Урок-конференція "Ecological Problems of Our Planet"

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Урок-конференція "Ecological Problems of Our Planet" спрямований на розвиток комунікативних навичок, критичного мислення, спонукає учнів алізувати критичну екологічну ситуацію на планеті та причини,що призвели до катаклізмів.
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  • to develop critical thinking skills;
  • to improve reading and speaking skills;
  • to broaden students’ outlook;
  • to foster the desire to lead a healthy way of life saving our planet clean;

Learning  outcomes:

At  the end of the lesson learners will be able to:

  • speak exchanging opinions;
  • analyze  and compare the situation;      


Equipment: SB Kalinina L.V., Samoilyukevych I.V. Your English Self,11, pictures of disasters, slides, diagrams, students’ drawings, sheets of paper with information, IT.




T:  Good morning, students. Our lesson is devoted to ecological problems of our planet and industrial disasters which cause a great damage. Today we are going to speak, read and discuss the future of our planet. The epigraphs of this conference are:

“Look  after  this  planet , it  is  the  only  one  we  have.”(Prince Philip of Britain, the president of the World Wide Fund for Nature)

“Earth provides enough to satisfy every man's needs, but not every man's greed.” 
( Mahatma Gandhi).

“Modern technology Owes ecology An apology”. (Alan M. Eddison)



1. Speaking.

T: People have always polluted their surroundings. But until now pollution was not such a serious problem. In past most people lived in uncrowded rural areas and didn’t have pollution-causing machines. But with the development of crowded industrial cities the problem of pollution has become more important. Using automobiles and other machines made pollution steadily worse. Since the 1950’s people have become alarmed with the danger of environmental pollution. Air, water, and soil are necessary for existence of all living things. But polluted air can cause illness, and even death. Polluted water kills fish and other marine life. On polluted soil, food products can’t be grown. In addition environmental pollution spoils the natural beauty of our planet. The  world  is  not  only  beautiful, but  also  everything  is  connected  on  the  Earth. The  harmony  is  the  main  feature  of  our  life  and  if  the  harmony  exists  we  can  live  happily. But the situation is not perfect now. There are many problems that we can’t but discuss. Let’s start our conference.


S1: Ecological  problems  of  the  modern  world  are  becoming  more  and  more  public  and  this  is  the  reason  why  ecology  has  become  very  much  “public  term”  despite  of  its  originally  scientific  character. Literally the word ‘ecology’ means “a study of home”. One definition given by The American Heritage Dictionary is “the study of the detrimental effects of modern civilization on the environment with a view toward prevention or reversal through conservation”. Simply put, ecology means discovering what damage man has done and then finding ways to fix it. The  term  “ecology”  was  used  for  the  first  time  in  1866  by  German  biologist  Ernst  Heinrich  Haeckel , and  its  root  in  Greek  word  “oikos” (house ) which  is  completely  exact  root  as  of  the  word  economy  which  would  imply studying  of  economy  in  nature. Modern  ecology  is  generally  connected  with  Charles  Darwin  and  his  theory  of  evolution  and  natural  selection  where  Darwin  pointed  the  firm  connection  between  animals  and  their  natural  habitats. But  many  people  think  that  Earth  has  just  one  purpose, namely  to  satisfy  their  needs.

S2: The  biggest  pollutions  on  our  planet  are  the  result  of  fossil  fuels  use. Modern  society  is  simply  unthinkable  without  gasoline, oil  and  coil, as  they  are  dominating  industrial  world. The  governments  of  rich  states  instead  turning  to  alternative  energy  resources  like  wind  energy, sun  energy  and  geothermal  energy  are  still  more  focused  on  decreasing  the  pollution  caused  by  the  use  of  fossil  fuels  rather  than  the  search  for  acceptable  alternatives. Also, alternative  energy  resources  are  only  used  in  rich  countries  in  order  to  decrease  the  pollution  in  their  own  lands. To  make  things  even  more  worse, rich  countries  transfer  their  own  dirty  industries  to  poor  countries  that  do  not  have  nor  the appropriate  knowledge  nor  the  means  to  even  think  about  ecology. People  still  do  not  have  so  much  needed  ecological  conscience  and  do  not  see  that  they  are  only  ones  responsible  for  salvation  of  our  planet.

