдання по умовних реченнях 1,2,3 типів, пасивний стан, пряму і непряму мову та інші завдання
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FORM 11      SEMESTER WRITING            V-1

  1. Complete the sentences, using Reported Speech and Passive Voice:

Reported Speech:

  1. “I live in the centre”. → She told me that she ...  .
  2. “We're meeting Toni at 8 o'clock.” → She said that they ... .
  3. ”She worked in this  school last year”. → He told that she … .

Passive Voice:

  1. The police  locked  up  the  criminals. →
  2. The  delegation will  meet the visitors  at  the  airport. →
  3. The  boy  is  eating  the  cake. →

2. Choose the best word to complete each sentences:

a)When did your (occupation / employment) with this company begin?

b)So, would you like to arrange a loan with our bank, Mr Johnson?

- I thought it was a great (opportunity / occasion / possibility) to get some work experience.

 c) And on some (opportunities / possibilities / occasions) I was left on my own as the person in charge of the whole of this enormous hotel.

d) When models pose for an artist, they have to stay…(still / frozen )

e) These photos really bring  the  subjects (with / to) life.

f) The author  dedicated  his first  novel  (to / at ) his  father.

3.Conditional Sentences type I, II and III - fill in the correct forms.
1. If I hear a thief, I_______________  (catch) him.
2. He would go to the cinema if he _______________ (have) more time.
3. I  (phone) her if I knew her number.
4. If they were rich, they___________________  (stay) at a hotel.
5. I would have been glad if he________________  (visit) me in hospital.
6. I would pass the exam if I _________________ (study) harder.

4.Write about your future profession.-Who influenced your decision?- What are advantages and disadvantages of your future profession?

FORM 11      SEMESTER WRITING 1            V-2

1.  Complete the sentences, using Reported Speech and Passive Voice:

Reported Speech:

A)  “My dad ran a marathon at the age of 65” . → She told me that her  dad…  .

B)  “I've written three pages of the report”. → He said that he …. .

C)  “I will  join  an  animal  shelter  project  next  week”. → He said that he  … .

Passive Voice:

D)  Many  people  begin  new  projects  in January. →

E)  The  robbers  made  up  the  story. →

F)  The  dentist  is  cleaning  the  woman”s  teeth. →

2.Choose the best word to complete each sentence

A) I plan to have a long (career / occupation) in advertising, but I know I will have to work hard to succeed.

b)The annual (salary / money) for this job is £35,000 a year.

c) I’vegot a holiday job, delivering newspapers. The (salary / pay) is quite good. It’s £5.00 an hour.

d) There  seems  to  be a problem (in / with ) my camera; it won’t  take photographs.

e) The sculptor  was  very pleased  ( by / with ) his finished  statue.

f) Is  there anything  good  ( on / at ) TV tonight?

3.Conditional Sentences type I, II and III - fill in the correct forms.

1. If she explains the situation to him, he _____________ (understand) it.
2. If we had gone to London, we_____________  (see) the Tower.
3. I will have to invite Bob if I ____________ (invite) Linda.
4. If I did not visit him, he  __________________________(be) angry.
5. If he had offered me the job, I ____________________ (take) it.
6. If it _________________________________ (stop) raining, we will play tennis.

4.Write about your future profession.-Who influenced your decision?- What are advantages and disadvantages of  your future profession?

10 грудня 2022
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