План-конспект уроку з англійської мови у 4 класі на тему “A Tour Around London"

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План-конспект уроку з англійської мови у 4 класі на тему “A Tour Around London"
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Урок англійської мови в 4 класі

Тема: A tour around London.

Мета: Повторити та активізувати вивчені лексичні одиниці. Навчити застосовувати вивчений лексико-граматичний матеріал на практиці. Удосконалювати навички читання, аудіювання, усного мовлення.              

 Розвивати пізнавальний інтерес учнів, пам'ять, увагу; навички аналізу та узагальнення, комунікативні здібності.

 Виховувати повагу та інтерес до іншомовної культури. Підтримувати зацікавленість у вивченні іноземної мови. Формувати естетичні смаки дітей.


Тип уроку: урок практичного застосування знань, навичок і умінь.

Наочність: роздатковий матеріал, ілюстративний матеріал, презентації PowerPoint, аудіо та відео матеріал, ІКТ


Хід уроку

І. Оргмомент.

T: Good morning, children!

Ps: Good morning, teacher!

T: How are you?

Ps: We are fine. Thank you.

ІІ. Warming-up.

T: Before we start working we need to be joined into groups. So please come up to me and let’s play the “Mingle-mingle” game.

T: Mingle-mingle-mingle.

Ps: Mingle-mingle-mingle.

T: Make a group of two. Mingle-mingle-mingle.

Ps: Mingle-mingle-mingle.

T: Make a group of three. Mingle-mingle-mingle.

Ps: Mingle-mingle-mingle.

T: Make a group of five. Mingle-mingle-mingle.

Ps: Mingle-mingle-mingle.

T: Make a group of seven. Now, groups, please take your seats.

On your desks you can see several sheets of paper with some words. Your task is to make up a sentence of those words. If you do everything right then you will get a famous saying. If your team does the task first then you are a winner. When you are ready just raise your hand and say “ready”.

(Діти складають відомий вислів про Лондон: Who doesn`t like London, doesn`t like life itself.)

T: Now go to the blackboard and stand in a line holding your sheets of paper in the right order.

Who wants to read a famous quote about London? How do you understand it?

(Учні з іншої групи читають цитату  та висловлюють свої думки)

II. Оголошення теми та мети уроку.

T: Great job! So what do you think we are going to talk about today?

(Учні роблять припущення щодо теми уроку)

T: You are right. Today we are going to talk about London and its most famous places of interest. Our task is to summarize all the information that we know about London. And here you can read the topic of our lesson. Who wants to read it?

P1: A tour around London.

T: Well done! We have already read a lot about London and its places of interest. Let’s see how well you know them and if you are able to recognize them arriving to London.

III. Основна частина уроку.

1. Актуалізація опорних знань.

T: What do you know about London and the country where it is situated? Answer my questions, please.

-What country is London situated in?

-What is the name of the British Flag?

-What river does London stand on?

-Who is the head of the country?

-What is the typical weather in London?

-How can we get around London? What means of transport is the most popular among tourists?

T: So let’s get on this red double-decker and start our tour.

2. Phonetic exercise.

T: We shall start with a phonetic exercise. Listen to me and repeat after me:

Listen, oh, that’s Big Ben.

It can’t be true! Already ten!

Twenty postcards still to write

And we leave London at twelve tonight.


3. Vocabulary.

T: What places of interest can we visit in London?

Ps: Trafalgar Square, the London Zoo, the Tower of London, Buckingham Palace, Big Ben, Tower Bridge, St Paul’s Cathedral, the National Gallery, the British Museum, St Regent’s Park, Hyde Park….

T: Great job! Let’s name all those places one more time. Let’s play an “Echo”-game. What does an echo do?

Ps: It repeats the words after you.

T: You will be my echoes now. You should repeat the words after me three times.

T: Trafalgar Square.

Ps: Trafalgar Square, Trafalgar Square, Trafalgar Square.

T: The London Zoo.

Ps: The London Zoo, the London Zoo, the London Zoo.


Ps: …

T: You’ve done great! Now I have got another task for you. Let’s see if you can recognize those places of interest. Look at the screen and name the sight of London.

(Учні передивляються презентацію “The Sights of London” та за картинкою називають визначні місця)

T: Great job!

4. Listening.

T: On your desks there are sheets of paper. Please take one sheet. Who wants to read what is written? And the task is?

Ps: Listen and number.

T: You are right. You are going to watch a short video about the sights of London now. Be attentive because you will watch it only once. Number the sights according to the place they are mentioned in the film. For example if you hear the London Eye first, then put number one in the square near the London Eye. Did you understand the task?

Great! Then watch, listen and number.

Now let’s check together! What was number one? (two, three, etc.)

Great job!

5. Break.

T: Travelling around London can be fun but tiring and I think we need some rest. So stand up, please and let’s sing and dance “The wheels on a bus go round and round”

6. Reading.

T: Now one representative from each group, please come up to me and choose an envelope. Go back to your friends and open them.

Do you want to know more about all those places of interest? Ok. It is easier to go sightseeing together with a guide. And today we have got two guides. Let me introduce them: Nastya and Anya (the pupils of the 8th grade).

They will read short texts for you- the beginnings. And on your desks you have the endings. Listen to the guides and match your endings with the guides’ beginnings.

( Учні слухають розповіді «гідів» про визначні місця Лондона. добирають правильний кінець тексту та читають його)

7. Speaking.

T: Now let’s see how attentive you were while reading and listening about London and its sights.

a) “True/False” task.

T: First we will play a game. It is called “True/False”.

Each of you will take a card out of the box. There’s a fact written on the card. Read the fact and say if it is true or false. And if it is false then correct it.

(Ps play a “True/False”-game)

b) “Choose a question” task.

T: I will offer you to choose one of the sheets of paper. There you will find a question which you’ll have to read to someone from another team. Start your question with the name.

(Учні обирають питання та задають його команді-супернику)

8. Підведення підсумків уроку. Рефлексія.

T: As you remember from the video, time flies in London. Our tour has almost come to the end. I hope you enjoyed it.

-What did you like about the lesson?

-Was there anything that you didn’t like?

-What was the most difficult task?

-What was the easiest one?

9. Домашнє завдання.

T: It’s time for your home task. I have a friend who likes travelling about London and he has sent a video-riddle for you. Do you know what a riddle is?

Please watch it and try to guess my friend’s favourite place of interest.

(Діти переглядають відео загадку та дають відповідь: It’s the Tower of London)

T: And your home task is to make the same kind of a riddle. You don’t need to take a video. Just choose three most interesting facts about one of the places of interest and tell them without naming the place of interest itself.

10. Підведення підсумків уроку. Оцінювання.

T: You’ve done very well today. The most active of you were….

….I hope next time you will be more active.

Now stand up, please. The lesson is over. Good-bye!

Ps: Good-bye!


8 березня 2020
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