Happy Reading For the Youngest Students

Про матеріал
"Happy Reading" - це маленька збірка авторських віршів для молодших школярів на різні теми. Їх можна використати на уроках та в позаурочний час.
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          Happy Reading

   For The Youngest Students


                                                                                                        Composed by

                                                                                                    Lutsyna Dorofeyeva

                                                                                                             School 33


                                                         Lviv   2023



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    “Butterfly, butterfly.

     Where do you fly?

     So quick and high

     In the blue sky?”


    “ I fly at the noon and at night

C:\Users\User\Desktop\images.jpg     To the places of different sights

     To see the great world’s beauty

     And make my natural duty.”

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                     On Sunday



On a rest day Sunday

I often go to the zoo.

I help my mother cooking

And I like reading too.

I play with little animals

I love them very much.

I feed a little squirrel

And give her lots of nuts.

C:\Users\User\Desktop\Словник в малюнках\squirrel.jpgI do in time my lessons

Because I like them all.

I like TV programs

Because they give me soul.













What Are You Doing?



What are you doing, dear father?

I’m waiting for your mother.

Look, please, she cooks well.

Do you feel this tasty smell?


What are you doing, dear uncle?

I’m looking at the jungle.

Look, please, and you’ll see

C:\Users\User\Desktop\Рековері\3577_elephants_001.jpgA lot of wonderful animals and trees.







































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http://ukraine.filolingvia.com/leksika/zagruzhennoe-1.jpgHappy birthday, dear Marry,

Happy birthday to you.

May all your wishes and dreams

Really come true.


I wish you to be kind and happy.

I wish you joy and good luck.

Be wealthy and much healthy

C:\Users\User\Desktop\Новая папка (3)\images 32.jpgAnd always have a lot of fun.
































C:\Users\User\Desktop\Словник в малюнках\friendship.jpg                     Wishes



At any time be friendly and kind,

Help each other with your clever mind.

Don’t forget to give your love while,

Do everything with a beautiful smile.

C:\Users\User\Desktop\Словник в малюнках\friendly.jpgC:\Users\User\Desktop\Словник в малюнках\love.jpg 












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    Don’t Cry

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Don’t cry, my little child, don’t cry.

I’ll teach you in your dreams fly.

I’ll bring you a beautiful kite

To play with it outside.



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http://ukraine.filolingvia.com/leksika_leksika/Snowflake_08.gif         Winter


It’s winter!

Let’s go to ski.

http://ukraine.filolingvia.com/leksika_leksika/Winter_29.gifIt’s winter!

A lot of children outside you see.

It’s winter!

Let’s go to skate.

It’s winter!

But don’t be late.

It’s winter!

There is a lot of snow.

It’s winter!

But we can’t play with a ball.












        My Pet


 I have got a pet.

It’s big and fat.

It can jump and run.

http://ukraine.filolingvia.com/leksika/pet-cat-clipart.jpgIt can be really fun.

Guess! What’s the pet?

You’re right. It’s a cat.



















My Favourite Toy


“Where is my favourite toy?”

 Asks his mum a little boy.

“Is it on the table? Is it on the floor?

Is it hanging on this white door?

Is it under the sofa or on the bed?

Is it in the box or under the mat?

Oh! I’ve found it. It’s in the bag

Just near the chair’s leg.” 
















               My Family


I love my mum. I love my dad.

My sister, brother, my grandma and my granddad.

This is my family, the best of all.

As you see, it’s not so small.

12 лютого 2023
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