Конспект уроку - проекту з англійської мови для 8 класу на тему "Tours About London"

Про матеріал

Конспект уроку допоможе організувати навчальний процес у формі проекту. В основі проекту - складання розумових карт "mind-maps", які допомагають учням планувати власні проекти: екскурсійні маршрути по Лондону. На уроці використовуються інтерактивні, парні, індивідуальні та групові форми роботи, удосконалюються навички діалогічного мовлення в рольовій грі. Учні вчаться працювати з картою, знаходити й відбирати необхідну інформацію з друкованих джерел, розвивається здатність мовного самоконтролю учнів, формується культура мовлення і спілкування та пізнавальний інтерес до країни, мова якої вивчається.

Перегляд файлу





                                     ДЕПАРТАМЕНТ ОСВІТИ І НАУКИ

                         ВІДДІЛ ОСВІТИ




      52660 вул.Миру 5а, Григорівка, Васильківський район Дніпропетровська область, тел.9-52-38















                                                               З досвіду роботи

                                                                 Литвиненко Н.В.

                                                                               вчителя англійської мови

                                                                    Григорівської СЗШ










Тема уроку: Проект. Складання екскурсійних маршрутів по Лондону.


Цілі уроку: активізувати  вживання ЛО теми в мовленні учнів, практикувати       учнів робити самостійні висловлювання на основі раніше вивченого матеріалу, удосконалювати навички  діалогічного мовлення в рольовій грі, розвивати вміння знаходити й відбирати необхідну інформацію з друкованих джерел, працювати з картою,  розвивати здатність  мовного самоконтролю учнів, формувати культуру мовлення і спілкування та пізнавальний інтерес до країни, мова якої вивчається.


Тип уроку: урок творчого застосування знань та вмінь.


Інноваційні технології: інтерактивні форми навчання, проектна методика.


Форми роботи: фронтальне опитування, групові ( рольова гра ) , парні ( складання діалогів), складання маршруту за картою, індивідуальні (презентація маршрутів)


Обладнання:  карта Лондона, фотографії визначних місць, Mind-MapSightseeing”, “Route”, завдання для рольових ігор, вислови про Лондон, карти екскурсійних маршрутів.


Між предметні зв’язки: історія Лондона, географія, країнознавство.


Учні повинні знати: визначні місця Лондона та їх характерні особливості.


Учні повинні вміти: вести діалогічне мовлення за вивченою темою, знаходити визначні місця Лондона на карті та характеризувати їх особливості, працювати за картою і складати маршрут екскурсії, вміти написати оголошення.


                                            ХІД    УРОКУ


І.  Підготовка до сприйняття іншомовного мовлення


     Aim. T. We’ve got an unusual lesson today – lesson project. Would you like to pretend to be a guide in Travelling Bureau. We’ll try to make projects of excursion tours around London.

     By the end of the lesson you’ll be able to participate in common conversational exchanges about the topic of the lesson and to design the routes about London and to represent them.


      Warmup. Введення  в мовне середовище.

Робота над римуванням для підвищення особистісної самооцінки учнів

  Chant   To Build up Your Self – Esteem”

                                I’m   a student

                                I’m   a clever student

                                I’m a   fantastic   student

                                I’m  a  brilliant   student

                                I’m the best student in the world

T. I think you are sure in your efforts and we can start our work.


II. Основна частина уроку.

     T. In order to make project of routes let’s remind different kinds of sightseeing. Imagine that I’m the Headmaster of Bureau. We work out the excursion routes around London.

     First of all, Let’s draw the Mind-map “ Sightseeing” and  define  the main directions and give the definitions to them.  



1. The Houses of Parliament is the seat of the British Government.

2. Trafalgar Square is an area with statues and fountains.

3. Piccadilly Circus is an area where six busy streets come together

4. Westminster Abbey is an old royal church.

5.  Big Ben   is the clock on the Tower Clock.

6.  London Tower is the famous landmark of Victorian engineering.

7.  St. Jame’s park is the royal park

8.  British Museum is the famous museum in the world.

9.  Madam Tussaud’s Museum is the famous museum of wax figures

10. Regent’s Park is famous for London Zoo.


Speaking. T. You see children it is not fantastic to go to London nowadays. The exchanging students have the opportunity to visit London. Now let’s play the role play.


Group – Role Play   “ A Day in London

T. Dear children! Imagine that you are exchanging students, who have a happy chance to visit London.


          Role 1.  You are Charles. You live in London. You talk to two friends from abroad who have just arrived in London. Find out their length to stay in London, places of interests they would like to visit.


Write as much as you can in the table below:







1. What country are you from?




2. How long are you going to stay in London?

One day

Three days

One day

3. What places of interests would you like to see?

Buckingham palace, London Zoo

Madam Tussaud’s Wax museum, National Gallery

British Museum 

Boat trips on the




Charles: Let’s go to the tourist agency. They help us.


