Презентаційні матеріали "Places of interest in London"

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The Tower of London

The Tower of London is like a mirror of many important events in the English his­tory. It served as a palace, a fortress and a prison. Many kings lived in the Tower of London. Today the Tower of London is a wonderful museum. Black ravens meet tourists there. According to the legend the Tower of London and the kingdom will fall without ravens in it. The Raven Master takes care of them. He gives the black ravens meat in the morning and in the evening. You can also see "Beefeaters" in their traditional Tudor uniforms in the Tower of London. They are the guards and the guides. They are always ready to tell the visi­tors a lot of interesting things about the Tower of London.

Vocabulary:to serve [transcription] бути призначеним; служити (для чого-небудь);  fortress [transcription] фортеця;

prison [transcription] в'язниця; mirror – дзеркало; raven [transcription] ворон;

"beefeater" [transcription] (Beefeater) лейб -гвардієць (при англійському дворі); біфітер, солдат охорони лондонського Тауэра; guard [transcription] охорона; варта; guide [transcription] провідник; гід; екскурсовод;

ready [transcription] готовий;підготовлений



The City of London

The City is the heart of London, its commercial and business part. Numerous banks, offices, firms and trusts are concentrated there. The area of the City is about a square mile. It is an area with a long and exciting history, and it is proud of independence and traditional role as a centre of trade and commerce. The City does not refer to the whole of central London but rather to a small area east of the centre, which includes the site of the original Ro­man town. The City of London is one of the major banking cen­tres of the world and one can find the banks of many nations here. Here, too, you can find the Bank of England, the Stock Exchange and Lloyds, the most famous insurance company in the world. Only five thousand people live in the City. Before and after the business hours the streets of the City are crowded with more than a million people who come there to work.

Vocabulary: numerous [transcription] численний;  to concentrate [transcription] зосереджувати; концентруватися; to be proud of – гордитись; trade [transcription] торгівля; trust [transcription] довірений (кому-н. ким-н.) за дорученням; area [transcription] площа, простір, ділянка; to include [transcription] містити, включати;

independence [transcription]  незалежність; Ro­man town – римське місто;

the Stock Exchange  [transcription, transcription] Фондова біржа; insurance  [transcription] страхування;

crowded [transcription] переповнений


Fleet Street

Fleet Street has been the meeting place for newspapermen since the 18th century, when writers met to talk in its coffee houses. And up to now Fleet street is the street of news. Fleet Street is now the centre of journalists and newspapermen. Offices of most English daily and evening papers are situated in this street. Fleet Street is the centre of Britain's national newspapers. The Daily Telegraph and the Daily Express have their offices here, and The Times, The Guardian and many others are nearby. Publishing houses of many big foreign newspapers are also there. Fleet Street is busy day and night. It is packed with vans, cars, motorcycles, newsboys every day between 9 a. m. and 3 p. m. when the latest news is ready to go out all over the world.

Vocabulary: newspaperman [transcription] співробітник газети, журналіст; journalist [transcription] журналіст, газетяр; daily [transcription] щоденний; повсякденний; paper [transcription] газета, журнал; nearby [transcription]неподалік, поблизу; Publishing houses – видавництва; foreign [transcription] іноземний, чужоземний; newsboy [transcription] газетяр, рознощик газет (особл. підліток); the latest news – останні новини; ready [transcription] готовий;підготовлений

St. Paul's Cathedral

Everybody coming to London for the first time wants to see St. Paul's Cathedral. This is the third cathedral with this name which London has had. The two others were burnt down, the first in 1086 and the second in 1666. Christopher Wren was an architect who had already built many buildings. Now, in 1675, he started on his greatest work. For 35 years the building of St. Paul's Cathedral went on, and Wren was an old man before it was finished. From far away you can see the huge dome with a golden ball and cross on the top. The inside of the cathedral is very beautiful. After looking around, you can climb 263 steps to the Whispering Gallery, above the library, which runs round the dome. It is called this because if someone whispers close to the wall on one side, a person with an ear close to the wall on the other side can hear what is said. Then, if you climb another 118 steps, you will be able to stand outside the dome and look over London. But not only can you climb up, you can also go down underneath the cathedral, into the crypt. Here are buried many great men, including Christopher Wren himself, Nel­son and others.


