Комплексна тематична робота з теми “ Nature and environment.”

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По закінченню вивчення теми“ Nature and environment” в 11 класі проводиться комплексна тематична робота за вивченим матеріалом, яка включає в собі проблеми навколишнього середовища і шляхи їх вирішення. Вправи на засвоєння gerund і to- infinitive дають можливість перевірити граматичні знання.

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                                             Complex thematic work   “ Nature and environment.”

                       Name __________________________________________

                       Form __________

 Litter is trash/rubbish that you find on the ground in public areas. In this case, it is a noun. However, it can also be used as a verb, which is very common. You might hear people say "Don't litter", which means "Don't throw your rubbish on the ground".

litter ['lɪtə] обозначает мелкий мусор, который валяется на земле, дорогах, асфальте, траве или просто там, где его быть не должно.

rubbish ['rʌbɪʃ] - британское слово, обозначающее тоже самое, что и refuse, а именно: мусор, хлам, отбросы.

garbage и trash употребляются в американском языке, оба обозначают мусор.

garbage ['gɑːbɪʤ] - слово, которое обозначает влажный мусор, мусор, который может гнить. Обычно, это домашние отходы - недоеденная еда, различные остатки от овощей и фруктов и пр.

trash [træʃ] же, наоборот, обозначает "сухой" мусор - бумага, газеты, картон, упаковки и т.п.

          1.There is a problem of litter in our city. Make suggestions how to solve them.

                                        Sollution -  example - result


  1. Deforestation.

More than 80% of the Earth’s forests have been destroyed - by the man. However, at last we are beginning to understand the key role which forests play in keeping us alive.

What are the reasons to protect our forests?

____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Write your suggestions how to avoid deforestation and how to save forests.

                                            Sollution -- result



  1.  Fossil fuels.

Did you know that our traditional energy sources are running out? Our planet  has limited supplies of fuels such as coal, oil or natural gas, which cannot be replaced. The sooner we start using alternative energy sources, the better.

Sollution --  result



  1. Water shortage problem.

Did you know that water covers 70% of the earth’s surface? However, despite there being so much of this essential resource, many countries suffer water shortages. What then can be done to resolve this situation?

Sollution --  result



  1. Endangered animals and plants.

The Red Book of Ukraine includes the endangered species: wolves, black storks, brown bears, bisons, steppe eagles, green lizards and others. Snowdrop snow white, Astra Alpine, lily forest, mushroom Royal boletus, tulip Shrenka, peony thin leaf are extincted.

  What are your suggestions about how to save them?


  1. Stray dogs.

Why are stray dogs dangerous?


What’s your solutions about how to deal with this problem?

                                        Sollution -  example - result



1. Put the verb into either the gerund (-ing) or the infinitive (with 'to'):

1) I don't fancy (go) out tonight.


2) She avoided (tell) him about her plans.


3) I would like (come) to the party with you.


4) He enjoys (have) a bath in the evening.


7) Do you mind (give) me a hand?


8) He decided (study) biology.


9) I dislike (wait).


10) He asked (come) with us.


11. She agreed (bring) the pudding to the dinner.


12) We hope (visit) Amsterdam next month.


2. Choose the right verb:

1. She didn’t want me …………………


to go

Either could be used here

2. They don’t allow people …………………. in the kitchen.


to smoke

to smoking

3. They don’t allow …………………. in the kitchen.


to smoke

to smoking

1. She didn’t want me …………………


to go

Either could be used here

2. They don’t allow people …………………. in the kitchen.


to smoke

to smoking

3. They don’t allow …………………. in the kitchen.


to smoke

to smoking

4. I didn’t ask ....................... the bill.

that you pay

you to pay

5. Why won’t you let me .....................?


to explain

6. I heard him ...................... the door and go out.


to open

7. I suggested ....................... a job.

her to get

that she should get

Either could be used here

8. You are advised ………………… early


to start

9. I prefer you ....................... me by first name.

to call


Either could be used here

10. Be careful ..................... the children.

not to wake

to not wake

not waking

11. The next ..................... was a big black snake.

to arrive



12. You were lucky ...................... killed.

to not be                                                            not to be







Donate витратні матеріали as places to preserve the endangered species, such as the giant pandas and tigers. It is the conservation of animals that is the most important function of a zoo. With the advances in reproductive technologies, which assist in breeding captive animals, the zoo has become the most important place for animal conservation. Thanks to zoos, certain species of animals have been saved from extinction. Such animals are bred in captivity and when they are ready to survive in the wild, are reintroduced to their original habitat - in the rain forests of Brazil, for instance.

 Wolf They are distributed almost continuously over the Carpathian Mountains and their population densities are very high compared to other parts in Europe. 

Black stork  In Ukraine, the number reaches 400-450 pairs.  In particular, in the Volyn region of 50-60 pairs,  Rivne - 60-70,  Lviv - 30-40,  Transcarpathia - 30-40,  Ivano-Frankivsk - 30-40,  Chernovtsy - 8-10,  Kiev - 25-30,  Chernihiv - 40-50,  Sumy - 10-12.

  1. Brown bear  Brown bear is listed in the IUCN Red List as "a species that is at risk» («Endangered»)  In Ukraine, the brown bear is found in the Carpathians, where, according to
  2. Among the endangered animals can not to offer more or less important. However, there are animals whose extinction is particularlyhigh risk. These animals are
  3. rare bird and disappearing species.

Boletus Regius королівський, яєчник Boletus regius Krombh

ПІДСНІЖНИК БІЛОСНІЖНИЙ (підсніжник звичайний)

Айстра альпійська

Лілія лісова

Айстра альпійська

Тюльпан Шренка

Півонія тонколиста

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До підручника
Англійська мова (10-й рік навчання, академічний рівень) 11 клас (Калініна Л.В., Самойлюкевич І.В.)
31 грудня 2018
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