Planning Project. T.  So you see the tourists want to see London and we must help them. Let us plan our project. Look at the blackboard. There are 4 main directions of sights that are worth visiting. What are they?

T. Now your task is to make a project of the routes.


     Group  Role-play “Finest Sightseeing Company”

The class is divided into four groups. Each group has a pamphlet from a tour organization or from the tourist agency of a specific region.

Group 1   -  Historical   places

Group 2   -  Squares

Group 3   -  Parks

Group 4   -  Museums


Group 1. Role 1,  Role 2,   Role 3,  Role 4. You are travel agents, representing the tourist agency of a specific region. Make a  project  of  a tour  and  draw them on the map. Describe the tour and explain why it is a good tour. Convince another group – a group of tourists, that they should take your tour and not other.



 T. Planning a project of a route you must take into account the following things:

             -  which kind of transport you choose;

             -  name the streets, roads, squares you are going to pass;

             -  ho w much time does it take;

             -  where  you  are going to make a break and have meals;

Let’s  draw  the map.

Drawing.      Планування та опис маршруту.

      T. Now, your task is to draw the route taking into account  these four points. Look at the map, remember that our “ Agency “ is  in Fleet Street.

       First, follow your route in mind and then draw it on the map.

         (  Учні прокладають на карті маршрутний шлях )            



Speaking.  Project   Presentation. Презентація проекту.

    T. Now,   dear agents, you are met with your group of tourists and present your routes. Be ready and we’ll work with tourists.

Look at the blackboard. Here you can see the pamphlets of the tour, study them and choose one.

  Group Role- play II. Role 1, Role 2, Role 3, Role 4. You are tourists. Choose any route you like and explain why you choose it. Ask questions about the tour. Here are some questions you can ask:

               -      What would we see?

  •   What time does the tour start?
  •   How long does it take us?
  •   Where will we have dinner?


TOUR   1







$ 31.50 adults

$ 27.50 children

Visit St. Paul’s Cathedral

Tour of Westminster Abbey

The Houses of Parliament

Tour Tower of London

Departs from: Fleet Street:  08. 20





TOUR    2







$ 11.50 adults

$ 9.50 children

Trafalgar  Square 

Piccadilly Circus 

Buckingham Palace 

Changing of the Guard

Departs from: Fleet Street:  08.20





TOUR   3







$  8.50 adults

$  5.50 children

Hyde Park 

Green Park 

Regent’s Park

London Zoo

St. James Park



Tour  4






$ 12.50 adults

$ 10.50 children

British Museum 

Madam Tussaud’s Wax Museum

National Gallery

P1.  -  As  for me I ‘d like to choose  tour number 2, because I want to see Trafalgar Square and go for a walk on Piccadilly.

P2. -  I’d like to make excursion to London Parks that’s why I choose route number 3.

P3. – To be in London and not to see Big Ben and go along the Houses of Parliament? I choose route number1.

P4.  – I enjoy paintings and history that’s why I’ll visit museums.


  1. Now the agents tell us about their routs. You can ask them questions.



A1. Dear guests! You are welcome to London.

If you want to see the historical places of London, you can join our tour. You’ll make a ship trip along Thames and enjoy the sightseeing.  From Fleet Street we’ll go for a walk to St. Paul’s Cathedral. It is the most famous church in London. St. Paul’s serves as the centre of the church of England in London. The great English architect Sir Christopher Wren built the church between 1675 and 1710 to replace the original St. Paul’s, which was destroyed in the Great Fire of 1666.The church’s huge dome towers 111 metres above the ground. Its dome has become a symbol of London throughout the world.

     Then we take the bus and go to the Tower of London. The   Tower of London is London’s oldest landmark. It was built around the central White Tower in the 11th century. It was begun by William the Conqueror in 1078.The Tower of London served as a fortress, a palace, a zoo and a prison. Today it is a national monument and museum. The Beefeaters guard the Tower.  A group of ravens live at the Tower. The legend says that without the Tower will fall. The Raven Master is the person who gives them food.

      Now we go to the river station, come on the board of ship and go down the Thames River to the  Houses of Parliament.

      In front of us you can see the Houses of Parliament and Big Ben. The Houses of Parliament is the seat of British Government. It is a very large Gothic building. It stands on the left bank of the river Thames and is 280 metres in length. There is only one building there but it is called the Houses , because it is divided into the House of Commons and the House of Lords. It has two Towers: Big Ben and Victoria Towers. Big Ben is the huge clock on the Clock Tower. Opposite the Houses of Parliament you will see Westminster Abbey. It’s a royal church. Westminster Abbey is one of the oldest buildings in London. Many kings and queens and famous people were buried there. The Abbey has been the scene of every royal coronation since William the Conqueror   in 1066. All kings and queens were crowned there. In Poets Corner many famous British poets,   writers,   novelists are buried: Chaucer, Shakespeare, Walter Scott and Shelly.


