English - a language of the world

Про матеріал
Мета: Освітня: розширити знання учнів про країни світу, національності та мови. Практична: формувати вміння співставляти, аналізувати та порівнювати,. Розвиваюча: розвиток монологічного та діалогічного мовлення, навичок аудіювання. Виховна: виховувати любов до вивчення іноземних мов.
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English - a language of the world



Освітня: розширити знання учнів про країни світу, національності та мови.

Практична: формувати  вміння співставляти, аналізувати та порівнювати,.

Розвиваюча: розвиток монологічного та діалогічного мовлення, навичок аудіювання.

Виховна: виховувати любов до вивчення іноземних мов.




I.  Організація навчального процесу. Повідомлення теми та мети.

 Good Morning children, glad to see you. My dears, the motto of our lesson will be the famous proverb. I’d like you to find it out.


So many languages you know so many times you are a person (man)


  • How do you understand this proverb?
  • Do you agree with it?

II. Актуалізація опорних знань.

Today we are going to talk about different languages in the world

So, let’s revise the names of different countries, their nationalities and languages. But before it, I want you to look at these rules and answer my questions.


Word stress and nationalities (slide 3)


  Most nationalities are formed from the names of the countries adding sufixe  -ian, e.g. Argentinian, Brazilian, Italian.


  A lot of nationalities end in -ish, e.g. British, English, Irish, Scottish, Spanish.


• A few nationalities end in -ese, e.g. Chinese, Portuguese, Japanese. The stress is always on the -ese sound.


  There are also a few exceptions, e.g. French (from France), Welsh from Wales), Dutch (from the Netherlands), Arabic (from many Arabic countries).

  The word for the language is often the same as for the nationality, i.e. German, Portuguese, Japanese, Spanish.


Development  of pronunciation (slide 4)

1  Brazil; Brazilian; Portuguese

2  Austria; Austrian: German

3  Wales: Welsh; Welsh

4  Japan: Japanese: Japanese

5  the Netherlands; Dutch; Dutch

6  Egypt; Egyptian: Arabic

7  Argentina; Argentinian; Spanish

8  Poland; Polish; Polish

9  Switzerland; Swiss; Romansh, Italian, German, French

10 Ukraine: Ukrainian, Ukrainian.


Показую прапори різних країн. Учні називають країну, національність та мову.


III. Відтворення  і корекція  опорних знань учнів.


What do you think the countries marked  with dark colour on the map have in common? (slide 5)

(English is the first and official language there. It is the mother tongue and the official language. English in these countries is the first language that children learn from their childhood. )


What about these countries?   We see that English is also spoken in many other countries as well and is the official language in them. What are these countries and where are they? Why is English the official language in them?


I can give you a helping hand if it is necessary. English is the primary language of the USA, UK, Canada, Australia, Ireland, New Zealand, and various Caribbean and Pacific island nations. It is also an official language of India, the Philippines and many sub-Saharan African countries.

These countries once were British colonies and the English brought their language and culture there.


 English is the official or semiofficial language in these countries that means that it is used by  government, by  schools.



IV. Читання та обговорення.


Now, be ready to read the information about English. After that you will have some questions. Those pupils who answer them will get key words. With the help of them  you will be able to complete the  question of the next task. (How many languages are in the world?)


(slide 6)There are approximately 450 million native English speakers around  the world, in about 70 countries. Just to compare that with other languages, there are 885 million native speakers of Mandarin Chinese. But in the case of Mandarin Chinese people do not generally speak it outside China. This means that, at the moment, it is not really a world language in the same way as English. There are probably a billion people learning English as  their second language. That’s almost one fifth of the world’s population   China   alone produces over 20 million English speakers a year!

 For better or worse, English has become the most global of languages, the

 Language of business, science, education, politics, and pop music. For the airlines of 157   countries   (out  of 168 in the world), it is the agreed international language of discourse. For example, in India there are more than 3,000 newspapers in English.



  • Now look at these figures. What do they mean? For every right answer you will get a key word.
  • For example, 168 is the number of airlines in the world.

450 million – the number of native English speakers around  the world,

70 – the number of countries where English is the native language

885 million – the number of native speakers of Mandarin Chinese.

a billion – the number of people learning English as  their second language

157the number of countries where English is the agreed international language of discourse.

3000 - the number of English newspapers in India.


  • Can we say that English is one of the most widespread languages in the world?
  • Yes, we can. According to these figures it is really one of the most widespread languages.


So, have you completed the question of our next task?

Yes, you are right.


(How many languages are in the world?)


