Календарно-тематичне планування уроків за підручником ОД.Карп’юк “English” 11 клас
на ІІ семестр
№ |
Дата |
Тема уроку |
Мовний інвентар |
Комунікативна компетентність |
Інтегровані змістові лінії |
Домашнє завдання |
Лексика |
Граматика |
Аудіювання |
Читання |
Усна/писемна взаємодія |
Unit 5. Inventions and lifestile |
17.01 |
Більше про смартфони |
Ex.1a p120 |
Ex.2 p121-122. Ex 3a p122-123 |
“Warm up activity» p119. Ex 1b, p120 |
Discuss the place of a person in a modern technological environment |
Write a brief essay about an attitude to electronic devices |
20.01 |
Наука та винаходи |
Ex.1 p117. Ex.3 p125 Ex 5 p125-126 |
Ex2 p124-125 answer the questions |
Discuss positive and negative effects of some inventions |
Write a brief review about the most useful/useless invention |
24.01 |
Наука та технічний прогрес. |
p. 126 “Note box” p.127. Ex 1 p 27 |
Grammar practice card |
Ex 4 p128 |
Describe their own lifestyle |
Ex 5 p 128 |
27.01 |
Сучасні гаджети змінили нас |
“Words for you” box, p.129 |
Ex1 p 129, ex2a p130, ex 2b p130-131, ex3 p131 |
ex 2a p130, ex4 p133 |
Ex1 p 129, ex1 p132, ex 2a p132, ex4 p133, Ex 3 p133 |
Describe the positive and negative effects of certain inventions |
Ex 5 p 134 |
31.01 |
Написання статей: мета, тип, стиль |
“Writing points” box, p 135 |
Ex 1 p 135. Ex 2 p 135. |
Ex 3 p 136 |
Compare real and virtual communication |
Ex 4 p 136 |
03.02 |
Цифровий світ |
Ex 2, 3 p 137-138 |
Ex 1 p 137 |
Ex 4 p 138 |
Ex 2 p 137 |
Ex 6 p 139 Ex 5 p 139 |
Forsee effects of careless behavior in the social networks |
Ex 6 p 139 |
07.02 |
Вплив винаходів на розвиток суспільства |
Ex 1 p 140 |
Ex 2 p 140 |
Ex 3 p 141 |
Describe theie own lifestile and defines priorities |
Ex 4 p 141-144 |
Unit 6. Nature and the environment |
10.02. |
Природні парки |
“Warm up” activity, p 145. Ex 1 p 146. The “Words for you” box, p 147 |
Ex 2a p 146-149. Ex 2b p 149 |
“Warm up” activity, p 145 |
Accept nature as an integral system. Evaluate the impact of the environment on people. |
Ex 4 p 149 |
14.02 |
Взаємозв’язок у природі. |
“Vocabulary links” box, p 150 Ex 1 p 150 Ex 2 p150-151 |
“Grammar links” box p 152 |
Ex1 p153 Ex 3 p 154 |
Giving words definitions. Explaining the words meanings. Explaining the rule in groups |
Accept nature as an integral system. Evaluate the impact of the environment on people. |
Ex3 p 151 |
17.02 |
Проблеми екології та пошук шляхів їх вирішення. |
Ex 1 p 153 Ex 3 p 154 |
Ex 2 p153 Ex 4 p154 Ex 6 p155 |
Comparing results Correcting mistakes |
Ex8 p 155-156 |
21.02 |
Вплив науково-технічного прогресу на довкілля та життя суспільства. |
Ex 1 p156 “Word for you” box, p 156 “Word for you” box, p 158 |
Ex 2a p156 Ex 2b p 157 |
Ex 4 p158 Ex 2 p 158-160 |
Making notes. Comment on information. Complete the sentences. Discuss problems. Acting out the dialogues |
Estimate effects of disasters on people |
Ex 4 p 160 |
24.02 |
Глобальне потепління, озонова діра, парниковий ефект — наслідки діяльності людини. Написання есе |
Do the quiz |
Ex 3a p 162 Ex4 p163 |
“Writing point” box p 161. Ex2,b,c p161-162 Ex3b,c p163 |
Accept nature as an integral system. |
Ex5b p163 |
28.02 |
Екологічна свідомість людей |
To revise previously taught vocabulary |
Relative Clauses. Ex1 p164 |
Ex4 p165 “Writing opinion essay” text |
Ex2 p164 Ex3 p165 Ex5-1 p166 |
Accept nature as an integral system. |
Ex 5-2 p166 |
03.03 |
Екологічний транспорт. |
Ex 1a,b p167 |
Ex2 p168 |
Ex3 p163 |
Ex4 p169-170 |
Answer the questions. Ecological problems and possible solutions |
Ex 4 p170 |
Unit 7. Speaking about art |
10.03 |
Види мистецтва. |
Ex4b p174 Ex5 p175-176“Word for you” box, p 175 |
Ex4a p172-174 |
Ex4b p172-174 |
Ex1-3 p172 Ex6 p176 Ex7a p176 Ex8 p176
Demonstrate understanding the value of cultural diversity and the need to live together in peace |
Ex7b,c p176 |
12.03 |
Вплив мистецтва на життя людини |
“Vocabulary links” box, p177 ex 1a,b p 177 Ex2-4 p178 |
“Grammar links” box p 179-180 Ex2a p180-181 Ex3,4 p181 Ex6 p182 |
Discuss the question. Ex 2b p180-181 |
Give examples of the influence of art on health and well-being |
Ex 5 p179 Ex 7 p182 |
14.03 |
Мовою мистецтва |
“Word for you” box, p 183 |
Ex2?3 p184 Ex5 p186 |
Ex5 p176-177 Ex4 p180-181 |
Ex1 p183 Ex4a,b p185 Ex1-4 p186-191 |
Make reports about the main attractions of history and culture |
Write a brief paragraph about one of the pictures you’ve chosen |
17.03 |
Кіномистецтво: улюблені фільми та актори. |
Linking words list, “Useful language” box, p192 |