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S3: Our  mother  Earth  was  born  more  than  4,5  billion  years  ago, and  took  more  than  billion  years  after  her birth  for  life  to  appear. These  were  very  simple  organisms  but  extremely  important  as  they  started  evolution  of  life. As  a  result  of  this  evolution  humans  came  along, or  more  precise  version  modern  humans  first  appeared  in  Africa  about  200,000  years  ago.

S4: It  did  not  take  long  for  humans  to  become  primary  force  on  Earth. Humans  thought  that  fast  developing  science  and  industrial  progress  would  be  enough  to  substitute  the  nature. We  were  born  in  nature, and  we  belong  to  nature, we  are  in  fact  children  of  the  nature  just  like  all  other  living  species  on  our  planet. But  unlike  the  other  species  that  live  on  our  beautiful  planet  we  are  ungrateful children.

We  were  the  ones  chosen  by  the  nature, chosen  to  receive  the  gift  of  reason, gift  that  should  not  only  help  us  by  making  our  life  easier, but  also  the  gift  to  separate  right  from wrong. With  such  big  gift, we  also  received  the  big  responsibility, a  big  duty  to  ensure  survival  of  all  life  on  Earth.

All  of  the  sudden  we  were  victims  of  our  greed  that  drives  our  entire  society  and  threatens  the  survival  of  all  life  on  our  planet. Our life depends upon the life of our planet. Our  planet  is  our  only  home, and  if  we  destroy  it, we  will  also  destroy  ourselves.

S5: The  concept  of  life  on  our  beautiful  planet  is  so  simple, and  yet  so  efficient. One  life  in  order  to  survive  needs  another  life  and  all  living  species  are  members  of  the  perfectly  designed  “circle  of  life ”. Our  role  in  this  circle  of  life  carries  the  great  responsibility  since  humans  have  enough  power  to  destroy  the  balance  of  this  unique  system. We  can choose  to  close  our  eyes  but  that  will  not  change  the  picture  we  manage  to  create. This  sad  picture  is  nothing  but  the  reflection  of  our  reality. The  condition  of our  planet  is  currently  reflects  condition  of  our  conscience  and  our  moral. What has happened to us? Has money become only thing we really think about?

The  right  answer  to  this  question  can  be  found  in  the  latest  oil  prices. Newspapers, TV, internet, they  all  write  stories  about  the  skyrocketing  oil  prices  like  this  is  the  biggest  catastrophe  of  all  time. “Who  cares  about  pollution  and  global  warming – just  give  us  some  cheap  oil  and  we’ll  all  be  satisfied ” is  the  living  credo  of  many  people .

Who cares about future generations? But  not  only  care  about  future  generations  but  also  for  millions  of  people  that  die  because  of  hunger  each  year. And  things  will  only  become  worse  because  new  negative  trend  was  born, trend  to  transform  food  into  the  fuel , trend  of  biofuels. People  across  the  world  die  of  hunger  and  rich  states  transform  food  into  the  fuel. If  people  treat  other  people  on  this  way  then  how  can  we  expect  better  treatment  for  our  mother  Earth?

S6: We  live  in  the  time  of  the  worst  crisis  in  the  history  of  humanity . So  many  people  in  this  world  live  in  hunger  and  poverty, but  we  try  not  to  look  at  them  and  their  problems. We  are  not  worried  with  other  people  problems , and  though  we  have  enough, we  are always  hungry  for  more. This  uncontrolled  hunger  for  more  is  the  main  reason  why  the  word  ecology  is  today  used  only  in  negative  context. Our  greedy  nature  of  always  wanting  more  has  put  aside  ecology  and  environment  in  the  name  of  progress  and  almighty  dollar.

T: And  now  let’s  talk  about  the  most  important  problem  of  nowadays – global  warming.


