I can talk about Ukraine (текст для читання та подальшого обговорення).

Про матеріал
Навчання технології читання по темі "Україна" для формування інформаційної компетентності учнів, та для закріплення необхідної лексики. Для опанування стратегії виконання завдань /вправ до тексту, що допомагає при складанні ДПА, ЗНО. Для розвитку вміння отримувати інформацію з текстів з різним ступенем проникнення у зміст прочитаного і з розвитком компетенції використовувати цю інформацію для вирішення різних комунікативних завдань.
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I can talk about Ukraine

Ukraine is the enormous  Eastern European state washed from its South with the Black and Azov seas. But Ukraine is inland. Length from West to East - 1316 km, from North to South - 893 km, of borders - 6500 kilometers long. Ukraine borders on  Poland, Slovakia, Hungary, Romania, Republic of Moldova, the Russian Federation, Belarus. The  longest river is  the Dnipro - 1121 km. The mountain peak Hoverla is in the Ukrainian Carpathians  and  2061 meters high. The capital city is Kyiv. The major cities are Lviv, Kharkiv, Odessa. Lviv is very popular with tourists and  Odessa has some famous  beaches.


1.Study the map of Ukraine for a minute and

complete the sentences.

•The town in the north is Chernigiv.

1.The town in the south is_________.

2.The capital is ____________.

3.The longest river is _______________.

4.The highest mountain is ___________.

5.In the south, it has a border with _________.

6.In the north, it has a border with _________.

7.A popular city with tourists is ____________.

8. Odessa is famous for ____________.


2. What can you say about these places?

•Kyiv –It’s the capital of Ukraine.

1.Ukraine                      4. Hoverla

2.Lviv                            5. Dnipro

3.Odessa                        6.Kherson


enormous very big

kilometres long kms from one end to the other

metres high 3,000 m from top to bottom (A mountain is high not tall.)

capital a city where a country has its government

inland not near the sea

major large and important

famous If something is famous, many people know about it. (Rio is famous for Carnival.)

beach area of sand next to the sea,

popular If something is popular, many people like it.



3. Write your answers .

1. What's the capital, and where is it? 

2. What are some of the other major cities? 

3. Does it have borders with any other countries? If so, what are they? 

4. Which places are popular in summer? 

5. What are the famous places in your capital city?




5 червня 2019
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