English reading for children

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Reading texts + exercises 











 Hello! My name is Mary. I’m eight years old. I live in Kiev, in Ukraine. I have a sister and a brother. My sister’s name is Ann. My brother’s name is Dan. We live with our mum and dad. I have a puppy. His name is Pyshistik. Nice to meet you!





Test yourself

  1.  Mary is …
  1.   7 years old b) 8 years old  c) 10 years old
  1. She has …
  1.   one sister and one brother          b) one brother                 c) two sisters and one brother
  1. Mary has a …
  1.   little cat    b) little dog   c) little parrot


Answer the questions

  1.  Where does Mary live?
  2.  What is Mary’s sister name?
  3.  What is Mary’s brother name?

Play a game!

Free Stock Photo of Golden retriever with woman Created by MerelizeFree Stock Photo of Love me Created by linda kwokFree Stock Photo of Cow with horns Created by 2happyFree Stock Photo of Maltese dog sitting on wooden box Created by MerelizePictureCount the dogs!

Grey Chartreaux Cat With Red and White Party Hat and Licking Nose
Dog Wearing Black SunglassesCats or dogs?


Everyone likes dogs or cats. They are our friends. What do they like to eat? Cats like fish and milk. Dogs like meat and sausage. Do you like cats or dogs? Every morning you need to walk with dogs. And cats can scratch your sofa! But we love them. They are our family!

Test yourself

  1. What do the cats like?
  1.   fish and milk          b) meat          c) milk and sausage


  1. What do you need to do with dogs every morning?  

a) sleep                        b) love           c) walk

Answer the questions

  1. Do you like cats or dogs?
  2.  Have you got a pat?
  3.  (If you have) Do you like your pet?

Play a game!

Результат пошуку зображень за запитом "draw a cat"Draw a cat


Пов’язане зображенняI don’t like apples!


Do you know Isaac Newton’s story? He is a famous scientist. One day he sat under the tree and thought a lot… And the apple fell on his head! He understood that everything falls on the ground because of gravity! Some years after, he became very famous. What did he say when the apple fell on his head? “Now I don’t like apples anymore, but thanks!”.


Answer the questions

  1. What fell on the Isaac Newton’s head?
  2. Was he happy?

Test yourself

  1. Isaac Newton is a famous …
  1.   doctor   b) teacher    c) scientist
  1.  Everything falls on the ground because of …
  1.   apples   b) gravity    c) sun

Результат пошуку зображень за запитом "apple rhyme preschool"Rhyme time














A bad dream

Kitten Lying on SurfaceHi! I’m a little kitten. My name’s Mimi.  Every day I wake up at seven o’clock, wash my face and body. Then I have a breakfast. I like to eat a cream or fish and drink some milk. I can drink a black tea too! I like it very much!                                           Today I woke up at six o’clock. I had I bad dream. Mary, my owner, said: “Don’t be afraid. I’m with you. Everything is OK.” I wasn’t afraid anymore. I was happy.                             Mary always helps me. She loves me very much. We live together in a flat. We sleep together, eat together, walk together. It’s good to have a family!

Answer the questions

  1. What is kitten’s name?
  2. Is a kitten big or small?
  3. Do you like kittens?


Test yourself

  1. Mimi usually wakes up at … o’clock.
  1.   8      b) 7     c) 6
  1. Which tea does Mimi drink?
  1.   black     b) green    c) white
  1.  Who always helps Mimi?
  1.   dog     b) mother    c) Mary

Результат пошуку зображень за запитом "how many cats worksheet"Play a game!

Where is my mum?

Результат пошуку зображень за запитом "мамонтенок"Hi! I’m a little mammoth. I don’t know where is my mum! Where is she? Is she at home? No. Is she at the shop? No. Is she at work? No. I don’t know how to find her!                                                                      

“Mum! Mommy! Where are you?” – I say again and again.                                                                                                                                            

“I’m here, my little son! I’m here!” – said a voice behind me.                                                                                                                              

Результат пошуку зображень за запитом "мамонтенок"I know, it’s my mum. I see her! I found her! She is so happy to find me! Don’t be lost! Don’t forget about your telephone!Remember your mum’s or dad’s number!              

Answer the questions

  1.  Is mammoth’s mum at home? 
  2.  Is a little mammoth lost?
  3.  Did he find his mum?

Test yourself

Complete the sentences

  1. (do not) … be lost!
  2. I (do not) … know how to find her!
  3. (I am) … a little mammoth.

Результат пошуку зображень за запитом "mammoth worksheet"Play a game!

Princess in Dublin

Картинки по запросу little princess color

Hello! My name is Ann. I live in Ireland, in Dublin.                                                                       I am eight years old. I live with my mother and father.                            I have got sister and brother. I have got a cat, Sam. I like my doll, my ball and a teddy.                                           I go to school. I have got a pen, pencil, rubber and a book. I have got a sandwich, chocolate bar, banana, apple and orange juice in my bag. I love my school, family and cat very much!

Test yourself

  1. Ann is … years old.
  1.   seven     b) nine     c) eight
  1. Ann lives with …
  1.   brother and sister  b) mother     c) mother and father

Write       or 

  1.  Ann is a princess
  2.  She is seven years old
  3.  Ann lives with mother and aunt.
  4.  She hasn’t got a sister.
  5.  She has got a cat.
  6. Ann likes her teddy.
  7. She goes to school.
  8. Ann has got a pen, pencil and a book.

Rhyme time

Результат пошуку зображень за запитом "princess rhymes"









Картинки по запросу parts of the houseDina’s house


Hello! My name is Dina and this is my house. There is a bathroom with the shower and a toilet and two bedrooms upstairs. There is a hall, a living-room with a dining-room and a kitchen downstairs.                                                                                                                  I am in the kitchen with my brother. We make cookies. My father is in the dining-room with my little sister. My grandmother is in my little sister’s bedroom. We don’t have a basement, a balcony and a garage. We don’t have a car. We have a little garden.                                                                                                                                              I am wearing a red sweater and jeans. Can you find me?


  1. Fill in the blanks (_______)


Hello! My name is ______. I am in the _________ with my brother. My _______________ is in my little sister’s bedroom. My father is in the _________________ with my little sister. We don’t have a ______, a __________ and a ________. We have a little ________. I am wearing a red sweater and _______. Can you find me?

  1. Tests

1. Dina is in the … 

a) kitchen    b) bathroom      c) bedroom

2. Dina with her brother make … 

a) cake    b) ice-cream       c) cookies

3. Dina is wearing a …  sweater.

a) blue    b) pink         c) red

Do you like summer?

What season of the year do you like? Summer? Winter? Autumn? Spring?                                                        I have a friend. Her name’s Sandra. She loves summer. The weather is cool. It’s hot and, so, you can sunbathe. The wind isn’t strong. People are laying on the beach or swimming in the sea. In the evening tourists take photos on the sunset and painters paint the beautiful view of the sea. Everyone is happy, especially children and students. They don’t need to go to schools or universities. They can just lay on the beach and relax.                             Be careful! The sun can be really dangerous! Don’t forget to take your sun cream! Enjoy your holidays, but always remember that you should be careful!


Answer the questions with YOUR answers:

  1. What season of the year do you like?
  2. What do you like to do in summer?
  3. What do you prefer: sunbathing or swimming?


