First Conditional Environmental Problems

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Вживання First Conditional за темою "Environmental Problems", 9 клас, Карпюк.
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Complete each sentence correctly.

  1. If we         care of our planet, the ice caps        
  2. If we         public transport more, our cities        cleaner.
  3. If the Earth         warmer, the sea       warmer
  4. If the sea     warmer, the ice at the North and South Poles      

5 If sea levels        , there       floods around the world


Match 2 parts of sentences to make them true.


  1. If we don’t separate trash    you will create more rubbish.
  2. If everybody plant tree    we will help nature.
  3. If you use more renewable energy  you will help to save energy.
  4. If people want to live in a beautiful place lots of animals will die.
  5. If you use recycled paper    there will be a lot of garbage.
  6. If you don’t recycle glass and paper  you will save a lot of trees.
  7. If we don’t protect the environment   they will not litter everywhere.


Complete each sentence correctly.

  1. If we         care of our planet, the ice caps        
  2. If we         public transport more, our cities        cleaner.
  3. If the Earth         warmer, the sea       warmer
  4. If the sea     warmer, the ice at the North and South Poles      

5 If sea levels        , there       floods around the world


Match 2 parts of sentences to make them true.


  1. If we don’t separate trash    you will create more rubbish.
  2. If everybody plant tree    we will help nature.
  3. If you use more renewable energy  you will help to save energy.
  4. If people want to live in a beautiful place lots of animals will die.
  5. If you use recycled paper    there will be a lot of garbage.
  6. If you don’t recycle glass and paper  you will save a lot of trees.
  7. If we don’t protect the environment   they will not litter everywhere.


Budilin Taras
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Англійська мова (9-й рік навчання) 9 клас (Карпюк О.Д.)
18 березня
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