Intermediate level - Learn English Conversation and Improve Vocabulary through Oxford English video. The American patient. Watch the video and do the exercises.

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Intermediate level - Learn English Conversation and Improve Vocabulary through Oxford English video. THE AMERICAN PATIENT. The video is available at
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Intermediate level - Learn English Conversation and Improve Vocabulary through Oxford English video. Episode 2. The American Patient.

Exercise 1. Read and learn new vocabulary. Make up sentences with them. Then match the given vocabulary with the right picture.

  1. Accident /ˈæk.sɪ.dənt/ нещасний випадок
  2. Violin /ˌvaɪəˈlɪn/ скрипка
  3. Appalling /əˈpɔː.lɪŋ/ жахливий
  4. Swich /swɪtʃ/ виключатель
  5. Fuse box /fjuːz bɒks/ коробка запобіжників

1.  2.    3.      4.     5.   

­­­­____________             _____________      ______________      ____________    __________


Exercise 2. Match the name to the photo.

      1.   MATT                                   2.   BILL                             3.  JANE                     4.  HELEN

A.    B.      C.     D.


Exercise 3. Watch the video and write True or False.

  1. Helen is typing the message.
  2. Jane had an accident. She is wet.
  3. First, they speak about Matt. He has changed a lot.
  4. Matt is taking up the violin.
  5. Matt is appalling now.
  6. Last Monday Simon went to the cinema with Helen.
  7. Helen’s neighbour’s name is Bill.
  8. Bill is an electrician.
  9. The main switch is next to the fuse box.
  10.  Bill went to the hospital.


EX. 1

  1. Fuse box
  2. Swich
  3. Accident
  4. Violin
  5. Appalling

EX. 2

1c    2d       3a       4b

EX. 3

  1. T
  2. T
  3. T
  4. F
  5. T
  6. F
  7. T
  8. F
  9. T
  10.  F


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