Night always comes after a day. Everything is sleeping. Birds are sleeping in the forest; the sun is sleeping too. Sometimes it’s raining at night. The weather isn’t hot; it isn’t cold too. You can see the moon. It’s beautiful and bright. There’re millions of stars in the sky. Sometimes they’re falling from the night sky and we can see them. Some people seat in the kitchen, drink coffee or tea and think about life at night. Some people just have a rest, they sleep and see dreams.                                           Why the Night always comes after the Day? Because the Day wants to rest, to sleep, as we want in the late evening. And the Night always helps to the Day because they’re friends. The Day can’t live without the Night, and the Night can’t live without the Day.


Translate the words into Ukrainian/Russian:

Night, moon, kitchen, life, dream, people, friends.

A painter

Every day I saw a girl near my house. She was a painter. She painted a beautiful picture of the bouquet of roses on the wall of the old house. In this house lived an old woman.                             Her name was Lara. She was a veteran of the World War II. I didn’t understand why this girl paints a bouquet of roses on the wall of Mrs. Lara’s house.                                                                                     One day I went to this girl and asked her: “Why do you do this?”                                                                                                                                                                         She answered: “I haven’t got money to buy her a bouquet of roses, so I paint it!”

The next day I went to Mrs. Lara’s house with a bouquet of the real roses. The lady was surprised. I said to her: “Mrs. Lara, thank you!”. She was happy. I was happy too.


Name at least three world famous painters or pictures.

The Disneyland in Paris!

 Do you know that there’s the Disneyland in Paris, in France?                              The Disneyland is a beautiful park. There’re a lot of different locations there: Disneyland Park, Walt Disney Studios Park, Disney Village and eight hotels.                                                        There, in the Disneyland, in Paris, you can meet your favourite Disney Characters, watch colourful parades and interesting shows. You can also eat your favourite food in more than 50 restaurants. The Disneyland is interesting for all family!

Результат пошуку зображень за запитом "disneyland in paris"Результат пошуку зображень за запитом "disneyland in paris"

Answer the questions:

  1.  Do you like the Disney films? What films do you like?

Do you like dancing?

 Do you like dancing? Why?

 My name’s Emma and I like dancing very much. I like to listen to music too. Every morning I’m running on the stadium. I wake up at 6 o’clock and go running.                                           I like dancing with my friends, Sam and Katy. We go to the “Dancing Club” together.

On this photo I’m dancing too. I like different dances, but my favourite are Rumba, Cha Cha and Ballet.                                                         Is it difficult? Yes. You should train very hard and try again and again. Dancing isn’t simple, but I like it.                                           I want to be a professional dancer. This is my dream.


Say: True (YES) or False (NO)?

  1. Emma don’t like dancing.
  2. She wakes up at 6 o’clock.
  3. Dancing is simple.
  4. Emma wants to be a teacher.


Do you have a friend? Is it your classmate? What’s his/her name? How old is she? Is he/she tall? Is he/she clever? Do you have your friend’s telephone number?                             Friends aren’t only people. Do you have a dog/cat or a parrot? Can a dog be your friend?                            Dog is always with you when you sad. When you want to cry, dog is always near you.                                                                       What about cats? Cats are our friends too. They like when we pet them.                                                                                                                 And parrots? Parrots are very beautiful. Big parrots are clever. They can talk and say a lot of words. They can be funny too.                                                                                                   Some people leave their pats (dog or cats) on the street. These dogs and cats cry, they’re sad. It’s very cold in winter and they don’t have any clothes (like we, people, have). Cats and dogs are hungry. They want to find a new friend. We shouldn’t live them on the street! They’re our friends!


  1. Результат пошуку зображень за запитом "dogs and cats worksheets"Answer to the questions in the text.





The best evening

 What do you do in the evening? Do you read? Do you write? Do you watch a film?                                                                                                                               I like watching cartoons in the evening. My favourite cartoons are “Tom and Jerry” and “Scooby Doo”.              I like eating a cake in the evening too. I like chocolate cakes very much.                             My mum often makes me a popcorn and I watch cartoons and films with it. Sometimes I watch them on TV, sometimes on my laptop.                                                                                     When I don’t want to sleep, I often play games. I like “Minecraft” very much. I like “Warcraft” too.                             Cartoons, cakes, games - this is the best evening.


  1. Name TWO cartons from the text.
  2. Name TWO games from the text.
  3. Fill in the gaps:

What ___ you do in the evening? I like watch___ cartoons __ the evening. I like eat___ a cake.

Beautiful people

Do you think that people are beautiful? Why? Look around. Is your friend or classmate beautiful? Yes? Why not?                                                                                                                 I have two friends, Linda and Jane. They’re beautiful. They are not tall; they are not thin. Jane has got blue eyes and Linda has got brown. They do not like math. They like reading books.               My classmates say that they are boring. Linda has a scar on her face. Jane is very shy.                                                         Are they beautiful? Yes. Why? Because they are my friends. All my friends are beautiful… for me.

Answer the questions

  1. Have you got a best friend? What is his/her name?
  2. Do you have friends in school? What is his/her name?


Do you like autumn?

Autumn is beautiful. Leaves are red, yellow and green. The weather is warm. Sometimes it’s raining.                             Pupils learn at schools. Students learn at universities. All people work.                                                         Do you like walking in the park?                                                                                     You can take good photos in the leaves. You can draw a picture too.                                                                                                                                                           A lot of birds fly to warm countries. It is cold in Ukraine in the late autumn and winter. Birds say “Goodbye” and fly away.                                                                                                                               I don’t like autumn because I’m learning at school! I don’t like rain too. I want summer!


  1. What season of the year do you like?
  2. Complete the sentences with the words from the text

Leaves are ____, _____ and ____. Sometimes it’s ____. You ___ take good ___ in the ___. Birds say “______”.

What colour is your cup?

 What colour is your cup?   My cup is yellow.                My mum doesn’t like yellow, she likes pink. Her cup is pink              My dad doesn’t like yellow and pink. He likes green. His cup is green.                                                                       I have a friend, Sofia. She likes purple. Her cup is purple.                                                                                                                                                                                       I have another friend, Daniel. He likes black. His cup is black.                                                                                                                                                                                       My granny, Mia, likes red. Her cup is red.                                                         My aunt Lora likes orange. Her cup is orange.                             My uncle Tom likes blue. His cup is blue.                                                         What colour do you like?


Answer the questions in the text.




 What food do you like? Do you like meat? Do you like salad? Do you like desserts? Do you like cola?                                                                                                   I like “Borsch” very much. “Borsch” is a very tasty red soup with meat, potato, cabbage, onion, beetroot and spices.                                                         My mum likes salad “Grybnaia poliana’.  The ingredients are: mushrooms, potato, beef, cheese, potatoes, eggs, green onion and mayonnaise.                                                                                                                                                                         My granny likes patties with apples. I like them too. They are very tasty and sweet. I like patties with cherries too.                                          


  1. Name your three favourite dishes.
  2. What food does your mum like? And dad?


Результат пошуку зображень за запитом "underground"Subway or underground?

Do you know what is a subway? Subway is a train under the ground, under streets and roads. Why people sometimes say “Subway” and why they sometimes say “Underground”?                                                         “Underground” we say in the United Kingdom (where the Queen Elizabeth II lives).                                                                                                   In the UK, people sometimes say “Tube” too, because the train goes in a tunnel called “tube”.                                                         “Subway” (sub= under / way= road) we say in the USA (America).                                                                                                                                                           In the USA, people sometimes say a “Metro” when they talk about underground in Paris, Moscow, Madrid, Shanghai, Beijing. BUT! They use "subway" for OTHER cities like Tokyo, Seoul, Glasgow (city in the UK).

Be careful with word “Subway” in Britain!

In the Great Britain, "subway" is a way that is under the ground (when you want to cross a road or street).

