Конспект уроку англійської мови у 4 класі. Тема "Shopping"

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Конспект уроку англійської мови у 4 класі. Тема "Shopping". Складено відповідно до Типової освітньої програми закладів загальної середньої освіти І ступеня (початкова освіта), яка розроблена на виконання Закону України «Про освіту» та затверджена наказом МОН України від 20.04.2018 № 405
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Тема:  Покупки


Мета:  повторити й активізувати вивчений лексичний матеріал по темі, практикувати учнів у вживанні ЛО в усному та писемному мовленні; формувати навички діалогічного та монологічного мовлення (з опорою та без опори на зразок); розвивати навички читання, аудіювання, говоріння, письма; розвивати мислення, пам’ять, творчість школярів; збагачувати словниковий запас; виховувати культуру діалогічного мовлення, почуття товариськості, інтерес до вивчення іноземної мови. 

    Хід уроку


    1. Організаційний момент


            2. Привітання


        Good morning, children! Today we can see many guests at our lesson. They 

are   your parents and teachers. Please, turn   around and say them “Good morning”.


     3. Введення в іншомовну атмосферу


      OK.   Let’s start our work.  And now, please, look thru the window and answer my questions.


-What is the weather like today?

-Is it warm or cool?

-What colour is the sky?

-Is the sun  shining?

-Is the wind blowing?

-What season is it?

- Do you like autumn?


    I like autumn very much. I think autumn is a beautiful and tasty season. There are a lot of fruit and vegetables in autumn: apples, plums, pears, grapes, carrots, cabbages, cucumbers, tomatoes, potatoes. And we can buy them at the shops or at the markets.


     4.Повідомлення теми уроку


     Children! Let’s look at the blackboard and read the words: bakery, grocery, dairy, greengrocery, newsagent’s, butcher’s. Tell me, please:

-What is the theme of the lesson? What do we talk about? Oh, yes. Yes, you are right. The theme of our lesson is shopping. Today we are going to speak about it.





    5. Опрацювання ЛО

     Відповіді на питання


      Children! Answer my questions:

-What do they sell at the bakery?

-What do they sell at the grocery?

-What do they sell at the greengrocery?

-What do they sell at the dairy?


            And now look at these sentences and tell: is it true or false?


At the bakery they sell bread, biscuits, cakes.

At the butcher’s you can buy lemons, tomatoes, potatoes, bananas, oranges.

At the dairy they sell milk, cheese, sour cream.  

At the greengrocery you can buy meat, sausages, chickens.



      Children! Do you like to go to the shop? And our friends a bear and a bunny like shopping very much. Let’s tell about it.  Come here.  Let’s tell rhyme!



A bear and a bunny

Have much money.

They go to the shop

For carrots and honey.

When the bear and the bunny

Ask for some carrots and honey,

The man in the shop Says,

"Where is your money?"

How strange1 and funny!

They really have money —

And that's how they buy

Their carrots and honey.


      6. Робота над темою уроку. Робота над   текстом  «Covent Garden»


        Слухання тексту в.3 с. 50

       And now let’s travel to London. There are many interesting places in this city: Big Ben, the Tower of London, Regent’s Park, Tower Bridge, Westminster Abbey. And one of them is Covent Garden. 

  • Do you want to know what is it?

Open your books at page 50 and do exercise 3. Listen to the tape. Be attentive.




  Словникова робота

  Children! We can see two new words. Listen   and repeat them after me: restaurant, popular.



Читання  ланцюжком

Children! Now you read this text by turn.


       Вправи на розуміння прочитаного в.4.5 с. 51


      Now lets do exercise 4. Children! Complete the sentences according to the text “Covent Garden”. But first answer: What day is it today? What date is it today? Open you exercise-books and write down.


1) Covent Garden is a famous tourist centre in London.

2) There is a historic Market Place here.

3) They sell a lot of souvenirs in Covent Garden.

4) You can live in a comfortable hotel and have lunch or dinner in a small café or in a big restaurant.

5) It is a popular meeting place.

You can visit a theatre with your friends in the evening.



 Now lets do exercise 5.   You must   ask and answer about Covent Garden.


What do tourists buy to remember the places they visit?

What can tourists visit and do in Covent Garden?

What is Covent Garden?


Tourists usually buy a lot of souvenirs to remember the places they visit.

They can visit a theatre and have lunch or dinner in a small café or in a big restaurant .

Covent Garden is a famous tourist centre in London.



      Складання діалогів

      And now, children, close you eyes.   We are not in Poltava now. We are  in London, in Covent Garden. Let’s do shopping!


     Who wants to be a seller? OK, others   will be buyers.



     And now let’s go to the bakery. Let’s sing our favourite song!




7. Підсумок уроку



Do you like your shopping?

Do you like Covent Garden?

Do you like our lesson?


    So, you, my dear boys and girls, were very good and clever at our lesson. And your marks are…

8. Домашнє завдання

    Open your daybooks ad write down your home task: ex. 6, p.51. Open your books and look at it. You must tell about the shopping center or a market in our town.


     Thank you for the lesson. Good bye. Good bye, dear guests. Welcome to our school.














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