Ex1 p191 Ex3 p192 |
Ex2 p192 speak about film |
Demonstrate understanding the value of cultural diversity and the need to live together in peace |
Write a film review |
21.03 |
Різновиди мистецтва |
To revise previously taught vocabulary Ex 1 p194 |
Revise the Participle. Ex1 p188 Ex 2 p195 |
Ex 3 p196-197 |
Ex3 p196-197 Ex5 p198-199 Role play the situation |
Compare museums |
Ex4 p198 |
24.03 |
Мистецтво в житті людини |
To revise previously taught vocabulary Ex 1 p200 |
Revise the Participle. Ex2 p201
Ex3 p201
Ex4 p201
Make a list of arts. Complete the sentences. Answer the film Quiz questions |
Express opinion about painters |
Make up a quiz “Ukrainian art” |
Unit 8. Youth in mind |
04.04 |
Участь молоді в соціальних проектах. |
“Word for you” box, p 207 Ex 4 p207 |
Ex 2 p204-206 |
“Warm-up activity” box, p203 Ex 1 p204 answer the questions. Brainstorm the activities |
Discuss the peculiarities of interaction between personality and group. Formulate personal values priorities. Demonstrate an under-standing of value of work and diligence to achieve well-being |
Ex 5 p207 |
07.04 |
Уміння керувати емоціями — ознака зрілої людини. |
Prefix “self-“; Ex 2,3 p209 |
Ex 1 p208 Ex 4a p209 |
Discuss the peculiarities of interaction between personality and group. |
Ex 5 p212 |
11.04 |
Проблеми молоді та пошук шляхів їх подолання. |
“Word for you” box, p 213 “Word for you” box, p 215 |
Ex 2a p213 Ex 2b p213 |
Ex 1,2 p215-216 Ex 3 p214 Ex 3 p216 |
Critically assess the impact of destructive youth movements on peer life Discuss their position and own views on the various social problems |
Ex 2 p216 Write an essay about Ukrainian teenagers’ life |
14.04 |
Психологічна допомога молодим. |
“Writing point” box p 217 Ex 1 p217 |
Compare ideas. Ex 2 p218 Ex3 p218 answer the questions. Discuss the problems |
Discuss their position and own views on the various social problems. Formulate personal values priorities |
Ex4 p218 |
18.04 |
Молодіжні організації і громади |
To revise previously taught vocabulary Ex 1 p219 |
Forms of the Infinitive. Ex 2 p220 |
Youth organizations in Ukraine |
Ex1 p 219 Ex3a p220-221 |
Ex1 p 219 Ex3b p221 Ex5 p221 Role-play the situation. Ex4 p221 Ex6 p221 |
Formulate personal values priorities |
Ex6 p222 |
21.04 |
Участь молоді в житті суспільства. |
Ex1 p223 |
Ex2 p223 |
Ex3 p224 |
Ex4 p225 |
Give an effective advice. Compare the results. Talking about the emotion. Answer the questions. |
Discuss their position and own views on the various social problems |
Write down a brief paragraph about yourself; use a plan |
Unit 9. People and society |
28.04 |
Міжнародні організації |
“Word for you” box, p 230 Ex 4 p230 |
Ex2,3 p228-229 Уч 5 з230 |
“Warm-up activity” box, p227 Ex 1 p228 Ex 5,6 p230-231 Ex 9 p231 |
Demonstrate understanding the value of cultural diversity and the need to live together in peace |
Write a brief essay “Ukraine of the future” |
05.05 |
Міжнародна політика. |
“Vocabulary links” box, p232 Ex1-4 p232-233 |
Nonfinite verb forms. Ex 1, 2 p234 |
Express your opinion. Explain the word meanings. Discuss the questions |
Compare different political systems. Offers options for school participation in community life |
Ex 3 p234 |
12.05 |
Рада Європи та ЄС |
“Word for you” box, p 237
Ex 2 p235 Ex 4 p236 |
Ex 3 p238 |
Ex 1 p235 complete the table. Ex 3 p235 Ex 1 p237 Give common option Ex 2a, 3 p237-238 |
Discuss about their role and place in a modern multilingual and multicultural environment |
Ex 2b p237 |
16.05 |
Демократичні свободи |
Transitions and linking words |
“Writing points” box, p239 |
Ex 1, 2p 239-240 Ex 3 p240 “Useful tips” box p 240 |
Identify own rights and responsibilities. Discuss active citizenship and own views on various social problems. |
Ex 3 p240 |
19.05 |
Людина у суспільстві |
To revise previously taught vocabulary “Useful tips” box p246 |
Ex 2 p242 |
Ex 1 p240 Ex 5a p243-244 |
Ex 3,4 p241-242 Ex 5d p244 Ex 6 p244-246
Discuss active citizenship and own views on various social problems. |
Ex6 p246 |
23.05 |
Україна та Європа |
Ex 1 p247 |
Ex 2 p247 |
Ex 3 p248 |
Ex 1 p247 Ex 4 p248 |
Answer the questions in pairs |
Compare different political systems |
Prepare for the test on reading |
26.05 |
Контроль читання |
Prepare for the test on listening |
30.05 |
Контроль аудіювання |
Prepare for the test on writing |
01.06 |
Контроль письма |
Prepare for the test on speaking |
03.06 |
Контроль говоріння |
06.06 |
Узагальнення вивченого за рік |