Конспект уроку "Art in the 21st century" до підручника Англійської мови В.Буренко, 11 клас, рівень стандарту

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Конспект уроку "Art in the 21st century / Мистецтво у ХХІ столітті" до підручника Англійської мови В.Буренко, 11 клас, рівень стандарту, видавництво "Ранок", Харків, 2019 рік. Містить план уроку та рекомендації щодо виконання вправ
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Art in the 21st century



  • to broaden student’s vocabulary;
  • to revise previously taught vocabulary;
  • to improve students’ vocabulary skills;
  • to develop students’ grammar competence;
  • to focus students on talking about art;
  • to motivate students for becoming independent listeners;
  • to develop students’ personal and social skills;
  • to activate linguistic guess;
  • to provide a stable and welcoming atmosphere in the class;
  • to develop self-esteem and mutual esteem;
  • to encourage students’ interest in art; to form students’ artistic tastes.

Outcomes: by the end of the lesson students will be able:

  • to talk about art, its types and genres;
  • to compare different points of view;
  • to distinguish the necessity of objects of art in our life.
  • to motivate linguistic guess;
  • to give definitions of the words;
  • to activate thinking and imagination;
  • to provide a stable and welcoming atmosphere in the class;
  • to develop self-esteem and mutual esteem;
  • to inspire students to work in pairs.



1. Warm-up

Homework review

E-mailing to an English-speaking pen friend about your visit to the theatre.

Include the following:

  • type of the performance, what it was about;
  • what impression the event made on you;
  • ask your friend about his/her attitude to the theatre.


2. vocabulary

Ex.6 p.62

1. to emerge v to transpire; to appear or become known

2. notion n an idea or understanding of smth

3. interdisciplinary adj  involving different areas of knowledge or study

4. multifaceted adj having many different aspects to be considered

5. identity n the characteristics that distinguish people from others; who or what smb/smth is

6. mural n a large painting made on an inside or outside wall of a building

7. collaboration (with, between) n the process of working with other people to create or produce smth

8. to encompass v to include a large number of things

9. to evolve v to develop gradually into forms that are better adapted to survive changes in their environment


3. reading

Ex.10 p.62

Read the text “Art of the 21st Century”. For each of the empty spaces (1—7) choose the correct answers (A, B, C or D).


4. speaking

Ex.11 p.63


1. What is the impact of globalisation on art?

2. Has awareness of the vitality of contemporary art grown with the help of the Internet and mass media?

3. Do you like contemporary art?

4. What is your favourite kind of art?

5. Is modern graffiti considered to be contemporary art?


Ex.12 p.63

Discuss: Is graffiti an art? Before your discussion read this text. It will help you form a decision.


6. homework

Ex.13 p.64

Write a paragraph about your favourite type of modern art.

Include the following:

  • its name and main characteristics;
  • the importance of this type of art for society;
  • the importance of this type of art for your life.
5 липня 2021
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