Interesting facts about girls and boys!

What do you know about girls?   1. Girls hear better than boys when they are little.                                                                                    2. Girls know more names of dishes, colours, types of clothes than boys.                                                                                      3. Girls are more afraid of spiders than boys.                                          4. Girls’ hearts beat faster that boys’.                                                                      5. Girls are very emotional and imaginative.                             And what do you know about boys?

  1. Boys like girls who can cook or bake.   
  2. Boys don’t like asking for help.
  3. Boys don’t like shopping for hours.
  4. Boys lie to their friends, boss, or parents ≈ 6 times a day, while girls only ≈ 3.             
  5. Boys often start a dialog and girls finish it.

Answer the question:

Do you agree with these facts?

Funny slang words

 What is slang? For example, “kartofel”. Do we say “kartofel” every day? No. We say “kartoha” or “kartoshka” or “kartoshichka”. Words “kartoha”, “kartoshka” or “kartoshichka” are slang words (every day, modern word. Every language (Russian, Ukrainian, Spanish, English) have slang words.                                                                       Slang words in English:

  1. Ace – cool, very good (The football match is very good. It is ace!)
  2. Brill – brilliant, very good (This cartoon is bril!)
  3. Doddle – easy (This homework is doodle!). 
  4. Jolly (jolly good) – good (Have a jolly Christmas!).
  5. Pass – I don’t know (- The answer is…? - I pass!)
  6. Quite – 100%, absolutely (She is quite a beautiful girl).
  7. Uni -  university


Answer the question:

How many NEW slang words are in the text?

A watch

 A watch is a clock that we wear on our hands. Do you have a watch? What colour is it? Do you have a classic or a smart watch?                                                                                                                        Now there are a lot of smart watches. Some people buy classical watches, some people buy smart watches.                                                                                                                               All watches are beautiful.                                                                                                                 My watch is pink. My mum’s watch is black.                                           Where you can buy it? You can buy it in the Internet or ask your parents to buy for you a watch.


Результат пошуку зображень за запитом "what time is it worksheets"Say what time is it?






Like or dislike?

 Like or dislike?     We often klick on like or dislike in Facebook, Vkontakte, Odnoklassniki and Instagram.                                           What is “like”? What is “dislike”?                                                                                                   “Like” means that you like                             (◕‿◕) something (photo, video or post).                                                         “Dislike” means that you DON’T like ( -_- ) something (photo, video or post).                                                                                                                               Do you often klick “dislike”?                                                                                                   A lot of people don’t klick “dislike”. They klick “like” or don’t klick nothing.                                                                                                                               I don’t klick “dislike” too. I klick “like”, “like”, “like” and… “like”!                                                                                                                                           

Результат пошуку зображень за запитом "like worksheet"Exercises


My perfect holiday

 I am going on holiday with my sister Allie to Spain.                We are going to swim in the ocean, drink cocktails and sunbathe.                                                                                     Allie is going to buy souvenirs for our parents. I am going to buy for my mum a beautiful Spanish hat “Sombrero”. For my dad, I am going to buy a magnet.                             With Allie, we are going to eat traditional Spanish food, wear traditional Spanish clothes and sing traditional Spanish songs.                                                                                                                                                           We are going to live in Madrid. This city is very beautiful. I am going to buy two new T-shirts and a dress and Allie is going to buy two dresses and a T-shirt.                                           What are we going to do in the evening? We are not going to sleep! We are going to dance all night and have fun! See you in Spain in July! Don’t forget to take your swimsuits, sun cream, flippers, hats and some water! The weather is going to be very hot!


Learn new words:

Результат пошуку зображень за запитом "summer vocabulary"


  People sometimes wear masks.   For example, on Halloween, people wear masks of wolves, witches, ghosts, vampires and monsters (such as Frankenstein).                                                                                                   Sometimes people wear masks in theater or circus. They become princesses, queens, clowns or magicians.                                                                                                                                                           In Venice, Italy, there is a festival, where people wear colourful masks and beautiful clothes. This festival is called “The Carnival of Venice”. All mask on the Carnival are very beautiful.                                                                                                                                                           Visit Italy and this Carnival!


  1. Name all the words in text with letter “W”
  2. Name all the words in text with letter “T”
  3. Name all the words in text with letter “M”  
  4. Name all the words in text with letter “A”
  5. Name all the words in text with letter “C”

Результат пошуку зображень за запитом "надя дорофеева"Nadya Dorofeeva

Nadya (Nadezhda) Dorofeeva (Ukrainian: Надія Дорофеєва) is a Ukrainian pop singer, fashion designer, and member of the group “Vremya i Steklo”.                            Nadya Dorofeeva was born 21 April 1980 in Simferopol. She liked singing and dancing. She won international singing and dance competitions in Ukraine, Bulgaria and Hungary.              She was the finalist of the TV project Chance (2005).              Now Nadya Dorofeeva lives in Kiev and sings in the group Vremya i Steklo with Aleksey Zavgorodniy (Positif).                                                                                                                                                          The group’s most popular songs are:                                                         «Песня 404» (song 404), «Навернопотомучто» (Probably because), «На Стиле» (In Style), «Back2Leto», «Тролль» (Troll), «ТОП» (TOP), and «Дим» (Smoke).


Translate the names of the songs:

“Name 505”, “Smoke”, “Troll”, “Probably because”

The history of the hot-air balloon

The hot-air balloon is a balloon which can fly with people inside.                             The first hot-air balloon flight was made by Jean-François de Rozier and François Laurent d'Arlandes on November 21, 1783, in Paris, France, in a balloon created by the Montgolfier brothers.                            The first hot-air balloon flight in the America was made from the Walnut Street in Philadelphia on January 9, 1793 by the French aeronaut Jean Pierre Blanchard.                                          Do you know that in Paris was a balloon duel?                                           In 1808, two Frenchmen were in a love-triangle with Mademoiselle Tirevit, an opera dancer, and decided to go on a duel. There were two shots. One man crashed with whole in the balloon, so another won the duel!

Результат пошуку зображень за запитом "worksheets shapes"Результат пошуку зображень за запитом "worksheets shapes"Exercise – translate!

My favourite book

Результат пошуку зображень за запитом "book review worksheets"Do you like reading? What is your favourite book?                                                                        My favourite book is The Picture of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde, Irish writer.                                                                                                                                                           This book is the Oscar Wilde’s story of a young man who sells his soul for youth and beauty.                                                                       The Picture of Dorian Gray is a fantasy novel. The story begins in the art studio of Basil Hallward.                                                         A painter thinks about his work, the portrait of Dorian Gray… And… Then read this novel! It’s very interesting!              Many years after, the novel became a classic of English literature. There’re a number of films about Dorian Gray, but the best version was made by Albert Lewin in 1945.


 Katy and Betty are sisters. They like to do a lot of things together. Katy is a pupil at school and Betty is a student at university.                             Girls often go to supermarket together, they like go on shopping too. Usually, on weekends, they wake up at 10 o’clock and have a breakfast with their parents, Lily and Dave. Betty has a blue parrot, Kira. Katy doesn’t like parrots, but she likes Kira because Betty’s parrot is very clever. Kira can say seven words: “Kuku”, “Kira”, “Lemon”, “Tea”, “Hunger”, “Bye” and “Fool”. Katy’s favourite colour is pink. Betty’s favourite colour is blue. They both like wearing dresses and high-heels. They are good sisters!

Результат пошуку зображень за запитом "family worksheets"Exercise – read and translate!