S7: Global temperatures this year are about 1.2 degrees Celsius above pre-industrial ones—dangerously close to the warming limit of 1.5C that politicians hope to achieve, as agreed during last year’s round of talks in Paris. Particular hot spots include Arctic regions, which are heating up at twice the rate of the rest of the world. While a single degree’s shift in temperature may have noticeable effects at the equator, in the Arctic it changes ice to water, totally altering the landscape. Once more sea-ice levels in the region remained worryingly low this year. In the early part of 2016 the climate phenomenon El Niño, which affects sea temperature in the tropical Pacific and thus rainfall patterns around the world, explained much of the global heat. Some scientists believe the event may also mean that the world’s plants have become a less potent carbon sink than in recent years. This is another unwelcome switch. Rising concentrations of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere are warming the world apace. As of this year, levels of carbon dioxide are unlikely to dip below 400 parts per million until technologies to suck the stuff out of the atmosphere are deployed at scale. Millions of years have passed since the last time the concentration was this high. The weather is really changing. These  weather  changes  are  evidence  of  global  warming – the  so-called  greenhouse  effect  run  amok . Explains  the  U.S. Environmental  Protection  Agency :”The  greenhouse  effect  is  the  rise  of  temperature  that  the  Earth  experiences  because  certain  gases  in  the  atmosphere  trap  energy  from  the  Sun . Without  these  gases , heat  would  escape  back  into  space  and  Earth’s  average  temperature  would  be  about  33F° colder .”

S8: Ecological  problems  are  today  far  more  serious  than  ever  before , and  we  simply  have  to  do  more  than  hope  that  these  problems  will  simply  go  away  after  some  time . Hope  won’t  be  sufficient  this  time  around , mainly  because  these  problems  now  occur  on  global  level . Global  ecological  problems  require  global  action , action  of  the  whole  world. Can this happen?

2. Discussing.

T: And  now  let’s  discuss  some  ecological  problems  and  listen  to  our  pupils’  thoughts .

S1: Let me start this talk. In  the  first  place, there  are  many  occasions  for  talking  about  nature  and  the  weather. They  include  anxiety  and  fear  due  to  grave  situations  caused  by  rainstorms, floods,  severe  winds, and  thunderstorms  all  over  the  world. These  two  grave  phenomenon (weather  and  nature) are  inseparably connected  with  problems  all  over  the  world. Horrible weather carries grave disasters to people. The  worst  thing  is  the  helplessness  of  people  to  solve  these  burning  problems  and  to  prevent  disaster .

S2: Oh, excuse  me  for  interrupting  you, but  you  were  speaking  in  such  a  way  as  if  weather  were  the  end  of  the  world. If  I  listened  to  all  of  the  news  that  happened  in  the  world, I  would  get  crazy. Therefore, I  propose  that  we  change  the  subject  and  speak  about  more  pleasant  and  better  things .

S3: I agree with you to some extent. Of  course  it  is  possible  to  speak  about  pleasant  things  connected  with  weather  and  nature. But  we  can’t  be  indifferent  to  the  greenhouse  effect  and  pretend  that  global  warming  is  not  taking  place  on  our  planet. It  has  become  a  matter  of  grave  concern  to  people  all  over  the  world. Such  grave  concern  is  precisely  explained  by  the  severe  rainstorms, caused  by  global  warming, that  cause  train (car, bus) accidents  that  injure  a  lot  of  people  in  different  countries. Severe rain also causes mudslides and flooding. Floods can lead to drowning, homes being ruined, and possibly diseases.

S4: Taking  into  consideration  the  pupils’  statements  I  came  to  the  conclusion  that  the  catastrophic  floods  and  severe  storms  prove  that  they  are  the  consequences  of  global  warming.

S5: I  also  want  to  add  a  few  facts  concerning  this  matter. Some  scientists  believe  that  there  are  explosions  in  the  sun  that  cause  magnet  storms.  Such magnet storms can influence a person’s health.

S6:  What is happening on our planet? Fortunately  in  the  central  part  of  Ukraine  the  weather  is  rather  calm. But the western part of Ukraine undergoes floods. Especially  in  spring  when  the  Danube  River  floods  due  to  severe  rains.

S7: Yes, you are right. Many  newspapers, TV  programs, and  radio  stations  give  wide  coverage  of  the  events  connected  with  weather  forecasting, the  sun  and  global  warming. It  seems  unthinkable  that  in  the  North  Pole  the  Arctic  ice  is  melting. The  greenhouse  effect  is  the  rise  of  the  temperature  that  the  Earth  experiences  because  certain  gases  in  the  atmosphere (water , vapor , carbon  dioxide , nitrous  oxide  and  methane)  trap  energy  from  the  Sun. Without  these  gases, heat  would  escape  back  into  space  and  Earth’s  average  temperature  would  be  about  33  degrees  Fahrenheit  colder .