V. Аудіювання.


Let’s watch the Video to answer this question and be ready to do the comprehension check 

After video pupils work with tasks in written form.(6 tasks)


Comprehension check

 Choose the correct answers.

1   How many languages are there in the world?

a) about 600   b) about 6,000   c) about 16,000

2   Which of these is an English-speaking country?

 a) Thailand    b) Austria    c) New Zealand

3   Where is there a lot of English?

a) on the internet    b) on the radio   c) on TV


 Match questions 1-6 with answers a-f.


1   What are the world's most common first languages?___

2   How many people speak English as a foreign language? _

3   How many books has the Oxford English Dictionary got?___

4  Which countries have got different words for crisps?___

5   Which countries pronounceyogi//t in different ways?___

6  What do people usually do when they don't understand a word?___



a The UK and the USA.

b 20.

c Australia and the UK.

d Mandarin Chinese and Spanish.

e Use a dictionary.

f  Over750 million.

VI. Розвиток діалогічного мовлення.


Now you will  be given different texts for every group.

 1 group                               2 group

Every group has a text about the Piraha tribe with missing information. They have to ask questions to complete it.



The Piraha tribe

The story is about a small tribe called the Piraha who live in the Amazon, in Brazil. What's unusual about this tribe is their language. This is a fascinating tribe.

 Only 200 people speak Piraha, and it only has ten or eleven different sounds.

We usually say that there are 44 different sounds in English.

Ten or eleven sounds because the men use eleven and the women use ten.

The Piraha people don't have any words for numbers. They don't count.

They have only three words to count: 'one', 'two' and 'many' Another professor tried to teach them other numbers, but it was impossible. He gave them math lessons for eight months, but they didn't learn how to count.  It isn't really that they can't. It's just that they don't want to, or they don't need to. For the Piraha and their culture, it just isn't important.

    There are no tenses in the Piraha language. They never talk about any moment except the present. They never tell stories. Stories don't exist in Piraha.

They don't even talk about their families much. They have one word for both mother and father, and one word for brother or sister. There are no words for grandfather, grandmother, or cousins or uncles.

Their language is very simple purely because their lives are very simple. They live for the moment. They only exist now. They have no need to express some of the things that other languages express.



By the way, every British has a vocabulary of between 10000 and 15000 words.

People from the Piraha tribe have only ten or eleven sounds.

How do you think, how many English words  do you know?

So, you are somewhere in the middle between the British and the Piraha tribe. )))

By the way, what adjectives  can we use to describe English janguage?






Why do we study English?


More than half of the world’s scientific periodicals and eighty per cent of the information in the world’s computers are also in English. English is the main language of business. It is the language of sports: the official language of the Olympics.

Knowledge of the foreign language is becoming more important nowadays. There are many reasons why we study English. If you know English, you can communicate (personally or in writing) with others who use this language.

If you wish to make a career in science, you must read scientific books and magazines in English. Knowing English you can read the works of foreign writers in original. Knowledge of foreign languages helps people of different countries to develop friendship and understanding.


  • a language of business, science
  • it's the official voice of the air and sea
  • a language of tourists
  • a language of communication
  • a language of foreign literature
  • a language of foreign culture
  • a language of computers and Internet


Розвиток діалогічного мовлення.

1. How long have you been learning English?

2. When and where did you begin learning English?

 3. Are you forced to study foreign languages?

4. Do you encourage your parents to study English?

5. Do you learn English only at school?

6.Do you read anything in English? Have you read any English books?

7. Do you watch films in English, listen to music?

8. In your opinion,  what is the most difficult thing in mastering English?

9. What do you do to speak English better?



The easiest way to learn a foreign language is:

to have a good textbook

to have a good teacher

to go to an English – speaking country

to have an English – speaking pen friend

to chat on the Internet

to phone your friends abroad

to read English books and youth magazines

to read labels and instructions on everything you buy

to watch videos and films in English

to listen to the radio and TV musical programmes


VII. Узагальнення та систематизація.


Learning a foreign language takes a lot of time, patience and efforts

Reasons to study English. Try to persuade me to study English

  • To get a better well-paid  job in the future
  • To do business
  • Travel abroad
  • Read foreign writers in the original which makes your outlook wider
  • To be well-educated person
  • In order to understand foreigners
  • Half of the world’s scientific literature
  • The language of computer technology
  • It is a subject in the curriculum
  • To study at a university/college
  •  To study/ work or  live abroad
  • To read books, magazines and newspapers in English
  • To understand films and songs in English
  • To communicate with people of the world
  • It is a chance to meet new people and friends

Use  these rays to make the sun


Describe a personal experience that became very  comical because of communication problems.  For  example


No smoking!   - Піджак не вішати!