I like travelling by train. When I travel, I see a lot of different interesting places and meet new people. Sometimes I take photos.               Travelling by train is cheap and comfortable. You just buy a ticket somewhere and go there by electric or usual train. On your way, you can listen to the music in the headphones, talk with people around or just thinks about your plans, dream about your future. In train, you can even play games. If you have cards, you can invite someone to play with you or play an online card game in your smartphone. You even can sleep a little.                                                                       I can’t sleep at night when I travel by train, but it isn’t a problem for me. At night, I write my own stories or read some famous books. Sometimes I watch films at night, but I always look on the sky at night and see thousands, millions of beautiful stars. What can be better?                             I know a lot of people who enjoy travelling by car or plane, but I really enjoy travelling by train. It is cheap and interesting for a student like me!

Результат пошуку зображень за запитом "transport worksheets"Exercise:

The Sydney Opera House in Australia

The Sydney Opera House is one of the world’s most famous buildings. Designed by Danish architect Jørn Utzon, the building was opened on 20 October 1973.It was opened by Queen Elizabeth II. The opening was televised and there were fireworks and a performance of Beethoven's Symphony No. 9.                                                                                                  In the Sydney Opera House there are 1,600 performances every year including ballet, opera, theatre, dance, music, comedy and children’s shows. You can combine shows with delicious food at the Opera Kitchen and Bennelong Restaurant, or just enjoy drinks at the Opera Bar.                                                                                                                                                                        The “roof” of the building has a beautiful design, with a series of large precast concrete "shells" (see the photo).               Visit Australia and see this wonder!


Результат пошуку зображень за запитом "worksheets"Revise your knowledge!

My little doggie!

I have a dog by the name “Sugar”. I always say: “Sugar, doggy, come here!” and my little friend every time comes to me.                                                                                                   He like hugs very much. He understands when I am sad, when I am happy or angry, I don’t know how, but he really understands me!                                                                                                                               I say that my doggie is little, but it is only for me.                             Now Sugar is a tall and strong dog. He helps me to walk on the street in the evening because I almost don’t see in the evening. Sugar is my eyes.                                                                                     I found him on the street when I was only five. He was small and tired. I took him to my house and gave him this name because I really like sugar.                                                                                                   I’m not lonely, my dog isn’t lonely too. We are best friends and I’m really happy that I have my little doggie!




Play a game!

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Interesting facts about waterfalls

 What do you know about waterfalls?                                Waterfall is a place, where the water flows down with the high speed. There are many types of waterfalls.               The tallest waterfall in the world is Angel Falls in Venezuela where the water falls 979 m (3,212 ft).                                                                                                                The valley of Lauterbrunnen in Switzerland is a valley that contains 72 waterfalls.                                                                                                   Zimbabwe is home to Victoria Falls, which is such a powerful waterfall that it can be heard from more than 40 miles away.                                                                                                                                                                        Niagara Falls, which creates a natural border between Canada and the United States, is one of the most popular tourist destinations in the world. There are three waterfalls - the American Falls, Bridal Veil Falls, and the Horseshoe Falls. These falls are the most powerful in North America.              The largest waterfall in East Asia is Jiao Lung in Alishan, Taiwan.                                                                                                                                                          There is an underground waterfall in a cave in Tennessee, U.S. called Ruby Falls.                                                                                                  Some waterfalls freeze. Niagara Falls once froze completely, and the water stopped flowing.                                                                      Some of the most beautiful waterfalls in the world include those at Plitvice Lakes in Croatia, Sutherland Falls in New Zealand, Dettifoss Falls in Iceland, Gullfoss Falls in Iceland, Yosemite Falls in California, U.S., Kaieteur Falls in Guyana, Angel Falls in Venezeula, and Iguazu Falls in Brazil/Argentina.


Answer the questions after the text:

  1. What is the tallest waterfall in the world?  
  2. How many waterfalls there are in Switzerland?
  3. In which country/place located the Victoria Falls?
  4. Does the Niagara Falls creates a natural border between Canada and the United States?
  5. Is the largest waterfall in East Asia called “Jiao Lung”?
  6. Is the Ruby Falls an underground waterfall?

The Chinese culture

 A lot of people learn the Chinese language and work in China. Why?                            China is the country in East Asia. It is the largest of all Asian countries and has the largest population in the world                   (1,4 billion of people).                                                                       People from around the world learn the Chinese language because they want to work in China. In this country, they can work in IT sphere and have a good salary. English is very important too. A lot of companies need good translators and interpreters to have meeting with different companies from America, Europe or Australia.                             How do people from different countries live in the Chinese culture?                                                                                                                                                          The culture includes religion, food, style, language, marriage, music, morals and many other things.                                                         In China, there are five official religions: Buddhism, Taoism, Islam, Catholicism and Protestantism.                                                         The official language is Chinese (and its dialects).

 Like other aspects of Chinese life, cuisine is very different and exotic. From rice to fried insects – this is how people describe the food in China.                                                                                                   The largest festival —called the Spring Festival — is the beginning of the Lunar New Year. There are fireworks and parades with dancers dressed as dragons. The Moon Festival is celebrated in September or October with fireworks and beautiful paper lanterns.                                                                                    So, it is always difficult to live far away from your family and friends, but if you like the country where you live, everything will be alright!


Результат пошуку зображень за запитом "different flags"Can you find the flag of China in the photo below?







How to eat a lemon?

 Can you eat at least one lemon in 5 minutes? Lemons are very sour and people don’t like their taste. But what to do if you made a bet with your friend?                                                                                                                                             How to eat a lemon?                                                                                                                               At first, peel the lemon. Take a sharp knife (but be very careful!!!) and cut off the top and tail of the lemon. When you're peeling, try to remove white coat inside the lemon, as this is very bitter.                                                                                                                                            Cut the lemon into slices.                                                                                                                 You can sprinkle the lemon with some sugar if you want to take away some of the sourness and add some sweetness. Sprinkle one to two teaspoons (5 to 10 g) of sugar over the lemon.                                                                                                                               If you can’t it the lemon, just make a lemonade!


Name three yellow/orange fruits or berries.

Do you like the rain?

 I really like rain. I like to sleep in the morning when it’s raining. I feel very comfortable. I like walking in the park with my red umbrella.                                           The weather is great after the rain. Sometimes there’s a rainbow in the sky. Birds are singing songs in the forest. I put on my old trainers, raincoat and go outside. Small children like to run around and jump into the paddles. Their mums always say: “Don’t! Don’t jump!”, but the children don’t listen to them. They are jumping into the dirty paddles, laughing and running around their parents.                                                                                                   Sometimes you can see snails in the grass near the forest. They are very slow. What a beautiful nature we can see after the rain! That’s why I like the rain very much!


Name five things that you can see and five that you can do in the forest.


Do you like wearing jeans?

 I like wearing jeans very much. It is very comfortable to wear jeans. The oldest pair of jeans was found in 1997. It was 100 years old. The first jeans were in two colours, blue and brown.                                                                      Now there are a lot of different kinds of jeans. They can be long or short, white, blue, brown or black. There are a lot of expensive jeans with diamonds on them. They cost thousands (or millions!!!) of dollars.                                           The most expensive jeans are the original “Levi Strauss” jeans. They were sold in June 2005 and cost                    $ 60,000. The buyer was a Japanese.                                                             The word “jeans” comes from Italy, from the Italian city of Genes, where (people believe) some of the world’s first denim trousers were made.                                                         People wear jeans every day. Do you like wearing jeans?               

Результат пошуку зображень за запитом "clothes worksheets"Exercise:

Read and translate!