      P1. – How long does this route take us?

      A. -  It takes us four hours.

      P2. – Where are we going to have lunch?

      A. -  At the end of our excursion we go to the Piccadilly and you’ll go to any  café  or restaurant you like.


  1. – Now let’s listen to the second agent.


A2. Our route suggests you to see the famous squares and streets in London. By special taxicabs we drive along The Mall Strand a very wide street where the royal ceremonies and parade take place.

     We start from Trafalgar Square, the main square of central London Where a number of famous buildings and monuments including the National Gallery and Nelson’s Column are situated. The Square is popular with visitors, who come to relax by the fountains there or to feed the pigeons.

    Nelson’s Column is a high column nearly 44 metres high with a statue of Admiral Nelson who defeated the French at the Battle of Trafalgar in 1805.

    Now we are coming to Piccadilly Circus. It is the meeting point of six streets.

Here we’ll make a pause and you’ll have a chance to have a lunch in famous London’s restaurants and eat traditional lunch.

    We have just passed the Piccadilly and are making our way to Buckingham Palace. Look right. We are passing Hyde Park.

    Now we are at Buckingham Palace. It is London home of the Queen. Buckingham Palace has  been  the  official royal residence since 1837. W hen the Queen is staying in the palace the Royal Standard flag flies above the central balcony. The palace has its own post office. About 400 people work at the palace. The Queen and Prince Philip have rooms on the first floor. There are about 600 rooms at the Palace. There about twenty Rolls Royces with royal coat of arms. Five regiments of Food Guards guard outside the palace. The Guards is changed at 11.30 when Queen is in residence. The Grenadiers are the tallest and the finest soldiers no less 1.90 m. They were high bear skins caps 30 cm.


     P1. -  How long does it take us?

    A2. -  It takes you three hours or more.

  1. -  Now listen to  the  third  guide.


A3. Dear guests! Welcome to our city! Without doubt all sights of London are worth visiting but I’d like to advise you to visit Museums and Galleries. There are many museums in London but we visit the most famous ones.

    Our route will go straight  Holborn   Street  and  make excursion to British Museum and stop at Madam Tussaud’s Wax work Museum. Over one million people visit the museum every year, making it number one for tourist attraction.

    It contains wax models of famous people, living and dead: kings and queens, films stars, pop idols and famous historical persons of different times and countries.

    Madam Tussaud is from Paris. She lived nearly 200 years ago and started making models in wax as a teenager and came to London from Paris in 1802. By the way you may be photographed with any model you like.

    British Museum is one of the famous museums in the world. Its library is the greatest in England. The library contains 15 million volumes. The library has a rare collection of rare books and manuscripts of Shakespeare and Dickens, the old map of London. The museum is famous for Egyptian mummies of kings and queens.

    A3. – Have you any questions?

    P1.  – Yes, of course. What is the kind of transport?

    P2. -  How long does it take us?

    P3. -  Where are we going to have meals?

    A3. -  Using taxicab it take us three hours or more. Eating is easy in England especially in London. You can choose any café or restaurant you like.


  1. -  The  fourth  speaker  invite us to the parks.


   A4.  -  Dear guests! If you want to have a rest from noisy city and crowds of people we invite you to visit London’s parks. We invite you to our double decker bus.  We’ll go along Fleet Street and pass by the Mall Strand. Now we are at the St’ James park. This park is   famous for its shade trees and variety of birds. Duck Islands is a paradise for ducks and pelicans.

     Now we are   in   Hyde  Park. Hyde Park has got a lake in the middle called Serpentine and you can boat on the water. You will visit the Speaker’s Corner. You can listen to the speakers at the Speaker’s Corner. And then we stop in the Green Park and taste English beer, tea, coffee.

    Regent’s park contains the huge London Zoo. It was opened in 1827. Today there are over 8000 animals in the Zoo.  You can adopt ( take) an animal at London Zoo for a year. You can ride a pony, camel or llama. If you want you can take photos.

P1. – How much time does it take us?

A4. – You can walk in the park as long as you like.

  1. Dear guests! You’ve learned the information about all routes. What route is the best one?  What route would you like to choose? Express your opinions.

      P1, P2, P3 -  As for me …,  I would like…,  To my mind….


III. Заключна частина уроку. 

     Summarizing. T. Did you like our London sightseeing tour? What impressed you most of all? Was it difficult for you to be a guide? Why?

What have you learned at the lesson?

      Homework. The task is different for levels. The agents will try to describe their route in written form. The other pupils will write the invitation for  excursion  about London.

      Your marks are:



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Англійська мова (8-й рік навчання) 8 клас (Карпюк О.Д.)
7 лютого 2018
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