Feeding the world робота за текстом

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Тестова робота до тексту Feeding the world за підручником Карпюк 11 клас рівень стандарт
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                                                    Feeding The World Quiz

Choose the correct(+) and incorrect(-) statements

1 To grow large crops farmers use chemicals.

2 Everybody knows GM food encourages diseases like cancer.

3 New discoveries will get new problems.

4 Governments always look for the ways to eliminate the increasing population.

5 Genetically-modified cyborgs will affect on the food chain.

6 Many people do not earn enough money.

7 GM crops is a great way to feed poor countries.

8 Genetically-modified yields don’t get  diseases like normal crops.

9 Genetically-modified crops are cheap enough.

10 Environment involves flora and fauna only.

Choose the most correct reply

1 To grow GM crops farmers use … to get them effective.

a)pesticides  b)chemicals  c)medicines  d)exhaust fumes

2 GM yields encourage diseases like … .

a)swine flu  b)hay fever c)heart attack  d)cancer

3 Many people do not have got enough food so many governments try to … this problem.

a)feed  b)eliminate  c)grow  d)check up  e)solve

4 The problem about GM food is  not knowing the … .

a)situation  b)location  c)result  d)solution

5 All the supermarkets want to … cheap food, vegetables and fruit.

a)deal with  b)buy  c)manage  d)supervise

6 All GM crops look … .

a)healthy  b)tasty  c)delicious  d)perfect  e)bright

7 GM crops produce lots of … .

a)flowers  b)strawberries  c)chemicals  d)plants

8 To buy food people have to … .

a)find a job  b)to be fired  c)earn money  d)save up money

9 All the GM plants are … .

a)suit enough  b)fit enough  c)cheap enough  d)good enough

10 Nobody knows … about GM food.

a)approximately  b)certainly  c)exactly  d)for sure

Match the parts

1 Supermarkets want                               a)haven’t got enough food.

2 GM yields                                              b)the ways to feed the increasing population.

3 Many people                                          c)to sell cheap vegetables. 

4 The farmers use                                   d)lots of strong plants.        

5 GM crops produce                                 e)don’t get diseases like normal crops.

6 People are                                             f)more pesticides on the crops.

7 Scientists are looking for                      g)getting nervous.

Explain the meanings of the followings on your own

1 Crop

2 Genetically-modified food

3 Supermarket


5 Perfect

6 To feed

7 A solution of problem

8 To earn money    

Mozghunov Roman
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