Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s stone. Відео-урок для 8-9 класів. Вчитель Кудлай Х. П.
Номер слайду 2
Номер слайду 3
Plot of the book. Harry Potter is a boy who hasn’t got parents. He lives with an uncle, an aunt and a cousin. But when he is 11, he discovers that he is a wizard. And Harry is famous in the wizard world as a boy who could survive. If you want to know more , watch a movie or read a book. You will definitely like it.
Номер слайду 4
1. Name the pictures below. Hat. Magic wandglassesscarfeather
Номер слайду 5
2. Fill in the gaps with the given words
Номер слайду 6
Keys to exercise 2
Номер слайду 7
Номер слайду 8
3. Translation of the following phrasal verbs Dry up-заспокоїтись. Be off- відправитись. Carry on- продовжити. Keep up- підтримувати. Slide off- з’їхати Turn up-з’явитись. Move over- йти даліSort out-вирішити. Look up-шукати. Get rid of-позбутись. Come across- наштовхнутись. Sneak out-вислизнути. Head off- перехопити
Номер слайду 9
4. Fill in the gaps with missing verbs
Номер слайду 10
Keys to the 4th exercise
Номер слайду 11
5. Watch a video and do exercises
Номер слайду 12
Номер слайду 13
Video quiz questions 1) Why did the red-head boy come to this particular compartment?Because he was assigned here. Because he lost his way. Because everywhere else is full2) What are the boys' names?Ron Potter and Harry Weasley. Ron Weasley and Harry Potter. Ron Weasley and Harry Otter3) Ron asked Harry if he has a____scarcarstar4) Harry is going to buy the sweets from the lady with the trolley because___He wanted to show off. He wanted to give it to Ron. He was hungry
Номер слайду 14
5) Some of the chocolate's flavor that Ron has mentioned are__peppermint,spinach,liver,and tripeapple,cinnamon and bananascoconuts and spinach6) The chocolate frogs are real?True. False7) How many "Dumbledore cards" does Ron have?About 6 About 4 About 78) The girl asked the boys if they have seen a ________toyteddy beartoad
Номер слайду 15
Video quiz answers1) Why did the red-head boy come to this particular compartment?Because he was assigned here. Because he lost his way. Because everywhere else is full2) What are the boys' names?Ron Potter and Harry Weasley. Ron Weasley and Harry Potter. Ron Weasley and Harry Otter3) Ron asked Harry if he has a____scarcarstar4) Harry is going to buy the sweets from the lady with the trolley because___He wanted to show off. He wanted to give it to Ron. He was hungry
Номер слайду 16
5) Some of the chocolate's flavor that Ron has mentioned are__peppermint,spinach,liver,and tripeapple,cinnamon and bananascoconuts and spinach6) The chocolate frogs are real?True. False7) How many "Dumbledore cards" does Ron have?About 6 About 4 About 78) The girl asked the boys if they have seen a ________toyteddy beartoad