S8:  Climate  change  is  the  most  talked  about  ecological  issue  in  the  last  decade. Many  scientists  agree  that  climate  change  is  inevitable, and  that  we  are  no  longer  able  to  stop  global  warming. The  only  thing  we  could  do  is  to  adapt, and  to  make  sure  we  do  not  make  things  even  worse. The  future  outlook  doesn’t  look  good, and  scientists  predict  floods, droughts, rising  sea  levels, and  extinction  of  many  animals  as  the  worst  climate  change  consequences .

Many  scientists  agree  that  only  chance  to  prevent  the  worst  possible  climate  change  scenario  is  to  significantly  reduce  greenhouse  gas  emissions  on    global  level. Our  industries  and  economies  are  based  on  fossil  fuels , and  fossil  fuel  burning  is  the  main  source  of  carbon  emissions  on  our  planet . In  order  to  cut  our  dependence  on  fossil  fuels  we  would  need  a  quick  development  of  clean, renewable  energy  sources  but  this  sadly  doesn’t  look  like  happening  any  time  soon. Will  climate  change  leave  us  enough  time  for  transistion  to  renewable  energy ?

Difficult  to  tell, but  if  temperatures  continue  current  warming  trend  at  one  time  we  will  pass  the  point  of  no  return, and  we  will  not  be  able  to  prevent  the  worst  of  climate  change. Many  scientists  are  convinced  that  if  we  fail  to  significantly  reduce  emissions  in  the  next  few  decades , we  will  see  this  point  of  no  return  very  soon, even  before  the  end  of  this  century. World  leaders  still  fail  to  find  a  mutual  language  when  discussing  climate  change  issue , and  each  country  wants  to  promote  its  own  interests  before  and  against  the  global  interests. In  such  atmosphere  new  climate  change  deal  is  impossible  and  this  was  clearly  shown  last  year  in  Copenhagen.

The  stakes  are  really  high , and  yet  the  politicians  continue  to  gamble  with  our  planet’s  health  like  this  is  some  stock  on  the  market. This needs to  change  very  soon .


S9:  Ecological  problems  like  climate  change, deforestation, endangered  animals, and  different  forms  of  pollution  are  causing  great  damage  to  our  environment. Each  new  day  means  more  negative  reports  about  damage  that  has  been  done  to  our environment, and  yet  so  few  people  take  this  problems  seriously. Why is that? I  believe  this  has  to  with  the  lack  of  ecological  conscience. In  this  world  everything  is  about  money  and  making  profit, and  economy  doesn’t  seem  to  fit  into  such  concept  so  very  few  people  think  about  it.

People  seem  to  be  only  thinking  about  damage  that  is  done  to  our  environment  once  world  becomes  witness  to  some  huge  environmental  disaster, the fresh  example  to  this  of  course  the  oil  spill  in  the  Gulf  of  Mexico  that  is  getting  lot  of  media  attention. What is wrong with us? Do  we  really  have  to  wait  for  worst  to  happen  before  being  able  to  think  straight? Sadly, the  answer  to  this  question  may  indeed  be  yes, and  climate  change  definitely  supports  this  thesis. Imagine  this, thousands  of  scientists  across  the  globe  have  warned  world  leaders  that  they  need  to  act  immediately  to  stop  further  strengthening  of  climate  change  impact  by  drastically  reducing  carbon  emissions  on  global  level, and  still  there  is  no  new  climate  deal .

In  politics  everything  is  about  interests, money  and  power, and neither  of  the  big  players  wants  to  make  the  exception, and  show  the  world  that  global  interests  are  more  important  than  individual  benefits. United  States  are  afraid  that  they  will  lose  their  dominant  position  in  the  world  as  the  world’s  top  economy, China  fears  that  new  climate  deal  might  jeopardize  its  tremendous  economic  development , and  so  on .

