Конспект уроку "National holidays of the USA" до підручника Англійської мови В.Буренко, 11 клас, рівень стандарту

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Конспект уроку "National holidays of the USA / Національні свята США" до підручника Англійської мови В.Буренко, 11 клас, рівень стандарту, видавництво "Ранок", Харків, 2019 рік. Містить план уроку та рекомендації щодо виконання вправ
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National holidays of the USA


  • to practice the new topic;
  • to present new vocabulary on the topic;
  • to practice previously taught vocabulary on the topic;
  • to improve students’ reading and speaking skills;
  • to develop students’ communicative competence;
  • to activate thinking;
  • to encourage understanding and tolerance to others;
  • to broaden students’ outlook;
  • to encourage students’ understanding of importance of studying;
  • to develop self-esteem and a sense of respect for others.

Outcomes: by the end of the lesson students will be able:

  • to use the words of the topic in speech;
  • to discuss the questions using arguments;
  • to read and understand texts;
  • to give the definitions of the words
  • to speak about American holidays.




1. Warm-up

Ex.1 p.147

Work in pairs. Take turns to ask and answer questions about the US federal holidays. Write a list of federal holidays and present it to your classmates. Say what holidays are the most important in your opinion. Give your reasons.


2. Reading

Ex.2 p.147

Read the text “List of Federal Holidays” and check your answers. Most of the US federal holidays are also state holidays. A holiday that falls on a weekend is usually observed on the closest weekday. The official names came from the laws that define holidays for federal employees.


3. Reading and speaking

Ex.3 p.147

Work in groups. Read the information “It is interesting to know”. Discuss and choose the most interesting information in your opinion. Give your reasons why you think so.


4. Vocabulary

Ex.4 p.148

Listen and read the new words and their definitions.

1. to embark (on) v to start to do smth new or difficult

2. avid adj a very enthusiastic about smth, for example, a hobby

3. steed n a horse to ride on

4. breeding n the producing of young animals

5. to mate v to put animals or birds together in order to produce young animals or birds

6. mere adj used when you want to emphasise how small, unimportant, etc. smb/smth is

7. to adorn v to make smb/smth look attractive by decorating it or them with smth

8. dentures n artificial teeth or a thin piece of plastic for those who no longer have all their own teeth

9. ivory n a hard yellowish-white substance like a bone

10. peanut n a nut that grows underground in a thin shell

11. enigmatic adj mysterious and difficult to understand


5. Speaking

Make some sentences with the words above.


6. Listening

Ex.5 p.149

Listen to the text and complete the sentences.

1. George Washington was a big fan of mules and believed them to be … .

2. George Washington’s second inaugural address was … .

3. He was the only president who … .

4. The most important day for George Washington was … .

5. His favourite food was … .

6. His popularity was confirmed by … .

7. George Washington was the first president of the United States who … .


7. Summary

Find the English meanings of these words:

  • починати, братися за;
  • жадібний (до чогось);
  • палкий;
  • кінь;
  • розведення тварин;
  • спаровувати (тварин, птахів);
  • простий, справжній;
  • прикрашати;
  • ряд зубів;
  • слонова кістка;
  • арахіс;
  • загадковий.

Name and spell them.


8. Homework

Ex.6 p.149

Find information about one of the outstanding persons of the USA in your opinion and write an essay about him/her. Use the Internet and book resources if necessary. Present this person to your classmates.


5 липня 2021
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