Конспект уроку англійської мови “AT THE AIRPORT. CHECK-IN” 9 клас

Про матеріал
Мета уроку: Підвищення рівня володіння мовним матеріалом на тему «В аеропорту. Проходження реєстрації» як одним із видів мовленнєвої діяльності за допомогою виконання комплексу завдань. 1.Освітня: а) практика мовної діяльності: читання, аудіювання, лист; б) активізація лексики на тему «В аеропорту. Проходження реєстрації», розширення словникового запасу; в) створення умов формування навички мовлення на тему «В аеропорту. Проходження реєстрації»; г) удосконалення вимовних навичок. д) розвиток комунікативної компетенції учнів.
Перегляд файлу

Тема: “AT THE AIRPORT. CHECK-IN”                                          9 -th Form


Мета уроку:

Підвищення рівня володіння мовним матеріалом на тему «В аеропорту. Проходження реєстрації» як одним із видів мовленнєвої діяльності за допомогою виконання комплексу завдань.


а) практика мовної діяльності: читання, аудіювання, лист;

б) активізація лексики на тему «В аеропорту. Проходження реєстрації», розширення словникового запасу;

в) створення умов формування навички мовлення на тему «В аеропорту. Проходження реєстрації»;

г) удосконалення вимовних навичок.

д) розвиток комунікативної компетенції учнів.

2. Виховна:

а) розвиток інтересу до вивчення іноземної мови;                                                б) формування вміння працювати у колективі;                                                    в) виховання поваги до співрозмовника;                                                                                              г) виховання поваги до іншомовної культури.

3. Розвиваюча:

а) розвиток вміння висловлювати та аргументувати свою точку зору;                     б) розвиток здатності аналізувати та систематизувати пропонований матеріал;                                                                                                                   в) розвиток досвіду роботи у групі, навчання взаємодії.

Тип уроку: урок активізації лексико-граматичного матеріалу.


Види діяльності:

Систематизація знань на тему: «В Аеропорту. Проходження реєстрації».

Тренування вживання введеної лексики з цієї теми під час виконання тестових завдань, написання диктанту, в усній діалогічної промови, аудіювання та інсценування діалогів з теми, що вивчається, виконання граматичних і лексичних завдань, з метою закріплення пройденого матеріалу.




Xід уроку

1. Організаційний момент

Teacher: Good morning, students! 

 - I am glad to see you. (We are glad to see you too.)

2. Фонетична зарядка.

Teacher: Let’s start our lesson with a phonetical gymnastic. Look at the screen. I’d like you to pronounce some words that will be of some use during our lesson. Listen to me and repeat after me.

  1. flight - рейс
  2. check-in - реєструватися на рейс
  3. delayed - затриманий
  4. canceled - відмінений
  5. gate - зона виходу на посадку
  6. luggage/baggage - багаж
  7. hand luggage/cabin baggage - ручна поклажа
  8. departure - відправлення
  9. arrival - прибуття
  10.  layover - пересадка
  11.  seat - месце в літаку
  12.  aisle - прохід
  13.  boarding time - час посадки пасажирів
  14.  boarding pass - посадковий талон
  15.  excess baggage/luggage - надлишковий багаж


3. Перевірка домашнього завдання.

Teacher: Guys, your home task was to learn these words and word combinations by heart.  Let’s check your knowledge of the vocabulary. Put words from the vocabulary section into the correct sentences.

You have 5 minutes to do the task.


1. Nowadays it is usually possible to …………………… online 24 hours prior to flight departure.

2. Of course you need a ……………………... to get on a plane, you can get it at the check-in desk.

3. Pay attention to the ……………………., the boarding usually closes 20 minutes before flight departure.

4. If you don’t have any ……………………..., I recommend you to choose the cheapest fare.

5. Do you want a window seat or an ……………… one?

6. I’m afraid that the ………………... for your flight was changed, sir. Now you need to proceed to the ………………... number 28.

7. Stephen was supposed to be at Hamburg yesterday, but his flight was ………………….. due to the heavy snowstorm, so he’s still at Dublin.

8. Did you have a direct flight from Delhi? - No, I had a ……………….. at Prague airport.

9. If you have any ……………... baggage, it’s better to pay for it online, because it will be much more expensive at the airport.

10. How was your …………………..., dear? - Oh, my! It was really exhausting!

11. It’s better to take a long stopover, so if your first flight is ………………., you’ll be able to get on the next one in time.