S10: As  you  can  see  it’s  all  about  economy  and  industry. Ecological problems are closely connected with industrial disasters. Industrial disasters are the disasters caused by industrial companies either by accident, negligence or incompetence and which are a form of industrial accident where great damage, injury or loss of life are caused. Many technological disasters have marked the XX century. Minamata in Japain (1953), Three Mile Island in the USA (1979), Bhopal in India (1984), Chernobyl in Ukraine (1986) and the Fukusima Daiichi nuclear disaster (2011) permanently disrupted the lives of population and changed their environment. The Chernobyl Nuclear disaster is widely considered to have been the worst power plant accident in history, and is one of only two classified as a level 7 event on the International Nuclear Event Scale (the other being the Fukushima, Daiichi disaster in 2011). The battle to contain the contamination and avert a greater catastrophe ultimately involved over 500,000 workers and cost an estimated 18 billion rubles. The radioactive cloud, which was formed as a result of the disaster covered not only Ukraine, but other countries: Russia, Belarus, Eastern Europe, Scandinavia, Great Britain and eastern parts of the USA. The long term effects of Nuclear disasters can often spread over thousands of years. It is estimated that Chernobyl won’t be inhabited for at least another 20,000 years.

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 Despite the threat of  Nuclear disasters, believe it or not, Nuclear Power Plants are prominent and provide approximately 5.7% of the world’s energy and 13% of the world’s electricity. With 437 Nuclear Power Plants worldwide, there are bound to be incidents every now and again. Small incidents occur and can be rectified, but when there are large incidents, the impact can often be catastrophic.



S11: The Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster was a series of equipment failures, nuclear meltdowns and releases of radioactive materials at the Fukushima, Nuclear Power Plant, following the Tohoku Tsunami on 11 March, 2011.  It is the largest nuclear disaster since the Chernobyl disaster of 1986 and only the second disaster (along with Chernobyl) to measure Level 7 on the INES.


  S12: On January 28, 1986 the morning sky of Florida was illuminated by a horrible explosion. It was the explosion of the space shuttle. Why did it happen?

 It was meant to be one of the routine space flights. In previous years “Challenger” flew on 85% of all space shuttle missions. “Challenger’s ” many spaceflights accomplishment included the first American woman, African-American in space; three Spacelab missions; and the first night launch and night landing of a space shuttle.

 This time the crew had to launch a new sputnik to make some experiments on board a space ship.

 Lots of spectators and journalists were looking forward to watching a spectacular show of the space flight. It was a very exciting moment and nobody could even think that in a few seconds after the rocket’s launching there will be a terrible explosion, which will cause the death of all the space crew.

 Challenger was destroyed in the second minute of the orbiter’s tenth mission.

 This disaster stopped the development of American space program for years. Though the presidential Commission on the space Shuttle Challenger accidents reviewed in detail, all available data, reports and records, directed and supervised numerous tests, analyses and experiments by NASA and developed the range of most possible causative factors, the human’s kindhearted attitude to space research vanished for ever. America was shocked. The country made 55 successful flights and their safe landing were taken for granted. By 1977 the first space shuttle was launched, and by the mid 1980’s trips into space were so common as to be boring. This tragic explosion of the space shuttle not only froze any new space programs for many years, but along with the Chernobyl nuclear disaster in the same year made Americans doubt for the first time the power of science.

 S13: There was another environmental disaster. The Transocean rig Deepwater Horizon exploded on April 20, 2010 and sank on April 22 resulting in an oil leak spotting as much as 50000 barrels of oil a day. Besides, the oil slicks on the surface of the Gulf of Mexico, which is visible from space and presents an acute hazard to fish, turtles, marine mammals and birds.

 Scientists say there are under water plumes that could decimate ocean life from the surface to a depth of one mile where the broken well is found. The “British Petroleum” spill is considered the world’s largest accidental oil release into marine waters.  Oil field engineering companies have deployed four remotely operated vehicles (ROVs) to the wellhead about 5000 feet below the ocean surface. While ROVs have been used by the oil and gas industry for more than 30 years, this particular mission is highly complex due to the great depth of the wellhead, as well as the first of its kind.

 The environmental, social, economic and political fallout from the spill are difficult to predict, but could be long-lasting. Looking for the future, some seafood production in the US could be halved; fish, turtle, marine mammals and bird life could be significantly harmed by the oil spill; and the spill itself could spread far up the East coast after it is caught in the Gulf of Mexico loop current.

