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The Jackal and the Turtle
Цели: ввести новые ЛЕ; развивать навыки чтения с целью полного понимания прочитанного; учить находить в прочитанном тексте необходимую информацию; учить высказывать своё мнение о прочитанном; расширять кругозор учащихся; воспитывать любовь к чтению.
Оборудование: текст, задания к тексту.
Ход урока
Team 1 –lived, said, was, got, took, flew, looked, saw, wanted, opened, fell, ran, had, asked, answered, carried.
Team 2 – are, fly, take, want, part, think, have, speak, open, fall, is, eat, put, become, live, catch.
The jackal and the turtle.
Two storks lived beside a large lake. One day the first stork said to the second stork, “There are no more fish in this lake. There are no more frogs in the meadow. We must fly away to another lake.” there was a turtle in the lake. The turtle said to the storks, “Take me with you to another lake. You are my friends and I don’t want to part with you.”
“How can we take you to another lake?” said the storks. “You can’t fly.”
“You are clever birds”, said the turtle. “Please think of some plan to take me with you”.
After a short time the storks said, “We have a plan, but you must not speak. If you open your mouth, you will fall down.”
The storks got a large stick. One stork took one end in his beak, and the other stork took the other end in his beak. The turtle took the middle of the stick in her mouth. The storks flew away with the stick and the turtle.
A jackal was walking in the fields. He looked up and saw the storks flying away with the turtle on the stick.
“What is this?” said the jackal in a loud voice. “That must be a bad animal and the storks are taking this bad animal away”.
The turtle was angry. She wanted to say “I am not a bad animal”. She opened her mouth and fell down to the ground. The two storks flew away.
The jackal ran to the turtle. He had never seen a turtle before.
“What animal is this?” he said. “I shall eat it”. But he could not eat the turtle’s hard shell. “Why is your skin so hard?” he asked.
“Take me to the lake”, the turtle answered. “My skin is hard because I am dry. Put me in the water and my skin will become soft.”
The jackal took the turtle in his mouth and carried her to a lake. He put the turtle in the water.
“Thank you,” said the turtle. “I live in the water. I am happy in this lake and you can’t catch me. Good bye!”
The turtle at once went to the bottom of the lake and the jackal could not catch her.
Jackal - шакал
Turtle - черепаха
Stork - аист
Meadow – луг, луки
Part - расставаться
Stick - палка
Before – раньше
Shell - панцирь
Because I am dry – потому что я высохла
Soft - мягкий
Catch (caught, caught) – ловить, поймать
Bottom – дно
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