Формування мотивації навчальної діяльності учнів на онлайн уроках англійської мови. MOTIVATIONПожидаєва І. Б. Харківський ліцей №156
Номер слайду 2
Motivation is defined as our enthusiasm for doing something. Motivation is the reason(s) for acting or behaving in a particular way. It helps us to set a goal and reach it. In education, motivation helps children and youngpeople to focustheir attention ona key goal or outcome.
Номер слайду 3
Discovering ways to increase motivation in the classroom is vital, as it enables us to: Change behaviour. Develop competencies. Spark curiosity. Set goals. Develop interests. Plan for the future. Blossom talents. Increase engagement.https://www.highspeedtraining.co.uk/hub/motivation-in-education/