Казка "A Secret of Pop Star"

Про матеріал

Дана казка є результатом групової роботи учнів 5-х класів під час позакласної діяльності в "Мовній школі". Група працювала над темою "У світі казок". Така робота дітей направлена на розвиток креативності. Учням цікаво працювати, коли вони бачать результати своєї праці.

Перегляд файлу


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   Once upon a time there was a Pop Star. She was very popular,


but her biggest secret was that she was ugly. She got a magic makeup


to look beautiful and a magic microphone to change her terrible voice


into amazing singing.

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       The only friend of PS was Imp. He could change her colour and


be come invisible.

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Картинки по запросу корона пнг        One day during the concert  Imp accidentally fell down and turned off            

the microphone. PS began singing but only terrible scream was 


Картинки по запросу корона пнгinstead of a beautiful song. Fans loved her so dearly. They decided to 

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Картинки по запросу корона пнгsupport PS thinking she was ill. Imp was very sorry for his friend . He 

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bought a cake and brought it to Pop Star.PS threw the cake into  Imp.

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Картинки по запросу корона пнгLittle devil burst into tears and ran away living the door open.She lost


only friend. Her tears washed the magic makeup. PS′s face was not


beautiful any more.

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       At that time she saw that the fans were in here room. Pop Star


couldn′t lie any more. She told everything her fans. What a story


Картинки по запросу корона пнгwithout magic. The beautiful voice was a noise from  her lips. It was a

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gift for her honesty.PS started singing for her fans and Imp came


back hearing this amazing voice.


          Hooray! Friends together. Remember! The kind soul is a way


to magic.

   ( The story was written by the 5th form students)  

3 липня 2018
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