МЕТА: вдосконалити знання лексичних одиниць по темі, удосконалити навички аудіювання та говоріння, розвивати творчі здібності учнів, стимулювати використання прислів’їв по темі, розвивати вміння логічно висловлювати свою думку, формувати навички дбайливого ставлення до здоров’я.
ТИП УРОКУ: узагальнення знань.
ОБЛАДНАННЯ: підручники, роздатковий матеріал, комп’ютер, мультимедійний проектор.
Хід уроку:
“A sound mind in a sound body”
“An apple a day keeps the doctor away”. So theme of our lesson is “Health and body care”
You will see the Ukrainian words, your task is to translate them into English:
You have a change to be present on medical conference. Our doctor will discuss medical problems. Have acquaintance with doctor Kashoida, Dr. Syvac, Dr. Kobrin, Dr. Kushnir.
Dr. Kashoida: Tell me please, what is better for you: to go to the private clinics or to the state hospital?
Учень 1: - I'd like to go to private clinics because there is modern equipment and I can't feel pain.
Учень 2: - I'd like to go to state hospital because it is cheaper.
Dr. Kashoida: Doctor Syvak, tell us, what thinges do we use to cure illnesses?
Dr. Syvak: We use medicines, pills, powders, ointment, injections, bandages, massage, antiseptics.
Dr. Kashoida: Doctor Kobrin, why is it necessary to get in for sports?
Dr. Kobrin: Taking medicines is not god for our health. We should go in for sports, do morning exercises, take a shower and to go to swimming – pool.
Dr. Kashoida: Doctor Kushnir, what should we do to protect our teeth?
Dr.Kushnir: We must clean teeth after every meal, not to eat many sweets, to eat fruit and vegetables, especially apples and carrots, to visit a dentist twice a year.
Dr. Kashoida: Ok. Thanks. To be sure that you understand how to keep yourself fit agree or disagree with me:
Now, children you have to work with these cards. You’ll find all necessary words.
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Key – words:
Patient, pain, toothache, earacbe, cough,health, fit, doctor, throat, blood, finger,toe.
About a month ago I was at a lesson. Suddenly I felt really ill. I felt very cold and I had a headache and my eyes hurt. My teacher phoned my mother. She came soon, took me home and called a doctor.
In the afternoon the doctor visited me. She examined my throat, listened to my heart and lungs, looked at my eyes and ears. In the end she said “Well, it’s a bad cold. You have to stay in a bad for a week”. She wrote me a prescription for some medicines. She told me to take pills three times a day. She also asked my mum to give me hot milk with butter and honey or hot tea.
My mum went to the chemist’s and bought the medicines for me. I followed the advice and soon felt much better. My friends were glad to see me at school again.
Our lesson is finishing. You worked good today. What was the topic of our lesson?
What important information did you receive?
What proverbs about health do you know?
Find and learn three or four proverbs about health.
Yesterday all the day I was having a terrible cough.
Yesterday all the day I wasn’t having a terrible cough.
Was I having a terrible cough yesterday all the day?
You were having a cold since Monday to Friday.
He was drinking a hot tea since two p.m to three p.m.
Yesterday all the day she was sneezing.
We were gurgling a throat during three days.
You were examining by a doctor
They were dripping a nose 20 minutes before