Конспект позакласного заходу з англійської мови на тему: “February, 6 2018 - Safer Internet Day’ для учнів 8-11 класів

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Позакласний захід з англійської мови “February,6 2018 - Safer Internet Day' для учнів 8-11 класів. День безпечного Інтернету - міжнародний освітній та просвітницький пошук, що охоплює понад 100 країн. День безпечного Інтернету спрямований не тільки на створення безпечного інтернету, але і на кращий Інтернет, де кожен має застосовувати технології відповідально, шанобливо, критично та творчо.

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Конспект позакласного заходу з англійської мови

на тему: “February,6 2018 - Safer Internet Day’ для учнів 8-11 класів

Мета: Тренувати у вживанні ЛО за темою уроку, вчити аналізувати та систематизувати отриману інформацію, сприймати  на слух іншомовне мовлення, отримувати повну інформацію з прочитаного тексту, розвивати навички мовленнєвої компетенції, логічне мислення, навички ведення дебатів. Виховувати культуру безпечного користування Інтернетом та належне ставлення до свого здоровя.

Хід заняття:

Teacher Safer Internet Day, an international education and awareness-raising effort spanning more than 100 countries. Safer Internet Day aims to not only create a safer internet but also a better internet, where everyone is empowered to use technology responsibly, respectfully, critically and creatively.

Student 1 As every year, we will be celebrating Safer Internet Day (SID) on the second day of the second week of the second month of the year! That means SID 2018 will take place on 6 February 2018 under the theme of "Create, connect and share respect: a better internet starts with you"!

Student 1This year campaign aims to reach out to children and young people, parents and carers, teachers, educators and social workers, as well as industry, decision makers and politicians, to encourage everyone to play their part in creating a better internet. "Create, connect and share respect: A better internet starts with you" is a call to action for every stakeholder to play their part in creating a better internet for everyone, in particular the youngest users out there. More than that, it is an invitation for everyone to join in and engage with others in a respectful way in order to ensure a better digital experience.

Teacher At our English lessons we speak about the inventions which bring comfort, fasten and brighten our life. It’s obvious that all inventions happen only when they are really necessary. Now we are living through the period when information is the main value. To store and transfer it we do need clever serious devices. What is the most efficient and available invention which is used by everyone except a washing machine and a vacuum cleaner?

Pupils Computer, the Internet

Teacher That’s true. These 45 min. on Tuesday morning we are going to dedicate to the Internet, and its Role in Our Life. We’ll read, listen and discuss. Today we’ll try to use all our phrases in speech and we’ll try to debate.

Working on the computer we deal with lots of computer terms. Look at the blackboard attentively and guess the meaning of the following words:.

a keyboard , a system unit, a screen, thumb touch pad, a camera data, a laptop, World Wide Net, a password, hackers, a flash memory card, software, speakers.

There are a lot of synonyms among the computer terms. You are to read two columns and find the words with the same meanings


an icon



a display

to select

to store

to keep

to choose

Computer thieves



a sign

a screen


Teacher Read the statements and find the ones which describe good points of computers . Then find the ones which describe bad points. What’s your opinion? Do you agree or not?

  1. They make our life easier.
  2. It is a good way to entertain oneself and not feel bored.
  3. The computer users become addictive .
  4. It improves communication, saving time and money
  5. They emit dangerous rays.
  6. They are bad for your eyes.
  7. They make people more isolated and inactive.

Now let me ask you to change your sits. Judging by your words at the beginning some of your see a bit more shortcomings on the Net, others are more optimistic. So change your seats. Now I’d like you to listen to two short texts and say if the Net is a friend or a foe

1. The greatest advantage of Internet is that you can find your necessary information by clicking only button. You would not go to the library in order to look for what you need and spend all your time to it. Not to mention the fact that if you want to find your friends, relatives, talk to foreigners or play some games, take photos, see interesting videos- Internet is only one way to do it more cheaper, faster and comfortable .

2. There are many things to be said against. First of all, Internet could not develop your mind, skills and abilities. People gradually start to rely on Internet and that is all what they can do in order to achieve their purposes. They do not do any actions or efforts to solute their problem. Moreover there are so many serves in Internet such as chats, different games, psychological tests, love meetings or something else, which attract people's attention. Finally the man, who spends his time sitting in front of his computer finding his "close friend", becomes dependent on it. And to my mind it becomes a real big problem of humanity at all.

Students opinions (for example) I don't imagine my life without Internet, but i agree with you that Internet has some disadvantages… 

To my mind, Internet already became irreplaceable part of our life...

Teacher In conclusion I want to say that Internet helps us to be in step with a time, so we can broad our mind and know about everything, what happened in the world. But we should use it not so often, control and admit that in some cases Internet is not only one thing, which could safe us in difficult situations.

Now I’ll give you two different texts which show the Net from different points. Read and be ready to give the main ideas from the texts. I give you 3 minutes.


There is no doubt that classical paper textbooks' days are numbered. With this in mind, the Education Ministry's initiative is welcome, giving the opportunity to experiment with electronic tablet devices for educational purposes. Initially, pupils at the Belarusian State University's Lyceum will be the first to receive their own personal e-books, loaded with digital copies of ordinary school textbooks and additional materials for independent work.

