Контрольна робота з англійської мови для 6 класу (за підручником Несвіт А.) за темою "Спорт та ігри (Sports and Games)".

Про матеріал
Контрольна робота містить 4 нескладні завдання для перевірки рівня засвоєння лексичного та граматичного матеріалу в межах теми
Перегляд файлу

Test. Form 6. Unit 4. Sports and Games


Variant 1

Name_______________________________________   Date____________

  1. Drop the labels:


2.Fill in must/must not/ had to:

  1. You __________ eat junky food if you want to be healthy. You _______ eat healthy food and go in for some sport.
  2. Sam ___________ go to the training yesterday. He doesn’t go to the gym on Saturdays.
  3. I _________ take part in the competitions yesterday. I wanted my team to win it.
  4. I _________ train very hard if I want to be a good sportsman.


3.Fill in can/cannot/could/could not:


  1. Ellie  __________  ride a bicycle. She rides it to school every day.
  2. I __________ swim without my swimming glasses. Where are they?

  1. I ___________ attend the gym last week because I was ill.
  2. My sister ____________ swim last year, but now she __________ .


4.Choose the right answer:

  1. What is the name of the sport when the player swims?

  1. Boxing
  2. Chess
  3. Swimming
  4. Hockey

  1. Find the second part of the word-combination “figure- …”

  1. Skiing
  2. Riding
  3. Skating
  4. Playing

  1. Find the word which is common to hockey, volleyball, football

  1. Athletics
  2. Sport game
  3. Gymnasium
  4. Stadium

  1. Put the words in the alphabetical order:

  1. Wrestling
  2. Fencing
  3. Basketball
  4. Boxing

  1. What word is connected with the summer sports?

  1. Skiing
  2. Skating
  3. Swimming
  4. Figure skating

  1. How often the Olympic Games take place?

  1. Every 4 years
  2. Every year
  3. Every day
  4. Every 14 years

Variant 2

Name_______________________________________   Date____________


  1. Unscramble the words


2. Fill in can/cannot/could/could not:

  1. I ___________ be present at the sports meeting last week because I was ill.
  2. My sister ____________ skate last winter, but now she __________ .
  3. Ellie __________  ride a bicycle. She rides it to school every day.
  4. I __________ swim without my swimming glasses. Where are they?


3. Fill in must/must not/ had to:

  1. I _________ take part in the competitions yesterday. I wanted my team to win it.
  2. I _________ train very hard if  I want to be a good sportsman.
  3. You __________ eat junky food if you want to be healthy. You _______ eat healthy food and go in for some sport.
  4. Sam ___________ go to the training yesterday. He doesn’t go to the gym on Saturdays.


4.Choose the right answer:

1.   What is the name of the sport when the player swims?

  1. Boxing
  2. Chess
  3. Swimming
  4. Hockey

  1. Find the second part of the word-combination “figure- …”

  1. Skiing
  2. Riding
  3. Skating
  4. Playing

  1. What word is connected with the winter sports?

  1. Football
  2. Hockey
  3. Volleyball
  4. Basketball

  1. How many players play tennis?

  1. 2
  2. 14
  3. 13
  4. 40

  1. How often the Olympic Games  take place?

  1. Every 4 years
  2. Every year
  3. Every day
  4. Every 14 years

  1. How many rings does the Olympic flag have?

  1. Four
  2. Five
  3. Six
  4. Seven
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Відповідність темі
Всього відгуків: 2
Оцінки та відгуки
  1. Люта Олена Григорівна
    Оригінальність викладу
    Відповідність темі
  2. Гончарова Яна
    Оригінальність викладу
    Відповідність темі
До підручника
Англійська мова (6-й рік навчання) 6 клас (Несвіт А.М.)
28 березня 2019
Оцінка розробки
5.0 (2 відгука)
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