конспект уроку клас 9 "Nature and the environment"

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Урок систематизації та узагальнення знань з теми " Nature and the environment"
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 Тема уроку:  Nature and the environment/ Природа  і навколишнє середовище.

Мета уроку:

           узагальнити та систематизувати знання учнів про екологію та проблеми  навколишнього середовища, розширити уявлення про ставлення людей до проблем навколишнього середовища; розвивати   усне мовлення, логічне мислення, навички читання, аудіювання та письма; практикувати  граматичні навички учнів (вживання Conditional I в усному мовленні та на письмі) вдосконалювати вміння самонавчання, самооцінювання, взаємооцінювання;   виховувати культуру мовлення, інтерес до вивчення англійської мови. Розвивати вміння працювати в  парах, групі. Розвивати мислення, уяву, увагу учнів.

- Формувати усвідомлення важливості екологічних проблем та бажання допомогти природі, виховувати в учнів інтерес до вирішення проблем довкілля.

At the end of the lesson pupils will be ready to speak about the environmental problems and the ways of their solutions. 

Тип уроку:  Урок узагальнення та систематизації знань.


НМЗ уроку:  Підручник,   раздатковий матеріал з вправами, мультимедійна презентація уроку (Презентація), постери для проектної роботи, мультимедійний додаток.


I. Introduction


1. Greeting and aim.

 Ps and teacher.

 greet each other. Ps learn new greeting rhyme and greet each other in pairs.

(slide 1)

Ps read and translate the words on the blackboard and name the topic of the lesson.

(slide 2)

Teacher announces the objectives of the lesson. (slide 4)


  • discuss some questions on the topic;
  • get some new information;
  • work in groups;
  • do some tasks;
  • do your own projects;

 After the lesson you’ll be able to:

  • speak about different environmental problems and the ways of their solving;
  • know what we can do to save our planet ;
  • do everything you can to avoid the pollution on the local levels.

Ps read the rules of the lesson (Slide 7)


2. Warm-up

Mind –map “Environment” (slide 8)

a)  Comment on the quotations of the famous people. A group work. (slide 9)


T: Do you agree with this environmental quote? How can you explain it?


II. Main part

1. Reading

a) Pre-reading activity (Ps look at the board and name the environmental problems)

Slide 10

 Teacher explains the task. Pupils work in pairs or in small groups. Ps should find the appropriate text, read it and write down the answer to the questions.

b)  While-reading



 c) Post –reading

Ps in class discuss questions and answers.

Reading and speaking


Ps read the text individually and write true of false. Ps write down answers to the questions. Then all class checks and comments.


Check on homework ( Pupils present their projects).

Listening (ex.1 p.152 ) On the board – hurricane, tornado, solar energy

Ps check their answers on the slide 11

 Grammar review (Conditional I)

Slide 12

Play “Find your partner”

Ps check the answers on the board.

Complete the  sentences Ex.4 p. 158 (a group work, orally)


Play “Agree or disagree” (slide 14)


Ps do mini projects and present them to the class. (A group work)

III The end of the lesson

Home task: to write a short composition about the environmental problems in Ukraine, their reasons and the ways of solving them.


Complete the sentence ” Now I know to save the planet we have to …..


T.: The lesson is over. See you later. Goodbye!























































Ро  Find information in the text and answer the question:







Твір на тему: "Що таке щастя?"   Find information in the text and answer the question:





Твір на тему: "Що таке щастя?"  

 Find information in the text and answer the question:




Твір на тему: "Що таке щастя?"   Find information in the text and answer the question:







The world population is growing. Every day 200.000 peopleare born on our planet. That’s a lot of babies!In the future there will be many more people and wiil need more food, water, houses and energy. Most children are born in poor countries. Many of them don’t have enough food and don’t go to school. In some countries in Europe there are not many choldren and families are becoming smaller. Do you know anybody who has many brothers and sisters?