12. I think it isn’t fair that backpacks aren’t allowed in ………………., even though my backpack is really small.

13. Excuse me, ma’am, but I think this ………………… is mine. - Oh, really? But I thought it was 18A. - No, it’s 18C.

14. Is anybody meeting you at the airport? - Yes, my husband is already waiting for me at the ………………... lounge.

15. Airports usually have two different sections for ………………….. and arrivals.


Answers: 1 - check-in; 2 - boarding pass; 3 - boarding time; 4 - luggage/baggage; 5 - aisle; 6 - gate; 7 - canceled; 8 - layover; 9 - excess; 10 - flight; 11 - delayed; 12 - hand luggage/cabin baggage; 13 - seat; 14 - arrival; 15 - departures.


Teacher: And now , your time is over. Let’s check your results.

Perfect work.


4. Формування мотивації.

Teacher: And now, students,  answer some questions:

- Do you like to travel? 

- What are the main purposes of travelling?

- What kinds of transport can you name?

- What is your favorite mean of travelling?  

- Why do you like to travel? 

- What famous travellers do you know? (The famous travellers are Christopher Columbus, Afanasy Nikitin, Marco Polo etc.)

- Do you agree that travelling is the best way to learn the world?

- Do you travel anywhere? 

- What places would you like to visit?

- Do you like travelling by air?


5. Формулювання мети.

Teacher: Well, try to think what the topic of our lesson is? Look at the screen; remember the phonetical gymnastic, questions we have just answered.

- Відповіді учнів  (At the Airport)                      

- You are right. The topic of our lesson is “At the Airport” andCheck –in”.

- And now open your exercise-books, write down the date, classwork and the theme of our lesson.

- Today we are going to continuе mastering the vocabulary from the previous lesson and also get acquainted with words, word expressions which will be necessary for check-in. Another aim of our lesson is to make questions for dialogues.


6. Активізація лексики в аудіюванні та виконання завдань

Teacher: And now imagine that you are in the airport. Some of you are travelling for pleasure and others are travelling on business.

Teacher: Let's assume you arrive at the airport to travel somewhere by air.

Teacher: guys, here you can see a text “Travelling by air”. You task is to listen it for two times. The first one is for general information. The second is for details. You must stop at the end of the text and then we’ll write a dictation.

The text: Travelling by air

Let's assume you arrive at the airport to travel somewhere by air. You have possibly made your reservation by phone and haven't got your ticket yet. In that case the first thing you'll do is go to the airline ticket desk to buy your ticket.
If you look at the flight-information board, you'll find details about your flight: what the scheduled departure time is, whether it's delayed, which gate you're to “proceed" to, etc.

          If possible, don't check in at the last minute. Since a certain percentage of passengers are “no-shows” (i.e. have a booking but don't show up for the flight), airlines normally overbook their flights - so even a confirmed reservation is no guarantee that you'll actually get a seat. Latecomers are more likely to get “bumped" than those who check in early.

         At the check-in desk you show your ticket, check in your baggage, and are given a boarding pass.

         At most airports there are security checks. Cabin bags are X-rayed and must be opened if suspicious objects are seen. Passengers are examined with a metal detector or hand-searched.

         If you're going abroad, you have to go through passport control. On your arrival you have to go through customs as well. - You may wish to buy something at the duty-free shop. Things like cigarettes and whisky are usually much cheaper there than in normal shops. But be careful: not everything is necessarily less expensive than at home. And don't forget: goods bought cheap at the duty-free may prove expensive if you have to pay duty on them at your destination.
         After boarding, stow your hand baggage safely under the seat in front of you or, where possible, in one of the overhead luggage bins. Make sure you fasten your seat belt for takeoff and landing and at other times when the FASTEN SEAT BELT sign is on. Smoking is only allowed in the smoking section.
        One person in six is afraid of flying. If you have this problem, you should relax, breathe deeply, and consider this: Statistics show that it's 25 times safer to travel by air than by car.

(учні  слухають текст 2 рази)

Teacher: the following task is to write a dictation after the speaker. (учні  пишуть диктант під диктовку)

Teacher: Let’s do exercises number 1 and 4

Exercise 1. Answer the following questions according to the text:

a) Where can you buy an airline ticket?

b) What does the flight-information board tell you?

c) What’s a “no-show"?

d) Why do airlines overbook their flights?

e) When do passengers get “bumped"?

f) What happens at the check-in desk?

g) When are security checks made, and what is searched?

h) Why do many passengers buy things at a duty-free shop?

i) What do you have to do if you bring 1,000 cigarettes into a country?

j) Where can you put your hand baggage on the aircraft?

k) When do you have to fasten your seat belt?

l) Where are you allowed to smoke on an aircraft?

m) What percentage of the population is afraid of flying?