Vocabulary: cathedral [transcription] собор; кафедральний собор; were burnt down - були спалені; cross [transcription] хрест;  to whisper [transcription] шептати, говорити пошепки;  dome[transcription] купол, баня, склепіння; a golden ball - золотий м'яч; top [transcription] верхівка; вершина; underneath [transcription]

нижній, що знаходиться нижче; crypt [transcription] склеп;  are buried – поховані; outside [transcription]

зовнішній; який знаходиться або відбувається на вулицi


Big Ben

Why is this bell called 'Big Ben'? When the great bell was cast in London foundry in 1858, the question of its name was discussed: in Parliament. One member said, 'Why not call it Big Ben?'

There was much laughter among the members because the man-in charge of public buildings was Sir Benjamin Hall, a very tall, stout man whose nickname was 'Big Ben'. From that time the bell has been known as Big Ben. The bell is 7 foot 6 inches high, and 9 foot 6 inches across the mouth. It weighs 13.5 tons (about the same as two double-decker buses). 'Big Ben' is the name of the bell only — not the clock, and not the tower.

Vocabulary: bell [transcription] дзвін; cast [transcription]відливати, лити; foundry [transcription] ливарний цех;

member [transcription]  член (парламенту);   stout [transcription] повна, гладка людина;

the man-in charge of public buildings – людина,відповідальна за громадські будівлі; 

nickname [transcription] прізвисько;  tower [transcription] башта



Buckingham Palace

Buckingham Palace is a  place connected with the Royal Family. It is the official residence of the Queen. When the flag is fly­ing on the top, the Queen is at home. The palace is like a small town with a police station, two post offices, a hospital, two sports clubs, a cinema and a swimming pool. There are 600 rooms and three miles of red carpet. About 700 people work in the palace. The Queen's Gallery, also in Buckingham Palace Road, has special exhibitions from the Royal col­lection and may be visited every day except Monday. The ceremony of the Changing of the Guard that takes place daily at eleven o'clock in the morning, has a big interest among tourists. Every day a large crowd of people gather to see this famous and traditional ceremony.

Vocabulary: connected  [transcription] (with) зв'язаний, з'єднаний; flag [transcription] прапор; 

the Royal Family - Королівська родина; residence  [transcription] місце проживання, резиденція;

a red carpet – червона доріжка; exhibition [transcription] виставка; except [transcription] крім;

the Changing of the Guard - зміна караулу, варти; daily [transcription] щоденний; повсякденний;

crowd [transcription] юрба, натовп; to gather [transcription] збирати (речі, юрбу); збиратися, скупчуватися


The East End of London


 The poorest part of London is the East End. It covers a wide area.  It is also one of those areas of London where people from abroad have come to find work. For centuries foreigners have made Lon­don their home.

The East End is especially famous as the centre of the clothing industry in London. The East End markets are fa­mous throughout the world. Street-salesmen promise that the goods are of the highest quality and much cheaper than those you can buy in the West End.

Traditionally someone born in the East End is known as a cock­ney although this name is now given to anyone who speaks like a Londoner. Typically they change certain vowel sounds so that the sound in 'late' becomes more like that in 'light'. Like some foreign learners of English they seem to have a few problems with 'th' and use an 'f' instead: 'nuffink like it'.