Something is happening to our climate. It is getting warmer. Our springs and summers are very hot and there isn’t so much snow in winter. The Artic ice is melting. Earth’s climate has changed many times. There have been ice ages an warmer periods but now these changes are happening fast. Are we responsible for this? Most scientists (but not all) say yes. We need to stop the global warming.


Nobody can live without water. Everybody needs it for drinking, cooking and washing. However, for one in five people in the world it is difficult to get clean water. I hope you are somebody who turns off the water in the bathroom and in the kitchen, and doesn’t have it running for nothing. We must be careful with water. We have to save it. Pessimists say we won’t have enough water in the future. We will be thirsty!


Our cars and our factories pollute the air. Many rivers and lakes are also polluted. And on land there is rubish everywhere. It is ugly to see this, and it is dangerous  for wild animals. Do we want a world like that? We go shopping and brong home plastik bags. We buy a new mobile phone and throw away the old one. When you throw something away, it doesn’t just disappear.

Can we do anything about it?




Read the text and say if it is true or false.

Follow – слідувати,   to hunt – полювати, to look for -шукати

Many plants and animals are in danger now. We are destroying the places where they live. The best way to save it is to protect these places. Forest and jungle animals and plants are in danger now because we are cutting  trees. It is difficult for animals in the sea because the sea is becoming polluted and there is too much fishing. Polar bears can only hunt on ice, but every year more and more ice dosappears. Plants and animals are able to change. It is called evolution. But the evolution is very slow and we are changing  our world very quickly. Some species will be able to follow the changes. For example, foxes now often come to town to look for rubbish. But many species will disappear.


1. Many plants and animals are in danger now because people kill them.

2. People pollute seas and fish too much.

3. Evolution means to be able to change.

4. Evolution can help to save endangered species because it is very quick.

5. Foxes  are able to follow the changes.


Answer the question:

What is the best way to protect endangered animals and plants?


Read the text and say if it is true or false.

Follow – слідувати,   to hunt – полювати, to look for -шукати

Many plants and animals are in danger now. We are destroying the places where they live. The best way to save it is to protect these places. Forest and jungle animals and plants are in danger now because we are cutting  trees. It is difficult for animals in the sea because the sea is becoming polluted and there is too much fishing. Polar bears can only hunt on ice, but every year more and more ice dosappears. Plants and animals are able to change. It is called evolution. But the evolution is very slow and we are changing  our world very quickly. Some species will be able to follow the changes. For example, foxes now often come to town to look for rubbish. But many species will disappear.


1. Many plants and animals are in danger now because people kill them.

2. People pollute seas and fish too much.

3. Evolution means to be able to change.

4. Evolution can help to save endangered species because it is very quick.

5. Foxes  are able to follow the changes.


Answer the question:

What is the best way to protect endangered animals and plants?



 Find the partner and fill in the gaps with the right tenses of the verb in brackets


1. If we  …(to have) enough water,

Find the partner and fill in the gaps with the right tenses of the verb in brackets


2. More species ….. (to survive)

Find the partner and fill in the gaps with the right tenses of the verb in brackets


3. We … (to reduce) the use of natural resourses

Find the partner and fill in the gaps with the right tenses of the verb in brackets


4. Clean water … (not to be) a problem

Find the partner and fill in the gaps with the right tenses of the verb in brackets


5. Many animals and plants (not to be ) in danger

Find the partner and fill in the gaps with the right tenses of the verb in brackets


a) we …(not to be ) thirsty.

Find the partner and fill in the gaps with the right tenses of the verb in brackets


b) if we ( to protect) nature.

Find the partner and fill in the gaps with the right tenses of the verb in brackets


c) if we  (to recycle) old and used things.

Find the partner and fill in the gaps with the right tenses of the verb in brackets


d)  if people (to stop) throwing rubbish into the seas and rivers.



Find the partner and fill in the gaps with the right tenses of the verb in brackets


e) if we … (to stop ) killing the animals and .. (not to cut down) the trees.



















































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Англійська мова (9-й рік навчання) 9 клас (Карпюк О.Д.)
7 лютого 2023
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