What is love?

Do you know what means “to love”?     

I think that “to love” means to think about one person all time, to always help this person and be happy if this person is your friend or member of your family.                                              “To love” means to understand someone’s wishes and dreams. It means to know the person you love very well and always be yourself.                                                                       “To love” means to feel the warm inside your heart when you see this person and to feel the pain when this person is far away from you.                                                                                                   We love our parents. We love our pets. When we love, we are happy. I think “love” is something like happiness.


Name four words that begin: 1. From L; 2. From O;                      3. From V; 4. From E (Example: L – lemon, O – owl …)

Marilyn Monroe

Marilyn Monroe in 1952.jpg(1926-1962)

       Marilyn Monroe was an American actress. In 1999, Monroe became the sixth greatest actress of all time.                                                                                          Her real name was Norma Jean Mortenson and she was born on June 1st, 1926, in Los Angeles, California. Marilyn Monroe became famous, starring in a number of hit movies during the 1950s and early 1960s.               One time, she sang "Happy Birthday" to the President of the United States John F. Kennedy.               Marilyn Monroe was famous for her curly blond hair too. People called her “The Queen of Blond Curls”.               Marilyn was a successful model too, but she wanted to be an actress more.                                                                                                                                                    At the age of 36, Marilyn Monroe died at her Los Angeles home on August 5, 1962.             



Say “True” or “False”

  1.                                        Marilyn Monroe was an American singer.
  2.                                        Her real name was Norma Jean Mortenson.
  3.                                        She was born on June 1st, 1926, in Toronto, Canada.
  4.                                        Marilyn Monroe became famous, starring in a number of hit movies during the 1970s and early 1980s.
  5.                                        She sang "Happy Birthday" to the President of the United States Barak Obama.
  6.                                        Marilyn had straight blond hair.
  7.                                        Marilyn was a successful model too.
  8.                                        She wanted to be a teacher too.
  9.                                        Marilyn Monroe died on August 5, 1999.

Answer to the questions (about yourself):

  1.                                        Do you think Marilyn Monroe is beautiful?
  2.                                        Did you see a film with her?
  3.                                        Do you think that Marilyn Monroe is famous?

My supper

     I like eating very much. My favourite dish is a roasted chicken, but I love fried potatoes too                                                                  On supper, I like to eat spaghetti with vegetables. I often eat rice too. I like sandwiches and different salads. On Saturday, we usually have a pizza on supper. My mum likes a pizza with cheese and mushrooms and I like pizza with slices of pineapples and chicken. My dad likes when on pizza there are a lot of “salami” (sausage).                                                                     .      After the supper, we often drink cola with biscuits or a slice of apple pie. We also drink tea in the evening, but we never drink coffee late at night.                                                                          .    On holidays, my mum often makes patties. I like her chocolate cake too. My dad likes to make “shashliki” and make a marshmallow on the fire. I always have a delicious supper!



Результат пошуку зображень за запитом "food worksheets"Exercises:

Welcome to India!

India is a country in South Asia. It is very big. 1,342 million people live in this country. The capital is New Delhi. 25 million people live there.                                                                                                                                 .     There are 22 official languages in India. Hindi is the most popular language. Half of the Indians speak Hindi.                    .    The national symbols of India are Lotus (national flower), tiger (national animal) and peacock (national bird).                                          .    The climate is mainly tropical. There are high temperatures and dry winters, tropical monsoon season from June to September in this country.                                                      .       The Prime Minister of India is Narendra Modi. India borders seven countries: Afghanistan, Pakistan, China, Nepal, Bhutan, Myanmar and Bangladesh. It takes a 8.5-hour flight from London/England to Delhi/India, 14 hours from New York/USA and 13 hours from Sydney/Australia to get to this country.                                                                                                       .    The Himalayan mountains are located in the North of the country. The highest mountain in India is the Kangchenjunga. This is also the third highest mountain in the world with 8,586 m.                                                                                                                                            .     The longest river in India is the Ganges River. The name 'India' is derived from the river “Indus”.                                                                                    .     India is home to many large animals such as the snow leopard, the Indian rhinoceros, the Bengal tiger or the Asian elephant. There are also water buffalos and many different antelopes.                                                                                                                                                                       .    Cow are highly respected and honoured as they symbolise strength and give milk.                                                                                          .    India's biggest cities are:

  • Delhi: 28.5 million
  • Mumbai: 20 million
  • Kolkata: 14.6 million
  • Bangalore: 11 million

Indian main food is rice, but lentils, breads and spices are very popular too. Indians also like to eat fish, seafood, chicken, pork and beef. There are a lot of spinach, peas in many dishes. The popular fruits are mango, pineapple and bananas.

.    Indian food is very spiced and there are a lot of extremely hot and spicy dishes. The most popular spices are chilli and ginger, cumin (jeera) and coriander (dhania). There are also yoghurt and cottage cheese in many Indian dishes.                                                                                                      .    The most popular Indian dish is curry.                                                                     .    Visit this country! Welcome to India!

Exercise:    Say “True” or “False”:

  1.                                                       India is a country in South Europe.
  2.                                                       25 million people live in India.  
  3.                                                       There are 22 official languages in India.
  4.                                                       English is the most popular language. 
  5.                                                       The national symbols of India are Lotus (national flower), tiger (national animal) and peacock (national bird).
  6.                                                       The longest river in India is the Ganges River. 
  7.                                                       Indian food isn’t very spicy.

Christian Dior

Результат пошуку зображень за запитом "Christian Dior"Результат пошуку зображень за запитом "Christian Dior"Christian Dior (1905 –1957), was the French fashion designer, one of the most popular designers in the world. He opened one of the world's top fashion houses, the House of Dior (now Christian Dior).                                                                      Dior was artistic and loved art. During the German occupation of France in World War II, Christian Dior dressed the wives of German officers and French rich men.                                                                                                                 On 8 October 1946 he opened his fashion house with the help of Marcel Boussac, the cotton-fabric magnate.                                                                       “The New Look”, Christian Dior’s first collection (1947), revolutionized women's dress and made Paris the center of the fashion world.


Результат пошуку зображень за запитом "clothes worksheets"



.     Who is a “ghost”? Do you believe in them?                                                                         .      A ghost, people say, is the spirit of a dead person. Scientists say that there are no real ghosts, but many people believe in ghosts.                                                                                            .     There are many stories about ghosts in books and movies. One people think that ghosts stay on the planet because they want to do something (to say “Sorry” to their parents or friends or to say “Goodbye”).                            .After this the ghost can leave the Earth.                                                 .    Many people say they saw or heard ghosts. People who try to talk to ghosts as their job are mediums.                                .    There can be bad ghosts and there can also be good ones. They can be friendly and help people who have problems.   .    Stories of ghosts can be found all over the world. If you want to read some of them, just search “ghost stories” in Google.

                 Exercise: answer to the questions in the text

Результат пошуку зображень за запитом "apple company"Apple

https://easyscienceforkids.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/05/Apple-1.jpg Apple is a famous company that makes computer technique and smart devices like mobile phones or music players.                                                                                                                    ,          Apple calls its computers Macs, and it calls its laptops MacBooks. Their popular line of mobile music players is called iPod, their smartphone line is called iPhone and their Tablet line is called iPad. Apple sells their products all around the world.                                                                                                             .          Apple was started in 1976 by Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak. The company's first product is the Apple I computer (1976). The process started in the garage of Steve Jobs’ dad.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                .                  Apple II was released in 1979. It was a better machine than Apple I.                                                                                       . Today the most popular Apple products on the market are: Apple Watch, iPad, MacBooks, iPhones and Apple TV.



