Додаткові матеріали для вивчення теми "The United States of America"

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Перегляд файлу


Most visitors to Los Angeles, California, come to see Beverly Hills. This is where are situated the homes of the movie stars. But Beverly Hills is not Los Angeles. It is a small city next to Los Angeles.

All kinds of celebrities live in Beverly Hills. They are movie stars, television stars, sports stars, or other people in the news. Tourists can buy special maps for the homes of the stars. These homes are very beautiful. They usually have swimming pools and tennis courts. But sometimes you can't see very much. The homes have high walls or trees around them.

Beverly Hills is also famous for the Rodeo Drive Street. This is one of the most expensive shopping streets in the United States. Rodeo Drive started to be an elegant street in the 1960s. Many famous stores were opened here. People liked all the new styles and fashions they could buy. Today you can find the most expensive and unusual clothing, jewelry and furniture in the Rodeo Drive Street. Rodeo Drive is a very special street. When you want to park your car in public parking, an attendant will come and park your car for you.

Beverly Hills is really a small city. Only about 35 000 people live there. But every day more than 200 000 people come to Beverly Hills to work or to shop!


EXERCISE 1. Translate the following words and word-combinations:

Movie star, celebrity, to be famous for smth., expensive, store, fashion, unusual, jewelry, attendant.

EXERCISE 2. Answer the following questions:

1. Why is Beverly Hills famous?

2. What can you find there?

3. Who lives there?

4. How many people live in Beverly Hills?

5. How many people come there during the day?

EXERCISE 3. Finish the sentences:

1. All kinds of celebrities live … .

2. The homes have high walls or … .

3. Beverly Hills is also famous for … .

4. Every day ………. come to Beverly Hills to work or to shop!

5. Today you can find the most expensive and unusual clothing, jewelry and furniture … .

EXERCISE 4. Make a plan for the text and try to retell it according to the plan.








До підручника
Англійська мова (9-й рік навчання, рівень стандарту) 10 клас (Карпюк О.Д.)
19 грудня 2022
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