Exercise 2: Open the brackets using degrees of comparison of adjectives:

a) A cinema ticket is /cheap/ than a theatre ticket.

 b) A train is /comfortable/ than an aircraft.

 c) Los Angeles is /large/ than Chicago.

d) The blue skirt is /stylish/ than the pink one.

e) Jack is /reliable/ than Tom.

f) My bags is /heavy/ than yours.

g) Learning a language is / difficult/ than learning to drive a car.

h) You were /thin/ than before you went on holiday.

( учні виконують завдання усно)


7. Фонетичне відпрацювання нових фраз.

Teacher: We are going checking-in. We are in need of some new vocabulary and special phrases.

Boys and girls you can see some information on Ukrainian, look through it and then listen to the questions you may be asked to going through check-in. Listen to these phases two times and then we will work together.

Can I see your ticket and passport, please? 

Чи можу я подивитися ваш паспорт та квиток?

How many bags are you checking? 

Скільки сумок ви реєструєте?

Did you pack these bags yourself? 

Ви самі пакували ці сумки?

Would you like a window or an aisle seat? 

Ви хочете місце біля вікна чи у проході?

Do you have a carry-on bag? (a bag or purse to take on the airplane) 

У вас є ручна поклажа?

The charge for the overweight luggage is 6$ per kilo 

Збір за наднормативний багаж 6 доларів за кілограм

Your suitcase is 5 kilos overweight. 

Перевіс вашої сумки складає 5 кг.

You may keep valuables, medicines, cameras or delicate items in your hand luggage. 

Ви можете залишити в ручній поклажі коштовності, ліки, фотоапарат або тендітні предмети

Teacher: Students, pronoun these questions after the speaker.

8. Розвиток навичок аудіювання та вміння отримувати з тексту необхідну інформацію:

Teacher: And now let’s watch the video “Checking in at the Airport” paying attention to the words, word combinations and questions we have just fasten. The length of the video is 1.38.

Teacher: Let’s watch this video together.

Teacher: Fill in the gaps.

Checking in at the Airport

 First, let's take a look at the whole scene.

- The machine didn't recognize my ………………………..

I can help. Where are you flying to today?

- Recife 

- Rio

- We're flying to Rio and then we have a …………. to Recife. What are you looking for?

- My reading glasses.

- They're on your head.

- I had a bottle of water.

- I threw that away.

- Why?

- You can't take …………………. on the plane.

- Are you ……………………….. any bags? - Yes, just one.

- Can you put it on the ………………………...? 

- Sure!

- Can you check our bag through the Recife?

- No, I can't.

- You'll need to pick it up in Rio to go through ……………………..

- How much time do we have? How long is our ……………………...?

- About two and a half hours.

- That's plenty of time.

- Here are your ……………………….. - Thank you.

- Your flight leaves from …………………. 19 and …………... begins at 11:20.

- Eleven twenty.

- Have a great trip! 

- We will!


Answers: 1 - passport; 2 - connecting flight; 3 - liquids; 4 - checking; 5 - scale; 6 - customs; 7 - layover; 8 - boarding passes; 9 - Gate; 10 - boarding.

Teacher: Let’s check your answers reading this dialogue according to the roles. Who wants to be a registrar (the first passenger, the second passenger)?   

9. Розвиток навичок говоріння (діалогічного мовлення).

Teacher: Students, let’s  make your own dialogues using words, vocabulary and the lesson’s information.

(Учні складають діалоги та інсценують їх).


10. Домашнє  завдання.

Teacher:  Write about your experience of travelling by plane, or about an airport, or give useful tips for air passengers.


11. Рефлексія .

Teacher: Students, our lesson comes to an end. And now I would like you to say that you could do today in the lesson. Look at the screen. Let's finish the sentence:

Today I could …

  •          speak English,
  •          act out dialogues,
  •          answer questions,
  •          work in pairs,
  •          read English,

-   speak in public,

-   understand English speech,

-   revise some words,

-   be in the airport.

Today I realized that I can …..

I felt confidence in …..because…

Now I know and can use … and that will allow me …

The most difficult for me was …. because …

The most interesting for me was …


 Teacher: Thank you for all you have done. You have worked excellent today. I think our lesson will be useful for you. You get only good and excellent marks today. Our lesson is over. Good bye.   




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