Конспект уроку "Hobbies and Interests."

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Розробка уроку на тему "Hobbies and Interests." за підручником Карпюк О.Д. , 5 клас.
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 Конспект уроку  5 клас.


Тема: Hobbies and Interests.


Мета:                     Вивчити нові лексичні одиниці.

                                 Активізувати вивчений лексичний та граматичний матеріал.

                                Тренувати учнів в усному мовленні за темою уроку.

                                Розвивати навички читання.

                                Практикувати учнів у письмі.

                                Підкреслити важливість  позашкільної діяльності у житті учнів. 

                                Виховувати в учнів прагнення одержувати нові знання

                                та ввічливе ставлення один до одного.


Обладнання:    Підручник, комп’ютер , картки ., магнітофон,проектор, картки з завдання мию


                                                           Хід уроку


І.   Greeting and Aim.  Підготовка до сприйняття іншомовного мовлення


1. Повідомлення теми та мети уроку.

  Song “”         

 T: Good morning dear girls and boys! How are you today? I’m very glad to see you at the lesson today!

                 How are you? I am………..

                 What is the weather like today?It’s ………………..


                                              What can you do in such weather? I can…………….



2. Перевірка домашнього завдання

 Present Simple and Present Continuous.

Ex. 16 p.


                                    II . Основна частина уроку


1.Уведення в іншомовну атмосферу

   T:  Well, and today we are speaking about after school activities.

When school is over what do you do then? What words come to your mind when you hear about AFTER SCHOOL ACTIVITIES. Let’s do the association.(paper read and stick )

(I visit …….. club. Meet my friends, listen to music, play games, read books...)               

Well I see that your after school life different and interesting. 


2. Vocabulary practice

T: Now open your text book page 22 and let’s get knows about some additional activities.

Let’s look though them and try to find pairs in both columns. Do you see any unknown words for translation?

Match activities to the pictures.

3. Speaking and writing. Pair work



 I like/enjoy…………..         I hate…………………            I don’t mind ……..

 I’m good at ……………..    I can’t stand …………..

+ ing

………   likes/enjoys…………..      He/She hates …………………           


 He / She is good at ……………..    He/She can’t stand …………..

 He/she doesn’t mind ……..


4. Reading and listening.

Pre-reading and listening.

T: Now some your friends will read about their after-school activities listen carefully and guess.

Answer the questions:

  • Who likes boarding games?
  • Who has got many books?
  • Who go cycling at weekends?
  • Whose father brought a present from other country?
  • Who is a member of sports team?
  • Who is good at playing the musical instrument?




Hello! I am keen on reading. I have got a big library at home. I prefer historical novels. Sometimes I go to the cinema with my friends and watch screen versions of our favourite books. Then we share ideas about acting in the café.

Sophie: What is your favourite book?



I am crazy about sport. I am good at playing basketball. So, I joined school basketball team. We try out different tricks at our classes. Besides, I ride a bike in the park on Saturdays, it`s a real fun.

Vlad: Can I join your basketball club?



I am not sporty. I`m fond of playing boarding games. I am good at chess and droughts. But my favourite game is “Snakes and Ladders”. It is an old Indian game. My father brought it from India after his trip there.


I like playing chess. Let’s play at the weekend.



My friends say that I am musical and romantic. I go to Music school. I am good at singing and playing the piano. I practice three hours a day. I always take part in school concerts. I want to be a famous singer in future.

Natasha: Can you play another musical instruments expect piano?

Post-reading and listening.

a)            Answer the questions:

  • Who likes boarding games?
  • Who has got many books?
  • Who go cycling at weekends?
  • Whose father brought a present from other country?
  • Who is a member of sports team?
  • Who is good at playing the musical instrument?

b)             Synonyms.

Find synonyms to the words and word combinations from the texts:

  1. Go cycling;
  2. Clumsy;
  3. Do tricks
  4. Enjoy
  5. Talk about;
  6. To be a member of.

5. Song  Let’s play after school.

   6.Speaking and Writing          + or, er

 T: After school activities are very important in your life. They help you not only rest after classes but also they can have influence on your future profession. Do you know how to make professions from verbs? It’s easy only add – er  or – or  to verbs.   Do ex. 3, p. 23.

Complete the following sentences.

1. Someone who drives a car is a ... .

2. Someone who translates is a ... .

3. Someone who builds is a ... .

4. Someone who teaches is a ... .

5. Someone who dances is a ... .

6. Someone who sails is a ... .

7. Someone who bakes is a ... .

8. Someone who makes shoes is a ... .

9. Someone who creates computer programmes is a ... .

10. Someone who designs is a ... .

11. Someone who gives lectures is a ... .


7. Grammar time.

Present Simple and Present Continuous.

Ex. 16 p.

8. Song What do you like doing?


                                  ІІІ.Заключна частина урок

  1. Домашнє завдання.


  T: Complete the dialogue, make your own ones and practise the words from  ex. 1, p. 22 in them. Learn it by heart.


— Are you going home after school?

— No. I have ... (singing practice) in the ... (school choir).

— Let’s ... (ride bikes) a bit later then.

— Yes, sure. I’d love to.


 2. Підведення підсумків уроку. 

T: I hope today you ‘ve got a lot of interesting information about after school activities. I’ve got a lot of positive emotions. I wish you to be good pupils of our school. Have good friends!  


Your marks for today are

Thank you for your work and cooperation! The lesson is over.






Додаток 1

Find synonyms to the words and word combinations from the texts:

  1. Go cycling;
  2. Clumsy;
  3. Do tricks;
  4. Enjoy;
  5. Talk about;
  6. To be a member of.














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Англійська мова (5-й рік навчання) 5 клас (Карпюк О.Д.)
19 лютого 2020
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