In fact, Sakrament IT - a High-Tech Park resident has already developed prototypes of such textbooks in the Republic, as part of a UNESCO project. E-books ini t ial ly prepared for those with sight problems use software that can voice any text, describing diagrams and tables. This can be offered as an additional option for children with ful l sight. Listening to teaching materials can be very useful and is a good use of travel time.

"Technically and intellectually schoolchildren are ready to work with multimedia textbooks. Our research shows that they enjoy working in this way and learn better using software," explains the director of Sakrament IT, Valery Yegorov. "As regards the cost to the state budget, we believe that each schoolchild will use their own phone or mobile computer device to download our textbooks. Only families on low incomes will need computers bought for them."

Yegorov agrees that reading texts on small smartphone screens is problematic but listening is possible. On coming home, or at school, a child can download a text to their computer, viewing it on a large screen. Moreover, it's possible to buy second hand computers cheaply. With this in mind, it seems likely that the education system will accept the proposal.

Calculations show that the project will fully cover its costs in the first year of operation; moreover, a $6 mi l l ion profit is expected. Sakrament IT is now planning to develop multimedia textbooks for higher educational establishments, having found that almost 90 percent of students are ready to buy such devices.


More and more students at school and university are using the internet to cheat in their coursework. In Britain, about 25 % of students copy material from the internet when they write their homework. In the USA there is a similar problem. One report showed that about 54 % of students copy from the internet when they prepare for the lessons. Of course, students rightly use the internet to help them research a topic when they are doing coursework or writing an essay. But some of them also copy and include material from the internet into their own essays without indicating that they are using someone else's work. For example, a student who has to write an essay on Shakespeare can find lots of different essays on particular plays and themes in Shakespeare and copy one of them. So they no longer have to read books in libraries, take notes and plan their own essay.

 The internet has certainly helped students to avoid the hard work of writing an original essay, but it is not the only reason why cheating is increasing. In recent years, students' attitudes to school and university have changed. In the past, students had a more idealistic attitude towards a university education. University broadened their minds. Nowadays, a lot of students are more practical in their attitude. They are only interested in passing the exams. They want a degree only to help them get a good job.

Teachers and examiners want to stop cheating in school and university, but they do not agree about how to solve the problem. Some teachers think a student's final grade shouldn't depend on his/her coursework. They think that it is better to have traditional (time-limited) written exams that are held in an examination room.

Another way to stop cheating is to have an oral exam at the end of the course. If students cannot answer questions about their coursework, this could indicate that they have cheated. At the same time, the oral exam would give the examiner a better idea of students' real knowledge of the subject.

Teacher Now give the main moments («E-books»)

I give you time to make constructive thinking and to think of as many reasons as possible to prove your opinion.

But … I offer you to be an expert. I mean you listen and at the end make a conclusion, which group will convince you.



Give me the main moments («Can Cheating Be Stopped?»)



Expert’s opinion

I admit that all my group mates are right. I support them that it’s harmful for eyes and back to be glued to the Net. Moreover it affects the immature mind of teens. They stop reading classical paper books and forget what the theatre is. The Net is full of violent and aggression-promoting things. Social nets are really time-consuming. Some sites teach to do illegal things, to cheat. Games instruct to kill. Teens see the contradiction between the reality and the virtual world. And most of them opt for virtual relations, friendship, e-books and so on and so forth. I’m sure in this case it sounds like a curse.

But yet it is impossible to survive in the 21st century without the Net. E-libraries, sites on cooking, design, travelling and hundreds of other things make it our true friend. You can’t see the results of centralized testing or watch the missed TV programme without the Net. So it’s up to you to choose to make it a friend or a foe. We must remember that everything is good within reasonable limits.

Do you agree? (1 pupil from each group)

Is it a curse or a blessing?

How to turn it into a friend?

Teacher We use the computer every day, we spend too much time surfing the Net and doing different things and what rules we must follow to keep healthy and not to damage our health.

  1. The distance between your eyes and the monitor must be 70 cm
  2. Every 10 to 20 minutes, give your eyes a brief (20-30 second) break during which you look away from your screen and focus instead on an object in the distance.
  3. Every hour or so, stand up and get away from your computer for 5 minutes or so.
  4. Keep your working place tidy.
  5. The top of your screen should be at eye level.


"I Like It" is an anti-cyber bullying rap performed by the GMCBeats Youth Crew to celebrate Safer Internet Day.

Music & lyrics written, produced & recorded at GMCBeats Rap Workshops (run by Garry McCarthy gmcbeats.com) in Knocknaheeny, Cork City.

Rappers: Adam, Nice, Julia & Cathal. Video by Damien Murphy / Limbo Media - thisislimbo.me/

Let’s make a conclusion. Computer is an important part of our life. The modern life is impossible without computers. It help us to be up-to-date. Everything has its advantages and disadvantages . I am sure the computer has more pluses than minuses. But we must use it wisely and intelligently.

 What moments from the lesson do you like most?

 What moments were the most useful?

 By the way, have you forgotten about your mobiles? You may switch them on. I hope you won’t waste life on the Internet as you may spend your life on exciting discoveries.

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