  1.                                           Answer to the questions:
  1.                                        Is Apple a company?
  2.                                        Does Apple call its computers MacBooks?
  3.                                        What is the name of Apple’s line of smartphones?
  4.                                        Does Apple sell its products just in America?
  5.                                        Who started the company?
  6.                                        When was made the Apple I computer?
  7.                                        Where was the process of making this computer? In a garage?
  8.                                        When the Apple II was released?
  9.                                        Was the Apple II better than the Apple I?  


  1.                                      Say about yourself
  1.                   Do you want to have iphone or ipad? Why?




James Bond

McLusky007Fleming007impression.jpg  James Bond is a “hero”, British Secret Service agent, created in 1953 by writer Ian Fleming. There are twelve novels and two short-story collections about him, his life and a dangerous work.                                           Bond is an intelligent officer in the Secret Intelligence Service, known as MI6. Bond is known by his code number, 007.                                                                                                  You can see this “hero” on TV, radio and in comics, video games and film.               As of 2019, there are twenty-four films in the series. The most recent Bond film, Spectre (2015), stars Daniel Craig. Other important elements in the films are Bond’s cars, his guns, and the gadgets with which he uses.             



Результат пошуку зображень за запитом "james bond worksheets"Fill in the blanks below















The Titanic

Результат пошуку зображень за запитом "titanic"      The Titanic was a luxury ($$$) ship which sank after hitting an iceberg on April 15, 1912 on its very first voyage.  On 30 April 1907, J Bruce Ismay and Lord William James Pierrie decided to build the ship. It took them 3 years to build the Titanic and it cost $7,500,000 (equivalent to $400 million today).                                               .    On 2 April 1912 the Titanic sailed from Belfast. The journey must take 137 hours. The captain was Captain Edward Smith with who was a master with over 43 years’ experience.              Some people say that he ignored iceberg as he was trying to set a new time record.                                                                                  .     What was the Titanic like? The Titanic was as long as three football fields, as tall as a 17 buildings. The Titanic was one of the first ships to have a telephone system and electric lights in all bedrooms, with four elevators, a swimming pool, a gym, two libraries and two shops.              Wow!          .    The cost of a First Class ticket was $4,350 (£875), $1,750 for a Standard Class ticket and $30 for a Third class ticket..     .   Titanic could carry about 3,547 people. When the Titanic sank, the number of survivors was 705. Of these, 492 were passengers from First Class with 214 crew members.              Two dogs survived and the band played music till the ship went under.                                                                                                                                                                  .       What did the Titanic have on board?               It had 75,000 pounds of fresh meat, 36,000 apples, 40 tons of potatoes, 1,000 loaves of bread, 10,000 pounds of sugar, 40,000 fresh eggs, 6,000 pounds of butter and 8,000 cigars.


Say “True” or “False”:

  1.                                        The Titanic was a luxury ship.
  2.                                        On 30 April 1917,  J Bruce Ismay and Lord William James Pierrie decided to build the ship.
  3.                                        The captain was Captain Louis Smith.
  4.                                        The Titanic was as long as three football fields.
  5.                                        The cost of a First Class ticket was $10,350.
  6.                                        The band played music till the ship went under.



Результат пошуку зображень за запитом "claude monet"Oscar-Claude Monet


Oscar-Claude Monet was a famous French painter. He created French Impressionist painting. Monet was born in Paris, France. He wanted to be an artist. When he was young he met the painter Eugène Boudin who was his “teacher” in painting.               On 1 April 1851, Monet entered Le Havre secondary school of the arts.                                                                                      Monet was in the French Army for two years (from 1860-1862). When he became ill, he left the army to study art at university. He did not like learning there.              In 1871 he moved to Argenteuil near Paris where he painted some of his most famous pictures. In 1873 he painted Impression, Sunrise, showing the sea view.                             Monet loved his garden and painted pictures of it, especially the water lilies. He painted very quickly.               Now, the painter’s house and gardens are opened for visits.




Результат пошуку зображень за запитом "claude monet paintings"Результат пошуку зображень за запитом "claude monet paintings"Результат пошуку зображень за запитом "claude monet paintings"Результат пошуку зображень за запитом "claude monet paintings"Результат пошуку зображень за запитом "claude monet paintings"Look at Claude Monet’s pictures. Which is the best? What Claude Monet painted in this picture?

Результат пошуку зображень за запитом "claude monet paintings"Monet Nymphéas en fleur (Water Lilies in Bloom), 1914-1917Результат пошуку зображень за запитом "claude monet paintings"        Результат пошуку зображень за запитом "claude monet paintings"




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Результат пошуку зображень за запитом "the queen"The Queen Elizabeth II

(born 21 April 1926)

  Elizabeth II (Elizabeth Alexandra Mary) is Queen of the United Kingdom. She is also the Queen of 15 other countries: Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Jamaica, Barbados, the Bahamas, Grenada, Papua New Guinea, the Solomon Islands, Tuvalu, Saint Lucia, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Antigua and Barbuda, Belize, and Saint Kitts and Nevis.                                                                                                  Elizabeth was born in London. She was the first child of King George VI and Queen Elizabeth. She didn’t go to school or kindergarten. She learned at home.                                                        She became Queen when her father, King George VI, died on 6 February 1952.                                                                                                                              Her coronation took place on June 2, 1953. The ceremony was watched by a TV audience of 20 million people. It was the first ever televised coronation.                                                        Elizabeth II lives and spends most of her time in the United Kingdom. In all the other countries where she is queen, a person has been chosen to represent her. This person is “the Governor General”.                                                                                                  Interesting fact! She is the only person in the entire United Kingdom who can drive without a driving license!


Complete with the Present Simple Tense!

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Princess Diana

Результат пошуку зображень за запитом "diana spencer"(1961-1997)

Diana, Princess of Wales, was the first wife of Charles, Prince of Wales, the son of the Queen Elizabeth II. Diana Frances Spencer was born in Norfolk, England on July 1, 1961 in an important British family. Diana lived with her father, Edward John Spencer. She had two older sisters (Sarah, Jane) and a younger brother (Charles).  At school Diana was good at athletics, music, and art.              She did not enjoy math and science. She loved to help others.                                                                                                                                                          When Diana was 18, she moved into an apartment with three of her friends. She worked at a Kindergarten. She really loved working with kids. She also was a babysitter.              Diana first met Prince Charles, her husband, when she was sixteen years old.                                                                                                                 On February 6, 1981 the prince asked Lady Diana to marry him. This was big news in Britain. Diana moved into Buckingham Palace where she learned all about being a princess. The wedding was huge.                                                                       On July 29, 1981, the wedding was at St. Paul's Cathedral in London. Around 750 million people around the world watched the wedding on TV.                                                                                     However, her life was not the fairytale. Lady Diana didn’t see the prince very often, he spent much of his time fishing. They were together only at public events. She was very lonely and missed her old life and friends.                                                        Prince William Arthur Philip Louis, Diana’s first son, was born on June 21, 1982. The Lady loved her son very much. Two years later, Diana had another son, Henry, who was called Prince Harry.                                                                                                                              Her husband was bad, so they divorced in 1996.                                           On August 31, 1997 Diana was traveling in Paris with a friend Dodi Fayed. The car was chased by paparazzi (photographers who follow celebrities). The car crashed. The princess Diana died at the age of 36.                                                                        Interesting fact! She did not like when people called her "Di", but they often said "Lady Di", "Shy Di", or "Princess Di."

