гра-змагання знавці англійської мови у 6 класі

Про матеріал
Розробка гри-змагання для позакласного заходу з англійської мови у 6 класі направлена на закріплення і перевірення знаннь учнів з тем «Великобританія», «Моя сім` я», «Свята», «Шкільне життя», «Харчування», «Пори року».
Перегляд файлу

Тема заходу: « Знавці англійської мови »

Мета: закріпити і перевірити знання учнів з тем «Великобританія»,  «Моя сім` я», «Свята», «Шкільне життя», «Харчування», «Пори року»; розвивати мову, пам ять, мислення, логічне мислення, швидкість, діалогічне мовлення, уяву, творчість; виховувати цікавість у вивченні англійської  мови, естетику мови й мовлення в англомовній атмосфері, дружні відносини в колективі.

Форма проведення: гра-змагання.

Обладнання: роздатковий матеріал, картки із завданнями.

Схематичний план заходу:

І. Оргмомент………………………………………………………………...3 хв.

ІІ. Основна частина

  1. Презентація команди……………………………………………..…..7 хв.
  2. Гра «Вгадай слово»…………………………………………………...7 хв.
  3. Вправа  «Ерудит»……………………………………………………..3 хв.
  4. Гра «Pazzleword» ……………………………………………………..4 хв.
  5. Вправа «Граматист»………………………………………………….5 хв.
  6. Гра «Відгадай загадку»………………………………………………4 хв.
  7. Гра «Відтвори слова»………………………………………………....6 хв.
  8. Вправа «Заміна»……………………………………………………....3 хв.

ІІІ. Заключна частина

  1. Підбиття підсумків …………………………………………………..3 хв.

Хід заходу:

І. Оргмомент.

Вчитель: Good morning, children! I am glad to see you. Today we have competition. I   divided you into 3 teams (Game-Fans, Winners, Super-Team). Now one member of your teams should choose one card with name of your team (додаток 1). And I will write down it on the blackboard . Let’s start our game.

ІІ Основна частина.

  1. Презентація команди.

Вчитель: Children, you should present your team (name, captain, emblem). You should paint your emblem. This task costs 5 points.

  1. Гра «Вгадай слово».

You should guess the word acording to its explanation. This task costs 5 points.

Morning—it is time, when you get up.

Ice-cream--- it is cold and frozen and sweet, it can melt, children like to eat it

Book—you can read it

Summer--- it is a favourite season of all children

New Year—it is a holiday, means the beginning of everything, associated with Father Frost

Computer game—it is a game on computer

Subject—pupils learn it at school

Teacher—this person teach pupils at school

Blackboard –  pupils write with a chalk on it at school

Winter –  it is a cold season

Summer holidays – they last three months, it is a favourite period of all children

Traveling – it is a visiting of different countries

Yesterday—the previous day

Pet – people have it at home, feed and walk it

  1. Вправа «Ерудит».

Вчитель: Pupils, you have got a cards (додаток 2). You should answer the questions. This task costs 5 points. You have 3 minutes for this task.

  • What is the capital of Great Britain?
  • What food helps you to grow?
  • What do you do at PE?


  • Are sweets good or bad for teeth?
  • What is the capital of Ukraine?
  • What food makes your bones and teeth strong?


  • Are fruits good or bad for health?
  • Why children go to school?
  • What do you do at music lessons?
  1. Гра «Pazzleword».

Вчитель: Pupils, you should make a word from letters (додаток 3). You have 3 minutes for this task. This task costs 5 points.

School, English, Geography, family, lemon, apple, tomato, book, Birthday, summer, winter, friend, mother.

  1. Вправа «Граматист». 

Вчитель: You should correct the mistakes (додаток 4).

  1. He are my best friend
  2. Children usually Goes to school in the morning
  3. The national language of Ukraine is American
  4. Englishmen speak French
  5. Summer holidays last 1 month
  6. Гра «Відгадай загадку».

Вчитель: Children, you should guess the riddles. This task costs 5 points.

  1.  I am black and red, and blue.

             I draw a picture for you.    (Pencils)

  1.  The teacher writes on me with chalk.

       My face is black, I cannot talk.  (Blackboard)

  1.  I don’t know the ABC,

        But I am writing

  As you can see.     (Pen)

  1. Гра «Відтвори слова».

Вчитель: Think of the words which have three letters and the letter “I” in the middle. The text will help you to do it (додаток 5).



















A house.

You can see a house in the picture. It is not little. It is … I live in this house. My name is … I am a little boy. I am … years old. I do not like to … still. I have a brother. His name is Ben. He is a pupil. Every day he takes … bag and goes to school.

(big, Sid, six, sit, his)

  1. Вправа «Заміга».

Вчитель: Change numbers into letters and read the sentence (додаток 6).

1-B;  2-I;  3-K;  4-L;  5-O;  6-P;  7-S;  8-U;  9-V;  10-E.

6 8 6 2 4 7    4 5 9 10    1 5 5 3 7     (Pupils  love books).

ІІІ. Заключна частина.

  1. Підбиття підсумків.

Вчитель: that’s excellent work. Thank you. And now let’s check your points and define the winner.

“Winners” – 20 points

“Game-Fans” – 18 points

“Super-Team” – 18 points

So “Winners” is the winner today. Each member of this team gets medal “Winner” and other pupils get medals “Active pupil”







Додаток 1












































Додаток 2

  • What is the capital of Great Britain?
  • What food helps you to grow?
  • What do you do at PE?


  • Are sweets good or bad for teeth?
  • What is the capital of Ukraine?
  • What food makes your bones and teeth strong?


  • Are fruits good or bad for health?
  • Why children go to school?
  • What do you do at music lessons?



























Додаток 3

















Додаток 4

  1. He are my best friend
  2. Children usually Goes to school in the morning
  3. The national language of Ukraine is American
  4. Englishmen speak French
  5. Summer holidays last 1 month


  1. He are my best friend
  2. Children usually Goes to school in the morning
  3. The national language of Ukraine is American
  4. Englishmen speak French
  5. Summer holidays last 1 month


  1. He are my best friend
  2. Children usually Goes to school in the morning
  3. The national language of Ukraine is American
  4. Englishmen speak French
  5. Summer holidays last 1 month





























A house.

You can see a house in the picture. It is not little. It is … I live in this house. My name is … I am a little boy. I am … years old. I do not like to … still. I have a brother. His name is Ben. He is a pupil. Every day he takes … bag and goes to school.

















A house.

You can see a house in the picture. It is not little. It is … I live in this house. My name is … I am a little boy. I am … years old. I do not like to … still. I have a brother. His name is Ben. He is a pupil. Every day he takes … bag and goes to school.
















A house.

You can see a house in the picture. It is not little. It is … I live in this house. My name is … I am a little boy. I am … years old. I do not like to … still. I have a brother. His name is Ben. He is a pupil. Every day he takes … bag and goes to school.





























Додаток 6.


1-B;  2-I;  3-K;  4-L;  5-O;  6-P;  7-S;  8-U;  9-V;  10-E.

6 8 6 2 4 7    4 5 9 10    1 5 5 3 7



1-B;  2-I;  3-K;  4-L;  5-O;  6-P;  7-S;  8-U;  9-V;  10-E.

6 8 6 2 4 7    4 5 9 10    1 5 5 3 7



1-B;  2-I;  3-K;  4-L;  5-O;  6-P;  7-S;  8-U;  9-V;  10-E.

6 8 6 2 4 7    4 5 9 10    1 5 5 3 7


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