Відкритий урок у 3-му класі
по темі: «Family. Jobs and Professions»
Мета: практична: - повторити та активізувати лексику по темі «Професії»;
- ознайомити учнів з новими лексичними одиницями;
- активізувати вживання дієслова «to be» в Present simple;
- розвивати навички усної мови;
- формувати навички аудіювання.
Розвиваюча: - розвивати логічне мислення, допитливість та мовну здогадку, уміння сприймати на слух нову інформацію.
Освітня: - розширити знання учнів по темі;
- сформувати орієнтовну базу лексичних та граматичних знань для подальшого засвоєння навчального матеріалу.
Виховна: - виховувати культуру спілкування та толерантність, позитивне ставлення до людей різних професій, виховувати інтерес до вивчення англійської мови.
Обладнання: комп’ютер з мультимедійною презентацією, аудіо- та відеоматеріали, картки для рольової гри, роздатковий матеріал, дошка, підручник.
Хід уроку.
1) Привітання.
Т: Good morning, dear children, I’m glad to see you.
Cl: Good morning, teacher! We are glad to see you too.
T: As you can see, we have many guests at our lesson, so you may turn to them and say “Hello!”.
2). Фонетична зарядка.
Т: Now, children, let’s do some phonetic drills. The sound “t”.
Cl: Tick-tock says a clock, tock-tick be quick.
Т: The sound “æ”.
Cl: A black cat sat on a mat and ate a fat rat.
Т: The sound “w”.
Cl: Why do you cry Willy, why do you cry? Why Willy? Why Willy? Why Willy? Why?
3) Мовленнєва зарядка.
Т: Ok, children. And now answer my questions, please. Where are you from?
P: I’m from Ukraine.
T: Here is a present for you. (Вчитель дає аркуш з літерою “J”)
Т: Is your family big?
P: Yes, it is/No, it isn’t.
T: Here is a present for you. (Вчитель дає аркуш з літерою “O”)
Т: Do you have a sister?
P: Yes, I do/ No, I don’t.
T: Here is a present for you. (Вчитель дає аркуш з літерою “B”)
Т: Do you have a brother.
P: Yes, I do/ No, I don’t.
T: Here is a present for you. (Вчитель дає аркуш з літерою “S”)
T: And now, children who has letter “J”?
P: I have letter “J”
T: Come up to me, please.
T: Who has letter “O”?
P: I have letter “O”.
T: Come up to me, please.
T: Who has letter “B”?
P: I have letter “B”.
T: Come up to me, please.
T: Who has letter “S”?
P: I have letter “S”.
T: Come up to me, please.
T: Now you can guess the topic of our today’s lesson. It’s jobs and professions. So, today:
We ought to study English
To have good luck and mood
Let’s prove at our lesson
That all jobs are good.
T: Now let’s revise the words you’ve already learned. Have a look at the pictures and repeat after me. (йде презентація, діти повторюють назви професій)
T: Good. And now look at these pictures, please, and answer my questions: what’s his/her job?
P: He/she is a … .
4) Письмо.
T: And now I want you to guess the word and write it on the blackboard (діти пишуть: driver, farmer, teacher, pilot, nurse).
T: And now let’s do another exercise. Here is a table. You have to put the words into the right column:
Barber, waiter, writer, chef, judge, nurse, car mechanic, astronaut, firefighter
Work inside |
Work outside |
Both |
T: Good for you. And now look at the screen, please. And revise the verb “to be”. (презентація, учні повторюють за вчителем табличку)
T: Ok. And let’s sing together a short grammar song (співають під мелодію «В лесу родилась ёлочка»)
T: Let’s look at the screen again and do some more exercises. (Діти виконують вправу по презентації).
T: My friends, I think it’s time to have a rest! (Діти виконують пісню і танець “Pingiun dance”)
5) Читання.
T: Now, children, I’ll give you the text and want you to read it (Діти читають).
Text: Tom Brown is from England. He is eight. He’s got a father and a mother. His father is a lawyer, his mother is a doctor. His sister Rose is a nurse. His uncle is a car mechanic and his aunt is a teacher. Tom likes drawing pictures and wants to be an artist.
T: Good, children and now answer my questions, please.
P: He is from England.
P: He is a lawyer.
P: He is a car mechanic.
P: Tom wants to be an artist.
T: Well done. And now maybe some of you will tell us about your parent’s job. (2 учні відповідають)
6) Playing game.
T: And now children, let’s relax a bit and play a game. I have cards on my table with different professions. You have to guess what profession is it. I need one pupil. Who wants to come?
(професії: postman, lifeguard, actor, teacher, firefighter) (Діти по черзі витягують картки, а решта учнів вгадують професії)
7) Аудіювання.
T: And now let’s listen to the song and fill in the gaps in the cards I’ll give you. (Діти слухають пісню і вставляють пропущені слова)
Exercise 1. Fill in the gaps with professions.
Pilot, barber, mechanic, fighter, police, teachers, postman, lifeguard
I see a fire 1.…………….. fighting fires,
I see a car 2.…………….. changing tires,
I see a 3.…………….. flying through the air,
I see a 4.…………….. cutting people's hair,
I see the people in my town and I say,
"Hey brother, what's going down?"
I see a 5.…………….. with the mail,
I see the 6.…………….. putting folk in jail,
I see a 7.…………….. at the swimming pool,
I see the 8…………….. in the local schools,
I see the people in my town and I say,
"Hey brother, what's going down?"
T: There is another task below you have to match up:
Exercise 2. Match them up.
pilot |
putting folk in jail |
barber |
in the local schools |
mechanic |
cutting people's hair |
firefighter |
at the swimming pool |
police |
changing tires |
teachers |
with the mail |
postman |
fighting fires |
lifeguard |
flying through the air |
T: Are you ready? Let’s check then. (Діти читають з’єднані словосполучення)
T: And now let’s sing the song together. (Діти співають пісню)
I see a fire fighter fighting fires,
I see a car mechanic changing tires,
I see a pilot flying through the air,
I see a barber cutting people's hair,
I see the people in my town and I say,
"Hey brother, what's going down?"
I see a postman with the mail,
I see the police putting folk in jail,
I see a lifeguard at the swimming pool,
I see the teachers in the local schools,
I see the people in my town and I say,
"Hey brother, what's going down?"
Doctors, nurses, astronauts, judges, lawyers, In the courts,
I see an actor acting on the stage,
I see a writer writing on a page,
I see a chef working in a restaurant,
And a waiter asking what you want,
I see the people in my town and I say.
"Hey brother, what's going down?"
Doctors, nurses, astronauts, judges, lawyers, In the courts,
I see the people in my town and I say,
"Hey brother, what's going down?" I say, "hey brother, what's going down?"
T: Your hometask will be: draw a picture and write what job you like.
T: Let’s play a game! Look at the cards, please! You should find ten words in the table and circle them. Work in pairs, please! You have three minutes.