"Комп'ютери у нашому житті"

Про матеріал
Розробка уроку допоможе вчителям підготувати завдання на закріплення лексики з теми "Комп'ютери у нашому житті" та "Технології", а також допоможе сформувати навички граматики та УП.
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     Бердичівська міська гуманітарна гімназія №2

      Розробка уроку з теми «Компютери у нашому житті»  

                                Вчитель: Букавина Наталія Григорівна


Мета уроку: сприяти розвитку лексико-граматичних навичок з теми

Очікувані результати: на кінець уроку учні володіють лексикою з теми, доповнюють речення, розуміють автентичний текст, побудований на вивчених ЛО та ГС. 

Обладнання уроку: роздаткові картки, аудіотекст, цитата, комп’ютер.

                               Хід уроку:

  1. Привітання. Ознайомлення з завданнями уроку.
  2. Мовна зарядка.

Look at the quotation written on the blackboard.       


                                                              John Kennedy.

How do you understand it? What do you think of technology? Is technology more powerful than a man? Are computers more intelligent than people?

Can computers  print documents?

Can they forecast the weather?

Can they play chess / make music / do crosswords / write books / check English spelling / love ?

I agree with you, they can do it thanks to people because people created different kinds of today’s technology.

  1. Закріплення раніше вивченого матеріалу:

Our lesson is devoted to computers. Let’s

  a) match English and Ukrainian equivalents of the terms:

     1)  a mouse                            а) гнучкий диск

  1. a keyboard                        b) килимок для миші
  2. multitasking                      c) модем
  3. floppy disk                       d) портативний комп’ютер
  4. mouse pad                        e) робочий стіл
  5. a disk drive                       f) клавіша
  6. modem                              g) багатофункціональність
  7. laptop                                h)дисковод
  8. key                                     i) мишa

    10)desktop                               j) клавіатура

b) Now guess the words from the definitions:

1. ……. – a small object that you move with your hand to operate a computer;

2. ……. – a flat part in front of a computer which you look at;

3. ……. – a part of a computer with rows of letters and symbols;

4. ……. – a  part of a computer you use to pass information to or from a disk;

5. ……. – a round disk for using in a computer to store large amounts of information;

6. ……. – a flat piece of plastic for storing information from a computer;

7. ……. – a type of a small computer you can carry with you;

8. ……. – a flat piece of rubber or plastic which you use under a mouse;

9. ……. – one of the parts with a letter or symbol which you press when you use a computer;

10. …….  – the equipment inside a computer which allows information to be sent to another computer using a telephone line;

11. ……. – a  screen  you see after you’ve switched your computer;

12. ……. – the ability of a computer to run several programs at once.

c) In the world of computers we use some special words and expressions that have two meanings: from the general English and from the sphere of computers. Let’s give the translation of the words: a flame (грубий, непривітний лист), a bug (помилка у програмі), to boot (увімкнути комп’ютер), a geek (професіонал у комп’ютерній справі).

d) translate into Ukrainian:

1.Yesterday my brother got a flame when he was surfing the Internet.  2.We are going to buy a new mouse for our PC. This one doesn’t work.  3.I can’t boot my computer, there’s something wrong. 4. Michael is a real geek, he knows everything in the world of computers. 5.There is a bug in this program.

4. Основна частина уроку:     

а) сomplete  the  text  using  the  words above it:

mouse |  research |  screen |  carry out |  keyboard  | come up with |        put  off


I decided to do some (1)_____into whether buying a tablet PC is waste of money or not. To (2)_____my experiment, I decided to spend a week using only a laptop and a week with only a tablet PC, and see which was better. I had already (3)_____a theory that tablets were just a way to get more money out of customers and that they weren’t really any better  than an ordinary laptop. But I’ve changed my mind. Tablets do have  disadvantages, such as a small (4)_____that isn’t easy to type on. But they have a lot of advantages are the winner!. Though the (5)_____isn’t very big, the images are so clear that it doesn’t matter. And the fact that all you have to do is touch it to do what  you want and you don’t need a(n) (6)_____to click on anything is great. I didn’t think I would (7)_____ my old laptop, but I would. Tablets are the winners!

b) write one word in each gap.  If no word is required, put a hyphen (-) :

  1. I didn’t  buy a new printer because _______the high cost.
  2. Some people make phone calls  through the Internet because _____it’s cheaper.
  3. My teacher doesn’t believe _______ using laptops at school.
  4. My parents believe ______ many video games are too violent.
  5. When you buy a new computer, not all of the cables are always provided _______.
  6. Kids can learn a lot from computer games if they are provided ______ good educational ones.

c) use the notes to write Conditional sentences:

1. If / I / were / you / I / buy / a new laser printer.

2. If / you /get / a / cordless keyboard / you / be able / to sit more comfortable.

3. If / you / charge / your / batteries / your / laptop / not turn itself off / all the time.

4. You / send / pictures / by email / if / you / get / a digital camera.


d) you will hear people talking in five different situations.

For questions  1-5  choose the best answers (A,B or C):


  1. You hear this boy talking about science at school. What does he dislike?
  1. Doing experiments
  2. Writing essays
  3. Watching videos
  1. You hear this man complaining about his new computer. What is the problem?
  1. It’s very slow
  2. It won’t start
  3. It is noisy
  1. You hear this woman talking. What is she thinking of buying?
  1. A computer game
  2. A printer
  3. A monitor
  1. You hear this girl talking. What is her problem?
  1. She doesn’t like her chemistry teacher.
  2. She doesn’t understand chemistry.
  3. She doesn’t like chemistry.
  1. You hear this man talking. What does he use the Internet for?
  1. Downloading music
  2. Chatting to friends
  3. Finding information.


5.Кінець уроку. Підсумки. Оцінювання відповідей.

   Домашнє завдання.

Write your own opinion about the role of computers in people’s lives and how helpful they are for you.



23 січня 2019
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