Grammar Test Form 10

Про матеріал
Тестові завдання з граматики на повторення умовних речень, перетворення прямої мови на непряму та пасивний стан дієслів.
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  1. Conditionals

1. If I __________ time, I _____________ you.

а) have/ call   b) have/ will call  

c) has/ shall call    d) will have/ calls

2. If Mary __________coffee at night, she ___________sleep.

а) drink/ will   b) drinks/ won't can   

c) drink/ sleeps   d) drinks/ won't be able to

3. If you _________ the cake, ________ it.

а) will like/ eat    b) likes/ eat

c) don't like/ don't eat   d) don't like/ eat

. What ............ , if you ............... a superman?

а) you would do, will be   b) would you do, were

c) you would do, are   d) would you do, are

If I .... my favourite film star, I ... so excited.

а) would meet, was   b) met, would be

18. If I ... my smart phone, I ... the police.

а) lost, would call   b) would lose, called


II. Choose the correct variant of  Passive Voice

1) They have picked the pears before the storm.

    а) The pears have been picked before the storm.

    b) The pears have picked before the storm.

    c) The pears were have picked before the storm.
2) Last year plastic rubbish killed around one million sea birds.

    а) Last year around one million sea birds are killed by plastic rubbish.

    b) Last year around one million sea birds were kill by plastic rubbish.

    c) Last year around one million sea birds were killed by plastic rubbish.
3) Lots of tourists visit this attraction.

    а) This attraction is visited by lots of tourists.

    b) This attraction was visited by lots of tourists.

    c) This attraction will be visited by lots of tourists.

4)  Animal experts train the dolphins.

    а) The dolphins are training by animal experts.

    b) The dolphins train by animal experts.

    c) The dolphins are trained by animal experts.

5) Global warming will cause lots of floods.

    а) Lots of floods will caused by global warming.

    b) Lots of floods are caused by global warming.

    c) Lots of floods will be caused by global warming.

6) They don’t paint the beach huts every year.

    а) The beach huts don't painted every year.

    b) The beach huts aren't painted every year.

    c) The beach huts weren't painted every year


III. Reported Speech

  1.      ‘I went to the cinema with Marco yesterday,’ said Sandra.

Sandra said _____________.

    a) that I had gone to the cinema with Marco the day before.

    b) that she went to the cinema with Marco yesterday.

    c) that she had gone to the cinema with Marco the previous day.

2)  Ella said " I'm going shopping this Sunday".

Ella told us ____________.

    а) she was going shopping this Sunday.

    b) she was going shopping that Sunday.

    c) she is going shopping that Sunday

3) ” I haven't bought my tickets yet" , Genry said.

Genry said _____________

    а) he didn't buy his tickets yet.

    b) he hasn't bought his tickets yet.

    c) he hadn't bought his tickets yet.
4)  "Don't drive too fast," she begged him.

    а) She begged him didn't drive too fast

    b) She begged him not drive too fast.

     c) She begged him not to drive too fast.

5) "Buy a new car," I advised him.

    а) I advised him to buy a new car.

    b) I advised him bought a new car.

    c) I advised him buy a new car

6) Nick asked us: 'Did you have enough time to finish your work?'

    a) Nick asked us if you had enough time to finish your work.

    b) Nick asked us if they had enough time to finish their work.

    c) Nick asked us if we had enough time to finish our work.

    d) Nick asked us if we had had enough time to finish our work.

IV. Prepare a short report about three recent events you found interesting. Answer the questions Who? What? Where? Why?

До підручника
Англійська мова (9-й рік навчання, рівень стандарту) 10 клас (Карпюк О.Д.)
10 жовтня 2023
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