Конспект уроку англійської мови для 1 класу на тему "Частини тіла"

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Конспект уроку з англійської мови для 1 класу на тему " Частини тіла" відповідає програмі, містить різні види діяльності. Допоможе вчителеві швидко та якісно підготуватися до уроку.
Перегляд файлу

 The First Form 

Topic: Parts of the Body.

Objectives: to revise vocabulary of the topic;

    to learn reading the words and sentences;

    to develop pupils’ speaking and reading skills;

    to develop pupils’ writing and listening skills;

     to motivate learners to communicate describing people.

Equipment: toys, dolls, pictures, balloons, cards, a cassette, a tape-recorder.


  1. Greeting.

Good morning, dear children! How are you? I see you are in high mood today, so let’s start our English lesson.

  1. Phonetic Drills.

One, one, one – boys and girls run.

One, two, three – boys and girls are we.

Train our tongues: [w], [b], [g], [z].

  1. Speaking activities.
  1. Try to remember all parts of body. Name them looking at the picture.
  2. Describe your dolls. I have got a toy. It is a doll. It is small. It has got a pretty face. It has got two blue eyes and two small ears. It has got a small nose and red lips. Its hair is blond and long. It can walk, sit and speak. I like my doll.
  3. Let’s play! Show the right part of body.
  4. Look, what is it? It is a balloon. Describe it. What has it got? You are right it has got only face. Help to paint all parts of body. The balloon is happy now. It has got all parts of body. It says thanks a lot to you.
  5. Game “Who is the best painter?”
  6. Sing a song “Head and Shoulders”.
  1. Writing activities.
  1. Do you know the alphabet? Name all letters.
  2. Sing a song “ABC song”.
  3. Now try to write down the ABC.


  1. Reading activities.
  1. Try to make up a word and read it and make up a sentence with it.
  2. I’ll divide you into three groups. Your task is to make up sentences and read them. 









  1. Every group has the text with missing words. Try to read your texts.
  1. Listening activities.

Listen to the song “Number Song” and try to write down all numbers. Sing this song.


  1. Summing up.

Do you like today’s lesson. Choose the right smiles. Say your opinion.

What activities do you like most of all?

You were very active today, so thank you for the lesson.

The lesson is over. Good-bye!

See you soon!   


18 січня 2021
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