Конспект уроку англійської мови у 3 класі "The Best Zoo In The World"

Про матеріал

Конспект уроку допоможе познайомити учнів 3 класу з утворенням найвищого ступеня порівняння прикметників, навчити порівнювати одну річ з іншою. Сформувати граматичну мовну компетенцію. Познайомити дітей з новими словами. А також розвивати техніку читання, швидкість, вразливість, темп, увагу, вчити писати про себе та своїх друзів, використовувати найвищий ступінь порівняння прикметників.

Перегляд файлу

Topic: The Best Zoo In The World.

Objectives: Познайомити учнів з утворенням найвищого ступеня прикметників. Вчити порівнювати одну річ з іншою.

Формувати граматичну мовну компетенцію. Практикувати учнів у читанні тексту  "The Best Zoo In The World". Познайомити дітей з новими словами.

Розвивати техніку читання, швидкість, вразливість, темп, увагу. Вчити писати про себе та своїх друзів, використовувати найвищий ступінь порівняння прикметників.

Виховувати любов до тварин і спорту.

Lesson type: combined.

Materials: Class CD, lesson flashcards.

Literature: Fly High, 3.
















                                           Lesson Plan

I The Beginning of the Lesson

  1. Organising pupils


  • Answer my question, please.

 -What is your name?

-How are you?

ІІ The Main Part of the lesson

1. Phonetic Drill

The song “We're The Winners"

  • Listen to the song

We are the blue time, yes, we are.

We are the blue time, yes, we are.

We are better, better  then the red.

We are taller, we are faster, yes we are.

We are bigger, we are stronger, yes we are.

We are better, better, better than the red.

We're better, better, better than the red team.

We're the winners .

We are the red team.

  • Let's sing it all together.
  • Let's sing it one by one.

2.Speech practice

  • Let's divide ourselves into two teams.
  1. The blue one;
  2. The red one.

-Who belongs to the blue team?

    We do.

-Are you stronger than the red team?

    Yes, we are.

- Who belongs to the red  team?

   We do.

Are you faster than the blue team?

   Yes, we are.

3. Playing acquired knowledge. Warm up

1) Using the adjectives in the comparative form/

  • Look at the adjectives, read them and translate them into Ukrainian.
  • Write the comparative form.

Tall – taller;

Small – smaller;

Big – bigger;  

Сold – colder;

Hungry – hungrier.

  • Make comparative sentences with the adjective.

For example : I am taller than Katya.

  • Open your exercise book at page 56 and look at exercise 1.
  1. Review

Check the homework from the previous lesson.

  1. Announce a new topic and its objectives.

Our topic today is " The Best Zoo In The World ". We will compare one thing with a number of others, learn new words, form  superatives, read the text  " The Best Zoo In The World ", write about outselves.

  • Look at the blackboard. Let's learn new words.

World – світ;

Rhino – носоріг;

Young – молодий;

Giraffe – жирафа;

Fat – товстий;

Thin – тонкий.

  • Match the word, its transcription and translation.
  • Give  1) a Ukrainian word; 2)a English word.

5. Optional activity

Pair up and take turns miming an animals you know. Ask your friend to guess.

6. Reading the text " The Best Zoo In The World ".

1) Pre-reading.

Which animals you saw in lesson 17?

  • Open your book at page 58, look at the story.
  • What animals can you see?
  • Where are they from?
  • Listen and read in groups.

2) Reading.

3) Post Reading.

7. Answer my question

1) Which animal is small?

2) Which animal is long?

3) What's your favorite animal from the story?

  • Translate the story into Ukrainian.

8. Match 

1) Which animal is strong?

2) Is the giraffe tall or small?

  • Let’s do exercise 1 page 58.
  • Match and make sentences.

9. Grammar. Learn with Tag






-Is this ball bigger than A?

     Yes or no?

-Is this the bigger ball?

      Yes or no?






This is are bigger ball.

  • Look at the picture and read the sentences.
  • Read and translate it into Ukrainian.

 Вищий ступінь прикметників утворюється за допомогою суфікса  -st, який додається до прикметника  у початковій формі. And we use the different article the with it.

  • Read the different forms of the adjectives out loud.

10.Physical exercises.

Hands on your hips, hands on your knees,
Put them behind you if you please.
Touch your shoulders, touch your nose,
Touch your ears, touch your toes.

Stand up and show me orange!
Hands up and show me blue!
Clap! Clap! Show me yellow!
Sit down. Nice of you!
Stand up and show me blue!
Hop! Hop! Show me red!
Sit down. Nice of you!
Stand up and show me grey!
Sit down and point to the green.
Clap! Clap! Show me pink.
Stop! Very nice of you.


11.Let's write

  • Let's do exercise 2 on page 59 your exercise books.
  • Open your books at page 59,look at exercise 2.Call out the missing words.
  • Read the example sentences. Complete the other sentences. Refer to the learn with Tag box for help.

12. Choose and write

Find Eddie in the picture and read out the example sentence.

  • Let's do exercise 3 on page 59.
  • Choose words and complete the sentence.

13. Let's write with Karla.

Exercise 4 on page 59

  • Look at the picture and read Karla has written.
  • Write sentence about your, selves and your friends, using adjectives you already know.

ІІІ The End of the Lesson

  1. Summing up
  • Answers my question, please
  1. Is Sasha taller than Volodya?
  2. Who is the tallest in your class?
  1. Praising the Children

The best reader today is … .

The best writer today is … .

The best listener today is … .

The best speaker today is … .

  1. Giving homework

Your homework is to complete at page 59, exercise  4 and on page 56 in your exercise book exercise 2 (9 – 18).

Good – bye!

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Англійська мова для загальноосвітніх навчальних закладів 3 клас (Карпюк О. Д.)
13 серпня 2018
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