Let it be – Давайте їсти бджіл.

We are the champions  - Мы шампиньоны !

Are you afraid? – Ти що, Фрейд,

Birds in the skies – Птахи на лижах.

By the way – купи дорогу.

Hungry like the wolf – Угорці люблять вовків

I’ll be back – Я буду спиною


Have you heard the last speech of our President  Perto Poroshenko.


Poroshenko says 2016 to be year of English language in Ukraine, knowledge of English to be required in public service

It is necessary to develop exchange of pupils and students between educational facilities of Ukraine and foreign states where English is the main language of communication.

It is also planned to establish TV and radio programs of learning English for different categories of people and demonstrate movies in English with Ukrainian subtitles.


So, you will have a great opportunity to keep studying.



VIII. Підсумок. Повідомлення домашнього завдання.

 Now let’s sum up all these reasons

 We are finishing our lesson. Can you sum it up and remember why we call English the World Language.

 I wish you success in learning English .It is a long and hard work to learn languages and only those who never stops will succeed. So remember the words of the famous English language methodologist  Palmer “Learning English has a beginning but no end.”


Your homework is to write a language biography.


That seems to be all for today. I’m happy to see we have done a good bit of work during this lesson

I’m satisfied with your work


Thank you, Good bye.

Interesting Facts about English


1)  The longest English word that can be spelled without repeating any letters is ‘uncopyrightable’.


2) The following sentence contains all 26 letters of the alphabet: "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog."

3) The shortest complete sentence in English is the following. "I am."

4) The longest English word without a true vowel (a, e, i, o or u) is "rhythm".

5)  Scolionophobia” –It means to have fear of School, hope you don’t have it.


6)  ‘Queueing’ is the only word with five consecutive vowels (five vowels in a row).

7) The most difficult tongue twister in the English language is “sixth sick sheik’s sixth sheep’s sick”. Why not try it out on your friends and see if any of them can say it without making a mistake?

8) The only word in the English language with a triple letter is ”Goddessship”

9) “Was it a car or a cat I saw” – is the only full English sentence that, when read it reverse, will be the same

10) “Scraunched” is the longest English word with one syllable.



The most Interesting Facts About English

  1. The word "bookkeeper" (along with its associate "bookkeeping") is the only unhyphenated English word with three consecutive double letters. Other such words, like "sweet-toothed", require a hyphen to be readily readable.
  2. The word "triskaidekaphobia" means "extreme fear of the number 13". This superstition is related to "paraskevidekatriaphobia", which means "fear of Friday the 13th".
  3. This sentence is often used to test typewriters or keyboards.
  4. The following sentence contains seven identical words in a row and still makes sense. "It is true for all that that that that that that that refers to is not the same that that that that refers to." (= It is true for all that, that that "that" which that "that" refers to is not the same "that" which that "that" refers to.)


5. The following sentence contains seven different spellings of the sound “ee”: ‘He believed Caesar could see people seizing the seas’.

7. The longest word in English has 45 letters: ‘pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis’! It is a type of lung disease caused by inhaling ash and sand dust.


9. ‘Queueing’ is the only word with five consecutive vowels (five vowels in a row).

12. ‘Pronunciation’ is the word which is most mispronounced in the English language!


15. Approximately one new word is added to the English language every two hours and around 4,000 new words are added to the English dictionary every year.


There are approximately 450 million native English speakers around  the world, in about 70 countries. Just to compare that with other languages, there are 885 million native speakers of Mandarin Chinese. But in the case of Mandarin Chinese people do not generally speak it outside China. This means that, at the moment, it is not really a world language in the same way as English. There are probably a billion people learning English as  their second language. That’s almost one fifth of the world’s population   China   alone produces over 20 million English speakers a year!

 For better or worse, English has become the most global of languages, the

 Language of business, science, education, politics, and pop music. For the airlines of 157   countries   (out  of 168 in the world), it is the agreed international language of discourse. For example, in India there are more than 3,000 newspapers in English


Схематичний план уроку

Хід уроку

  1. Організація навчального процесу. Повідомлення теми та мети. (3хв)
  2.  II. Актуалізація опорних знань. (5 хв)
  3. III. Відтворення  і корекція  опорних знань учнів. (5 хв )
  4. Читання та обговорення. (8 хв)
  5. Аудіювання. Відео. (7 хв)
  6. Розвиток діалогічного мовлення.(5 хв)
  7. Узагальнення та систематизація.(7 хв)
  8. Підсумок. Повідомлення домашнього завдання. (3 хв)


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