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At the park

Do you like parks?    I like parks very much. People come to parks to relax, talk with friends, read books, write poems or to paint.                                                                                                   What can you do at the park? For example, you can play tennis with friends. Also, you can make a picnic with your friends. You can walk with your dog, seat under the trees, lay on the grass and watch the clouds.                                                                       There are a lot of beautiful flowers at the park. You can even meet a squirrel!                                                                                                                               On the playground, there are a swing, marry-go-round, slide, see-saw, sandbox and hopscotch! You can play there too!                                                                                                                                                                        Be careful at the park in the evening! It is dangerous to go there alone in the late time!


Name 5 things you can do in the park!


Результат пошуку зображень за запитом "scooby doo"The Scooby-Doo!

Scooby-Doo is an American animated cartoon about the adventures of Scooby-Doo and his teenage companions.              The original Scooby-Doo cartoon was firstly made in 1969-1970 years.                                           The dog—Scooby-Doo—traveled around the United States in a van called the Mystery Machine with four young friends, the Mystery gang: his owner Shaggy, group leader Fred, beautiful Daphne, and very clever Velma.                                                        Scooby and his owner, Shaggy, were afraid of all things around them, but, motivated by hunger, they caught a lot of “ghost”.  Everywhere they went, the quintet (5 people in a group) solved mysteries with supernatural things —usually a “monster”.                                                                                                                At least once per episode Scooby-Doo says:  "Uh-oh, Shaggy", especially when they meet someone “terrible”.                             In 2013, The Scooby-Doo became the Fifth Greatest TV Cartoon of all time. 

Результат пошуку зображень за запитом "scooby-doo worksheets"Exercises:




Look at the table and fill in the gaps in exercise A to compare Velma and Daphne.


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Full length portrait of Napoleon in his forties, in white and dark blue military dress uniform. He stands among rich 18th-century furniture. They have papers on them. He looks at the viewer. His hair is Brutus style, cropped close but with a short fringe in front. His right hand is in his waistcoat.Napoleon Bonaparte


 Napoleon Bonaparte was one of the greatest military commanders in history. He was military general and the first ever emperor of France, Napoleon I.                                                                      Napoleon Bonaparte was born on August 15, 1769, on the Island of Corsica. His father Carlo Buonaparte was an important person and politician. Napoleon went to a military academy in France and had a military training. His family members and close friends called him by his nickname Nabulio. As a child, he was very good at maths. As a young boy, Napoleon wanted to be a writer. He wrote a romance novel but it wasn’t published.                                                                                                                                            Canned foods were first used by Napoleon’s army. It is said that Napoleon Bonaparte was a workaholic and slept only for 3 to 4 hours in a day. However, he wasn’t perfect. For example, Bonaparte could not stand the smell of paint.              He was a talented commander, but lost the war with Russia. Napoleon Bonaparte died on May 5, 1821. It is said that he died from stomach cancer, but some scientists think he was poisoned.


Say “True” or “False”!

  1. Napoleon Bonaparte was one of the greatest writers in history.
  2. He called himself “Napoleon I”.
  3. Napoleon Bonaparte was born on August 15, 1769, on the Island of Malta.
  4. Napoleon didn’t go to a military academy in France.
  5. His nickname was Nabulio.
  6. He wasn’t very good at maths.
  7. Canned foods were first used by Napoleon’s army.
  8. Napoleon Bonaparte slept for 10 hours in a day.
  9. Bonaparte could not stand the smell of paint.
  10.     He was a talented commander, but lost the war with Russia.


Результат пошуку зображень за запитом "The Scream"The Scream

 The Scream is a famous painting by Edvard Munch (pronounced MOONK). It is an icon of modern art.                                           The Scream is autobiographical, expressionistic painting about Munch's life situation. He screamed, while he was on a walk, because his two companions (see in the corner) left him.                                                                                                                                                                                      The original name of the picture was not The Scream. Munch called his picture “The Scream of Nature”.                                           In 1994 bandits went into the National Gallery in Oslo, via a window, and stole this painting. Luckily, it only took three months to retrieve the painting and return it back to the gallery.                                                                                                                                                          Interesting fact! It’s not Halloween without a viewing of the 1996 scary movie, Scream, starring Drew Barrymore, Courtney Cox and Neve Campbell. Director Wes Craven was inspired by Munch’s The Scream when he created the idea of the horror mask which appears in the film.             


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Beauty and the Beast

Результат пошуку зображень за запитом "beauty and the beast" Beauty and the Beast is an American musical romantic fantasy film directed by Bill Condon and created by the Walt Disney Pictures. It is a remake of the 1991 animated film. The film stars Emma Watson as Belle and Dan Stevens as the Beast. The film was released on March 17, 2017.              “Beauty and the Beast” is the fantastic journey of Belle, a bright, beautiful and independent young woman and an “ugly” Beast and their life in his castle.                                                         Belle, with time, realized the kind heart and soul of the true Prince in the body of the Beast and fell in love with him. Watch this film to see more!              


Name at least three Disney cartoons\films.


Пов’язане зображенняUkraine

 Ukraine is the largest country in Europe. It has an area of 603,628 km2. The capital of Ukraine is Kiev. It is also Ukraine’s largest city. The official language is Ukrainian.               Ukraine’s neighbors are: Poland, Slovakia, Hungary, Romania, Moldova, Russia, and Belarus.                                          The geographic center of Europe is in the Ukraine, not far from Rakhiv in Zakarpatia oblast.                                                                                     Do you want to know more?

  1. Arsenalnaya Metro Station located in Kiev is one of the deepest in the world (105 meters).                                                       
  2.  The third most visited McDonald’s in the world is located in Kiev, near the train station. This restaurant has always been in the top five most crowded McDonald’s in the world.                                                                     
  3. Ukrainians wear their wedding ring on the ring finger of their right hand instead of their left hand (like in many other countries).
  4. The world's famous song "O Sole Mio" was composed in Odessa (Ukraine).
  5. Khreshchatyk Street in Kiev is the shortest main city street in the world. Its length is 1.2 km.
  6. The Tunnel of Love, popular tourists’ place, is in the forests near the town of Kleven. The rail road is for a private train that brings wood for a local factory.
  7. The world’s longest musical instrument also originates from Ukraine. It is named Trembita.
  8. The world’s first constitution was written in 1710 by Ukrainian Hetman Pylyp Orlyk.             
  9. Ukrainians love drinking horilka, which is a local variant of the famous drink called vodka.
  10.                 Ukrainians also enjoy drinking fruit sweet beverage called Kompot.


  1. Name at least FIVE Ukrainian cities.
  2. Name at least FIVE Ukrainian songs.
  3. Name at least ONE Ukrainian film/cartoon/serial.
  4. Name at least FOUR Ukrainian dishes.
  5. Name at least THREE famous Ukrainians.

The most unusual sweets

Do you like sweets? Which sweets are your favourite? Do you think that sweets are always good and sweet? If you sais “Yes”, you should read this list of the most unusual sweets in the world.

  1. Результат пошуку зображень за запитом "Lollipops with scorpions and worms"Lollipops with scorpions and worms

Hotlix (a famous company) make unique candies with insects inside them for more than 25 years. There are lollipops with scorpions, ants, and worms in chocolate, and waffles with bugs.

  1. Sugared violets

Результат пошуку зображень за запитом "Sugared violets"Sugared violets are a rare but popular dainty sweet produced and sold by La Violeta in Spain. Unlike ordinary candies made in the shape of a violet, La Violeta uses real flowers for their sweets.                                                                     

  1. Результат пошуку зображень за запитом "Soup candies"Soup candies

One extremely popular Japanese candy is the soup candy.

