Конспект уроку на тему "My bedroom"

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Конспект уроку з англійської мови на тему "Моя кімната". Урок можна використовувати при знайомстві з меблями, які можна зустрічати у спальні.
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План-конспект уроку «My bedroom»

Мета уроку: розвиток навички аудіювання та монологічного мовлення

Практичні та освітні завдання:

1. повторити та закріпити  лексику теми;

2. тренувати в описі кімнат із використанням прийменників місця;

3. розвивати культуру усного мовлення;

Виховні завдання: виховувати в учнів позитивне ставлення до свого будинку, правильне ставлення до справжніх цінностей: будинок, сімейне вогнище.


Хід уроку:

1. Introduction.

Good morning, boys and girls. I’m glad to see you.

2. Warm -up

Listen to the definitions of the words and try to guess them..

a. We cook breakfast, dinner in it. (kitchen)

b. It’s a piece of furniture we sit on. (chair, armchair, sofa)

c. It has trees, grass, flowers. What is it? (garden)

d. It’s a place where we keep our cars. (garage)

e. It’s a place where our dogs and cats often sleep. (hall)

f. It’s a room where we watch television. (living-room)

g. It’s a piece of furniture where we keep books. (bookcase)

h. I can play different games on it, listen to music, watch films. (computer)

i. It makes our room light. (window) It can be lamp, but it isn`t. it is a street behind it

j. It shows time. (clock)

k. We sleep on it. (bed, sofa, armchair)

l. We sleep in it. (bedroom)


3. T.: Welcome to my house. It’s my bedroom. It’s my favourite place at home. I can relax here.

And what is your favourite place at home? (Вчитель показує зображення будинку, окремо зображення спальні та ставить запитання учням).

 Відповіді учнів.

Т: Bedroom is our favourite room, isn`t it?

And today we continue to speak about houses and flats, about rooms and furniture in them.

The topic is “My bedroom”

- Have you got a room of your own?

- Do you want to have a room of your own?

- What have you got in your bedroom?

- Is there a table in your bedroom?

- Are there books in your bedroom?

- Is there bed in your bedroom?

4. Reading

And now open your books, please at p.50 and read the text.

- What Ann has got in her bedroom?

- Read the sentences which help us to describe the bedroom.



5. Фізкультхвилинка

Are you tidy? Let`s have a rest and sing a song.

6. Speaking

Look at my bedroom and try to describe it. (Вчитель на слайді показує фото кімнати, учні описують, які меблі вони бачать)

T.: What is home or your bedroom for you, I wonder?

P1: My home is Mummy, Daddy and our cat Bax. My favourite place at home is my room. I like playing computer games. In the evening we watch television together. I love my home.

P2: My home is calmness, joy, family’s smile. My home is light, nice, cosy and original. I have the room of my own. I’ve got a lot of toys and beautiful flowers. My home is the best. I love my home very much.

P3: My home is my mummy, granny and dad. My home is my toys, luxury, my nest, my life. My home is light and cosy. My home is the best for me.

P4: My home is mother, father, brother and our dog. Liza. My home is comfortable and big. I’m always waited at home. I love my home.

7. Writing

Look at the slide. What is it? Of course, cinquain

I want you make cinquain about your bedrooms in your exercises.

8. Summary.

T.: Thank you for your good work. Your marks are…



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