Історія Великобританії. Презентація

Про матеріал
Ця презентація охоплює період Великої пожежі, що сталася в Лондоні, інформацію про королівських ворон та визначні місця, які можна відвідати в Лондоні.
Зміст слайдів
Номер слайду 1

History of Great Britain

Номер слайду 2

The living Tower of London The Tower of London was founded in 1078 when William the Conqueror ordered the White Tower to be built inside the SE angle of the City walls, adjacent to the Thames. This was as much to protect the Normans from the people of the City of London as to protect London from outside invaders. William ordered the Tower to be built of Caen stone, which he had specially imported from France, and appointed Gundulf, Bishop of Rochester as the architect

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Meet The Ravens There are seven ravens at the Tower today ( the required six plus one spare!) Their names are Hardey, Thor, Odin, Gwyllum, Cedric, Hugine and Munin.

Номер слайду 4

Beefeaters The name Beefeaters is thought to come from the French word - buffetier. Buffetiers were guards in the palace of French kings. They protected the king's food. Beefeaters were originally established in 1485 as King Henry VII's bodyguard, immediately after is victory at Bosworth. They are best known for their scarlet and gold dress uniforms which date from 1552 and are worn on state occasions.

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The Great Fire of London

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The famous ‘Great Fire of London’ started on Sunday 2 September 1666 in a bakers shop.

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The shop was in ‘Pudding Lane’ and belonged to Thomas Faynor who baked for the King.

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The baker forgot to put out the fire he used to bake bread. Some fire wood was set alight and the fire began.

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The buildings in London at the time were made of wood so they burnt very easily.

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The buildings were also very close together, so the fire spread from one street to another quickly.

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The very strong wind blowing also helped the fire to spread quickly across the city of London.

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There were no firemen or fire engines so people tried to put the fire out with buckets of water.

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The fire destroyed many buildings in London. They were later rebuilt using bricks instead of wood.

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Samuel Pepys kept a diary of what he saw during the fire. He watched the fire from across the River Thames.

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The fire was burning for four days. Luckily only 4 people were reported to have died.

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After the fire a fire service was set up in London to make sure that it did not happen again.

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A monument was made to remember the ‘Great Fire of London’. It still stands in London today.

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in London

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«London is one of the most beautiful and interesting cities in the world. It’s worth visiting!»

Номер слайду 20

This is Big Ben. You can see the clock in its tower and hear the bells. Big Ben is a really bell. You hear it every hour.

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The famous clock Big Ben stands near the Houses of Parliament. The country’s leaders speak in the Houses of Parliament.

Номер слайду 22

Westminster Abbey is a church . Westminster Abbey is a symbol of England. It was built by King Edward in 1065. The coronation of all British Kings and Queens take place in Westminster Abbey. Some famous English people are also buried here.

Номер слайду 23

This is the Tower of London. The Tower is very old. It has a long and cruel history. The White Tower is the oldest part of the Tower of London. The Bloody Tower is near the river. It has a history of blood – the blood of men, women and even children.

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This is Buckingham Palace - the place were British kings and queens live when they are in London. Important visitors often go to the palace. They meet Queen Elizabeth and the royal family inside the palace. A lot of tourist go to Buckingham Palace. They stand outside and see the Changing of the Guard (зміна караулу)

Номер слайду 26

Gunpowder plot, November 5th, 1605 The object of The Gunpowder Plot was to blow up English Parliament along with the ruling monarch, King James I. It was hoped that such a disaster would initiate a great uprising of English Catholics, who were distressed by the increased severity of penal laws against the practice of their religion.

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Gunpowder plot, November 5th, 1605 The conspirators, who began plotting early in 1604, eventually expanded their members to a point where secrecy was impossible. One of their number, Thomas Percy (who had contacts at the Court of King James), hired a cellar beneath the House of Lords. Within this cellar were secretly stored 36 barrels (almost two tons) of gunpowder, overlaid with iron bars and firewood. The plan went awry, however, by way of a myserious letter received by Lord Monteagle on October 26th (10 days prior to the opening of Parliament).

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Gunpowder plot A modern theory regarding the involvement of Guy Fawkes in the Gunpower Plot is that he was not trying to blow up the Houses of Parliament at all, but merely attempting to assassinate King James who, it was believed, had reneged on his promise to put a stop to the persecution of Catholics. In any event, it remains unclear whether the conspirators would have been successful in their plan, even if they had not been betrayed. Some believe that the gunpowder they were planning to use was so old as to be useless for the task.

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Guy Fawkes’ Night Remember, Remember The Fifth of November The Gunpowder Treason and Plot I know of no reason Why the Gunpowder Treason Should ever be forgot

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The Gunpowder Plot Conspirators

Номер слайду 31

Traditional rhymes A penny loaf to feed the Pope. A farthing o' cheese to choke him. A pint of beer to rinse it down. A faggot of sticks to burn him. Burn him in a tub of tar. Burn him like a blazing star. Burn his body from his head. Then we'll say ol' Pope is dead. Hip hip hoorah! Hip hip hoorah hoorah!

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Англійська мова (9-й рік навчання, профільний рівень) 10 клас (Несвіт А.М.)
9 січня 2020
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