  1. Pepsi with ice cream, sweet beans, baobab, and snow cucumber flavors

https://media.cntraveler.com/photos/5438424c00ac583c0af22b3a/master/w_420,c_limit/zombie-food-4.jpgThe 18 Weirdest Sweets You’ll Want to Try AnywayPepsiCo is the world-famous soda producer, and it likes to surprise its consumers. There are a lot of different limited soda collections. The world tried Pepsi with coffee, tropic fruit, strawberry, cinnamon, yogurt, pineapple, baobab, sakura and other flavors.

  1. Zombie Food                           These seasonal candies, produced every Halloween by sweetmaker Necco (a company), have bloody red caramel inside body parts (including, of course, brains).


Результат пошуку зображень за запитом "sweets vocabulary"Read and translate













Результат пошуку зображень за запитом "manga"We often hear the word “manga” from modern teenagers and, even, our friends, but, maybe, some people don’t know what means this word. Let’s find out!                                                                                                                                                                         Manga (漫画 - manga) are comics or graphic novels created in Japan in the Japanese language.                                                                       In Japan, people of all ages read manga. It has a lot of genres: action, adventure, business, comedy, detective, drama, historical, horror, mystery, romance, science fiction, fantasy, sports and etc.                                                                                                                 Many manga are translated into other languages. Manga stories are usually printed in black-and-white, but some full-color manga exist too. All manga is drawing by hand. A manga artist (mangaka in Japanese) works with a few assistants in a small studio and is in the connection with a creative editor from a publishing company. If a manga series is popular enough, it may be animated.


Say “True” or “False”!

  1. Manga are comics created in Japan and abroad.
  2. Manga created in the English language.
  3. In Japan, people of all ages read manga.
  4. Many manga are translated into other languages.
  5. It has one genre.
  6. Manga stories are usually printed in black-and-white.
  7. Full-color manga exist.
  8. All manga is drawing by computer.
  9. A manga artist works alone.
  10.     If a manga series isn’t popular enough, it may be animated.


  1.  Name at least THREE VERBS from the text.
  2.  Name at least FIVE manga’s genres from the text.
  3. Name ONE country from the text.
  4. Name ONE language from the text.
  5. Name the LONGEST words.



Результат пошуку зображень за запитом "dean leather jacket"Результат пошуку зображень за запитом "Supernatural"Supernatural is an American television series by Eric Kripke. Starring Jared Padalecki as Sam Winchester and Jensen Ackles as Dean Winchester, the series is about Sam and Dean Winchester, who travel across America in a black 1967 Impala (model of the car), investigating paranormal events. They hunt demons, ghosts, monsters, and other supernatural beings. The series is produced by Warner Bros. Television.                                                         Many of series are based on American legends and folklore about classic supernatural creatures such as vampires, werewolves, and ghosts.                                                        Main actors’ clothes are sold all around the world with very high prices. People even steal clothes! For the first five seasons, the brown leather jacket (which we first see in the fiest episode) was Dean’s “superhero” thing. Then, in season six, the jacket disappeared!                                                        When the actors were in Los Angeles for a photo shoot, their wardrobe was stolen on the way from Vancouver (Canada) to Los Angeles (USA). Among stolen things was Dean’s famous jacket, which was worn in so many scenes.

Exercises:      Say “True” or “False”

  1. Supernatural is an American television series.
  2. The series is about friends, Sam and Dean.
  3. Brothers travel across America in a black 1967 Impala.
  4. They hunt supernatural beings.
  5. The series is produced by Hanna-Barbera Television.
  6. Many of series are based on American legends and folklore.
  7. Main actors’ clothes are sold all around the world with very low prices.
  8. In season six, Dean’s jacket disappeared.
  9. The wardrobe was stolen on the way from Los Angeles (USA) to Vancouver (Canada).
  10.     Dean’s famous jacket was stolen too.


Результат пошуку зображень за запитом "vampires" Vampires are monsters in legends and stories. The word vampire comes from the Greek word meaning to drink. The first vampire stories are from the Eastern Europe, but much of how modern people see vampires was created by Bram Stoker in the famous novel, Dracula.                                                                                                                                                                        Few people believe that vampires are real, but they are still very popular in movies, television, and books.              According to legend, it's said that the only way a vampire can enter a home is by being invited inside (you should say “Welcome” to him). Some legends tell that a vampire can transform into a bat, an owl, a rat or even into a wolf. In some regions of s Europe, people believed that pumpkins or watermelons can turn into vampires if people leave them longer than for 10 days.                                                                                                  What do vampires have? How do they look like?             

  • They have very sharp fangs (fangs – ікла).
  • They look very pale and have no mirror reflection.
  • Their eyes can put humans in a trance, so they do the vampire's command.
  • They never age and can live forever.
  • They sleep during the day.
  • They like to bite a person's neck to drink their blood!

Результат пошуку зображень за запитом "vampire worksheets"How to fight with vampires? If you think you know a vampire, you can keep him away by staying in the sunlight and wearing garlic. They really don't like these things.


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The most unusual names

Пов’язане зображенняWhen parents are naming their children, they take inspiration from a lot of places and things, such as films, region, religion, books, and other.                                          Can a name be unusual? Read below!                            

  1. Armani                               Today brand names are very popular, so Armani is in list too. It means ‘freeman’.
  2. Bentlee

The name is very stylish and modern, so you can pick it, if you want.

  1. Bobo

Bobo, the variation of Bob, is better used as a nickname than the name. It means ‘bright fame’.

  1. Casimir

Casimir, meaning ‘destroyer of peace’, has a very long history from the Poland’s wars.

  1. Cosmo

Cosmo, meaning ‘order and beauty’, would make a cool and creative choice for your child.

  1. Everest

Everest is one of the few geographical names that became the people’s name.

  1. Fraser

Fraser, meaning ‘strawberry’, is highly popular and used in Scotland.

  1. Leopold

Leopold is a formal, but aristocratic name, meaning ‘brave people’.

  1. Pascal

Pascal, meaning ‘born during Easter’ is perfect for children born during this holiday.

  1.     Willis

This surname is almost never used like the name of the child. Willis means ‘protection’.


Say about yourself:

  1. Do you know what does your name mean?

We should love ourselves!

Результат пошуку зображень за запитом "how to love yourself"Can you say that you love yourself? It is so easy to focus on your mistakes and forget about the beauty of every person on this planet... How to be happy and always stay yourself?                                                                                                                                                                1. Have Fun By Yourself

It’s always good to have a few days for yourself, for doing something fun. This can be going to the cinema, theatre or finding new things to try.

2. Travel Once A Year

This is a very good thing! If you can travel on your own or with friends. You will learn new things not only about yourself but also another culture.

3. Forgive Yourself For Your Mistakes 

If you can look back at your mistakes, and forgive yourself, you can start to move on.

4. Start a Journal                        If you can write about your thoughts and feelings, it will help you to focus on the good things and learn from the bad.                                                                                   

5. Learn How To Love Yourself By Saying “No” To Others

Sometimes we do too much for people and do everything we can. We can forget to look after ourselves sometimes, so that’s why it is good to say no. Don’t forget about your time, because it’s yours!

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Make the “go and love yourself” card!

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For example, write there:

  1.  5 things you love about yourself.
  2. 3 things you made to love yourself more.
  3. 3 things you want to do the next week to love yourself more.
  4.  Your feelings this week (happy, sad etc.)
  5. 10 good things that happened this week.

+ draw something! Make your card the best!

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