«Environmental Problems and the Ways to Solve them»
Номер слайду 2
objectives:to dwell on the most vital environmental problems and solutions to them; to do some vocabulary work; to watch short videos and complete the exercises after watching them; to revise passive voice; to try your hands at practicing it.
Номер слайду 3
Teacher: look at the screen. Let’s enumerate environmental problems. Mind map. Language focus: vocabulary practice (Mind map). (слайд №3) Environmental problems Mind map. Language focus: vocabulary practice (Mind map). (слайд №3) Environmental problems Environmental Problems:
Номер слайду 4
Pre-watching Activity. Match the vocabulary with the correct definition and write a–h next to the numbers 1–8.
Номер слайду 5
Measures to preserve the environment
Номер слайду 6
Номер слайду 7
Pre-reading Activity. Vocabulary work a blast – вибухcourage – відвагаselflessness – самовідданістьcompatriots – співвітчизникиto perish – гинутиfeat - подвиг
Номер слайду 8
damaged, save, dangerous, radiation, atmosphere, ecological, enemy, under, of the world, can.
Номер слайду 9
Home assignment. Write an essay on “Green Planet is Clean Planet”