Тема заходу: « Знавці англійської мови »
Мета: закріпити і перевірити знання учнів з тем «Великобританія», «Моя сім` я», «Свята», «Шкільне життя», «Харчування», «Пори року»; розвивати мову, пам ять, мислення, логічне мислення, швидкість, діалогічне мовлення, уяву, творчість; виховувати цікавість у вивченні англійської мови, естетику мови й мовлення в англомовній атмосфері, дружні відносини в колективі.
Форма проведення: гра-змагання.
Обладнання: роздатковий матеріал, картки із завданнями.
Схематичний план заходу:
І. Оргмомент………………………………………………………………...3 хв.
ІІ. Основна частина
ІІІ. Заключна частина
Хід заходу:
І. Оргмомент.
Вчитель: Good morning, children! I am glad to see you. Today we have competition. I divided you into 3 teams (Game-Fans, Winners, Super-Team). Now one member of your teams should choose one card with name of your team (додаток 1). And I will write down it on the blackboard . Let’s start our game.
ІІ Основна частина.
Вчитель: Children, you should present your team (name, captain, emblem). You should paint your emblem. This task costs 5 points.
You should guess the word acording to its explanation. This task costs 5 points.
Morning—it is time, when you get up.
Ice-cream--- it is cold and frozen and sweet, it can melt, children like to eat it
Book—you can read it
Summer--- it is a favourite season of all children
New Year—it is a holiday, means the beginning of everything, associated with Father Frost
Computer game—it is a game on computer
Subject—pupils learn it at school
Teacher—this person teach pupils at school
Blackboard – pupils write with a chalk on it at school
Winter – it is a cold season
Summer holidays – they last three months, it is a favourite period of all children
Traveling – it is a visiting of different countries
Yesterday—the previous day
Pet – people have it at home, feed and walk it
Вчитель: Pupils, you have got a cards (додаток 2). You should answer the questions. This task costs 5 points. You have 3 minutes for this task.
Вчитель: Pupils, you should make a word from letters (додаток 3). You have 3 minutes for this task. This task costs 5 points.
School, English, Geography, family, lemon, apple, tomato, book, Birthday, summer, winter, friend, mother.
Вчитель: You should correct the mistakes (додаток 4).
Вчитель: Children, you should guess the riddles. This task costs 5 points.
I draw a picture for you. (Pencils)
My face is black, I cannot talk. (Blackboard)
But I am writing
As you can see. (Pen)
Вчитель: Think of the words which have three letters and the letter “I” in the middle. The text will help you to do it (додаток 5).
I |
I |
I |
I |
I |
A house.
You can see a house in the picture. It is not little. It is … I live in this house. My name is … I am a little boy. I am … years old. I do not like to … still. I have a brother. His name is Ben. He is a pupil. Every day he takes … bag and goes to school.
(big, Sid, six, sit, his)
Вчитель: Change numbers into letters and read the sentence (додаток 6).
1-B; 2-I; 3-K; 4-L; 5-O; 6-P; 7-S; 8-U; 9-V; 10-E.
6 8 6 2 4 7 4 5 9 10 1 5 5 3 7 (Pupils love books).
ІІІ. Заключна частина.
Вчитель: that’s excellent work. Thank you. And now let’s check your points and define the winner.
“Winners” – 20 points
“Game-Fans” – 18 points
“Super-Team” – 18 points
So “Winners” is the winner today. Each member of this team gets medal “Winner” and other pupils get medals “Active pupil”
Додаток 1
Додаток 2
Додаток 3
Додаток 4
I |
I |
I |
I |
I |
A house.
You can see a house in the picture. It is not little. It is … I live in this house. My name is … I am a little boy. I am … years old. I do not like to … still. I have a brother. His name is Ben. He is a pupil. Every day he takes … bag and goes to school.
I |
I |
I |
I |
I |
A house.
You can see a house in the picture. It is not little. It is … I live in this house. My name is … I am a little boy. I am … years old. I do not like to … still. I have a brother. His name is Ben. He is a pupil. Every day he takes … bag and goes to school.
I |
I |
I |
I |
I |
A house.
You can see a house in the picture. It is not little. It is … I live in this house. My name is … I am a little boy. I am … years old. I do not like to … still. I have a brother. His name is Ben. He is a pupil. Every day he takes … bag and goes to school.
Додаток 6.
1-B; 2-I; 3-K; 4-L; 5-O; 6-P; 7-S; 8-U; 9-V; 10-E.
6 8 6 2 4 7 4 5 9 10 1 5 5 3 7
1-B; 2-I; 3-K; 4-L; 5-O; 6-P; 7-S; 8-U; 9-V; 10-E.
6 8 6 2 4 7 4 5 9 10 1 5 5 3 7
1-B; 2-I; 3-K; 4-L; 5-O; 6-P; 7-S; 8-U; 9-V; 10-E.
6 8 6 2 4 7 4 5 9 10 1 5 5 3 7