Практична мета:
активізувати вивчену лексику з теми “Clothes” у мовленнєвих структурах типу: “This is a…These are…”,“I have got a…”, “He/She has got a… ”, “I like this/these…”; узагальнити та систематизувати знання учнів з теми “Clothes”;формувати навички аудіювання; формувати навички працювати індивідуально, в парах, в групах, фронтально.
Розвиваюча мета :
розвивати навички говоріння, читання, письма; розвивати мовленнєву
реакцію, самоконтроль, ініціативу мовлення, пам’ять, увагу, уяву.
Освітня мета:
розвивати філологічний кругозір учнів; збагачувати їх словниковий запас.
Виховна мета:
виховувати позитивне ставлення до вивчення англійської мови.
Тип уроку: комбінований.
Обладнання уроку:
- фонетичні картки : буквосполучення th, ch, sh;
- вірші: “My Doll”, “This is a boy/girl”, “Shoes and boots”,
- тематичні картки з теми “Clothes”,
- лист-запрошення “Birthday party invitation”,
- дидактичний матеріал для гри “Dress the Doll”
- картки для аудіювання тексту“Who is Ted’s friend?”,
- розмальовки “Ted’s clothes”,
- опорні таблиці,
- маркер.
Lesson Procedure
1. Greeting
T: Good morning, dear boys and girls!
Ch: Good morning,
Good morning,
Good morning to you.
Good morning,
Good morning,
We are glad to see you.
T: I am glad to see you, too. Sit down, please. Dear children, are you ready for the lesson?
Ch: Yes, we are.
T: Let’s start our work.
2. Introduction
T: Children, I want you to meet our old friend Ted. He has got a Birthday today. He is 9 today and he wants you to come to his Birthday party. But he needs your help. Can you help him?
Ch: Yes, we can.
T: It’s very nice.
3. Phonetic practice
T: If you want to go to the party you need to remember the poems, but we have some problems here. Let’s remember how to read letter-combs – TH, CH, SH (cards with letters). And now, look at my posters (add materials #1) and read the poems.
1.My doll is so pretty,
Her eyes are so blue,
Her cheeks are so rosy,
Her dress is so new.
2. This is a girl,
Her name is Tess,
She’s got red shoes
And a green dress.
3. This is a boy,
His name is Bruce,
He’s got blue trousers
And brown shoes.
T: Very good, children. Here’s one more poem.
4. Shoes and boots
Boots and shoes.
Come and buy the size you choose.
Shoes and boots
Boots and shoes.
T: Now I see that you are ready to help Ted with his Birthday party.
4. Word revision/ Speech practice
T: The first task for you is to help Ted to dress for the party .Let’s look at his clothes and see what he has got (children come to the desk and take the picture, teacher asks them questions).
T – P1 – P2 – P3…
T: Tell me please:
-What is this? /What are these?
-What color is it/are they?
- Do you like it/them?
T: Thank you. Ted is very happy. Now he knows what clothes he has got.
5. Writing activity
T: Ted has prepared a Birthday party invitation for you and write what should you wear for the party. But he has forgotten some words. Help him, please to write these words (teacher gives children cards, they fill in empty spaces, then they go to the board and write the letters on a piece of paper on the board (invitation card),then they read the card and try to understand what to dress for the party).
(add materials # 2)
6. Physical exercises
T: Ted, thank you for your help. He is tied. Are you tied? Let’s have a rest (one pupil goes to the board and does the exercise, other children follow him).
Teddy bear, Teddy bear
Turn around.
Teddy bear, Teddy bear
Touch the ground.
Teddy bear, Teddy bear
Show your shoe.
Teddy bear, Teddy bear
That will do.
T: Children, Ted is very happy. Are you happy? Let’s sing a song “If you are happy”(children sing a song and do the movements).
If you are happy and you know it
Clap your hands (stamp your feet, turn around) – 2 times
If you are happy and you know it
And you really want to show it,
If you are happy and you know it
Clap your hands (stamp your feet, turn around).
Clap your hands, stamp your feet, turn around, sit down.
T: Thank you very much. I see that you are ready to continue our work.
7. Listening comprehension
T: Game “Who is Ted’s friend?” Help Ted to find his friends. He knows what they have got on, but he doesn’t remember their names (teacher gives children a card with the picture of different people (add materials #3) and reads information about two of them, a boy and a girl, children listen and guess).
T: Text # 1
This is a boy. He has got blue jeans, red T-shirt and a red cap on. His shoes are blue.
T: What’s his name?
Ch: The boy’s name is Paul.
T: Text #2
This is a girl. She has got a pink T-shirt, a blue skirt on. Her shoes are red.
What’s her name?
Ch: The girl’s name is Charoline.
T: Ted is very happy that you have helped him to find his friends.
`8. Team work
T: Ted has got another task for you. He wants you to dress his friends for the party. I have got three envelopes (add materials#4):
- Layla
- Roxy
- Peter
You should read the task from the envelope and dress these people then come to the board and represent your doll (children do the task.)
T: Very good.
9. Monological speech
T: And now, I want you to tell us what you have got on for the party.
Look at the poster, it can help you to speak (add materials # 5).
(children represent their clothes)
T : I see you are very pretty today.
10. Game “Color Ted’s clothes”
T: My dear, we’ve almost forgotten about Ted’s Birthday party clothes. Right now I will give you the pictures to color Ted’s clothes (add materials #6 ). You should color his clothes and at home be ready to tell us about your choice. You can use the following tips:
e.g. This is Ted.
He has got a…on.
He has got…on.
His shoes are….
I like his clothes.
11. Final part of the lesson
T: So, we are all ready for the party. Let’s congratulate Ted with his Birthday and sing a song “Happy Birthday to you!” (children sing a song).
T: You worked very hard today and your marks are… Our preparations are over. Let’s celebrate. Stand up and good-bye!