Vocabulary: to cover [transcription] покривати, закривати, накривати; century [transcription] століття;

throughout the world [transcription] - по всьому світу; to promise  [transcription] обіцяти; давати обіцянку;

abroad [transcription] за кордоном; foreigner [transcription] іноземець; чужоземець; salesman [transcription]

 продавець; торговець; the highest quality [transcription] - найвища якість; instead [transcription] замість;

to be born  [transcription] народитися; vowel sounds- голосні звуки                 



The West End


The West End is the richest and most beautiful part of London. The West End is the name given to the area of central London north from, the Mall to Oxford Street. Fine buildings, theatres, museums and big shops can be found in the West End. The best streets and parks of the capital Vocabulary: are there too.

the richest – найбагатший;  area [transcription] площа, простір, ділянка; fine buildings – прекрасні будівлі;  can be found -можна знайти;  capital  [transcription] столиця





Westminster is another central and important part of London. Most governmental buildings are situated there. On the left bank of the Thames is Westminster Palace, known as the Houses of Parlia­ment. It is the seat of the British Parliament. The Clock Tower with the hour-bell called 'Big Ben' is known the world over.

The very centre of London is Trafalgar Square with Nelson Col­umn in the middle. In the north of Trafalgar Square there is the National Gal­lery. It exhibits all schools of European painting from the 13th to 19th cen­tury.

Not far from Trafalgar Square there is Downing Street. House 10 is the residence of the prime-minister of Great Britain.


Vocabulary: an important part - важлива частина;  bank  [transcription] берег (ріки, озера);

 schools of European painting- школи європейського живопису; middle-середина;                   to exhibit [transcription] показувати (на виставці);  seat  [transcription] місце в парламенті






Westminster Abbey

Westminster Abbey is a royal church. It is situated opposite the Houses of Parliament. The church is more than 900 years old. You can see the tombs of many British kings, queens and other famous people there.

The great glory of Westminster is, of course, the Abbey. An­cient tradition claims that St. Peter founded the first church here. Henry III rebuilt the earlier church and the present building dates from his reign. If you have never visited the Abbey before, try to go in slowly and look about carefully. For the immediate effect, as you follow the wonderfully vaulted roof along the length of the nave, is a startling and breathtaking beau­ty. There is an element of greatness here that is not just concerned with size and height.


Vocabulary: church [transcription] церква; храм; tomb [transcription] 1) могила 2) надгробний пам'ятник;

an­cient tradition claims – за древньою традицією вважається;to rebuilt [transcription] перебудовувати;immediate [transcription] негайний, невідкладний; opposite [transcription] навпроти; 

glory [transcription] слава; to found  [transcription] засновувати (місто);  to date  [transcription] датуватися;

reign- правління, царювання; vaulted roof – дах у вигляді склепіння; nave [transcription] неф, корабель (церкви); size [transcription] розмір, величина; breathtaking [transcription] вражаючий, захоплюючий; greatness [transcription] велич; сила; concern [transcription] відношення, стосунок;  height [transcription] висота





The most popular view is that it was a temple associated with the Druids, the early British religion. And modern Druids still regard it as their cathedral. Stonehenge is probably much older than the Druids. Some experts disagree over its purpose, but the most intriguing explanation is that it was a huge astronomical calendar or computer. Some scientists consider that Stonehenge was built in order to calculate the annual calendar and seasons. The stones were placed to line up with the sun and the moon at different times of the year.

    The stones stand there in circles and arranged into a horseshoe shape. Stonehenge was built almost 4,000 years ago. 80 of the huge stones — some weighting 5 tons — were transported from West Wales, a journey of 400 kilometres over land and sea.

the most popular view – найпоширеніша думка


Vocabulary: a temple  [transcription] храм;  associated [transcription] об'єднаний, з'єднаний;  Druid [transcription] друїд; жрець; regard – ставитись, відноситись до когось;

cathedral [transcription] собор; кафедральний собор; to disagree [transcription] сперечатися;

purpose  [transcription]  мета, намір; задум; explanation [transcription] пояснення; роз'яснення;

to consider [transcription] розглядати, обговорювати; to calculate [transcription] обчислювати, вираховувати; annual [transcription] щорічний; річний;  to line up – вибудовуватися;

to arrange [transcription] упорядковувати; a horseshoe shape – у вигляді підкови

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