S14: Current  situation  with  our  planet  is  more  serious  than  ever  before  in  our  history. World  is  today  facing  a  battle  against  variety  of  different  ecological  problems, and  the  worst  thing  is  that  we  are  still  not  prepared  enough  to  win  this  battle. Why aren’t we still prepared? Mostly  because  many  think  there  is  still  enough  time  left  to  think  of  possible  solutions . Modern  world  is  really  modern  in  lot  of  things  but  when  it  comes  to  ecology  not  much  has  changed  in  the  last  300  years, ecology  is  still  miles  behind  economy, and  almighty  dollar  still  rules  the  world .

Thing  that  frightens  me  the  most  is  not  really  the  fact  that  there  are  so  many  ecological  problems, what  really  frightens  me  is  the  fact  that  all  these  problems  are  closely  connected  and  that  we  cannot  solve  one  by  one. It’s  really  all  or  nothing  situation? Why is that? It  is  because  humans  are responsible  for  all  these  problems , we  are  really  origin  of  all  ecological  problems .

S15: Forests, especially  rainforests  are  not  only  home  for  many  unique  animals  and  plants  but  they  also  protect  us  from  stronger  global  warming  impact  by  absorbing  carbon  dioxide  from  atmosphere. Deforestation  has  become  big  problem  around  the  globe  because  many  forests  are  being  cleared  to  make  room  for  new  farms, and  less  trees  means  more  impact  to  global  warming  and  climate  change. Not  only  this, deforestation  is  also  responsible  for  about  20%  0f  total  CO2  emissions  from  human  activities. To  save  our  planet  we  definitely  need  to  save  our  forests .

Current  rates  of  deforestation  are  alarming  in  many  parts  of  the  world, and  if  this  trend  continues  many  forests  and  rainforests  will  vanish  by  the  end  of  this  century. Millions  hectares  of  forests  are  being  cleared  annually, and  deforestation  is  with  no  doubt  one  of  the  biggest  ecological  problems  world  is  facing  today. Rainforests  have  the  richest  biodiversity  on  our  planet, but  if  current  rates  of  deforestation  continue  many  animals  and  plants  will  perish  from  existence. Just  imagine, in  less  than  100  years  we  could  destroy  what  nature  was  developing  for  millions  of  years. What an  irony  this  would  be …

S16:  The  problems  of  climate  change  is  also  connected  with  forests  and  deforestation. Deforestation  is  responsible  for  20%  of  total  CO2  emissions, and  if  world  really  plans  to  drastically  reduce  greenhouse  gas  emissions, deforestation  will  have  to  be  stopped  immediately. Forests  have  natural  ability  to  act  as  a  carbon  sink  and  can  slow  down  increase  of  CO2  emission  into  the  atmosphere  which  can  be  our  strong  weapon  against  global  warming. The  more  forests  remain  the  stronger  we  are  in  fight  against  global  warming .

Sadly, many  people  around  the  world  are  still  unaware  of  how  important  forests  really  are  despite  the  climate  change  problem  knocking  on  our  door. Many  people  still  do  not  care  whether  we’ll  protect  our  forests  and  stop  deforestation  or  not. Public  awareness  is  still  not  on  sufficient  level , and  this  has  to  change  as  soon  as  possible. World  needs  to  hear  sad  truth  about  our  forests  and  do  everything  to  stop  deforestation. Without  our  forests, our  defense  against  global  warming  and  climate  change  will  be  completely  broken. It  is  really  time  to  wake  up  from  this  nightmare, and  do  everything  that  is  in  our  power  to  secure  sweet  dreams  for  our  future  generations.                       

  III. Summing Up

T: As  a  conclusion  I  want  you  to  remember  the  epigraphs  of  the  lesson.

“ Look  after  this  planet , it’s  the  only  one  we  have”,

“Earth provides enough to satisfy every man's needs, but not every man's greed”,
“Modern  technology  owes  ecology  and  apology “.

The Earth is our home. What  must  we  do, can  we  do  to  live  in  place  with  the  environment ? If you  want  anything  to  be  done, do  it  yourself .

S1, S2.  We must:

  • Plant trees. We must stop the process of deforestation.
  • We must throw litter only in special places.
  • We must take care of nature.
  • We must clean  the  territories  near  our  houses.
  • We must feed birds and animals in winter.
  • We must try to use solar and wind energy.

We mustn’t:

  • Let water run without need.
  • Damage holes and nest.
  • Waste electricity.
  • Burn lives in autumn.
  • планета-земля.jpgLeave  bottles , papers  and  fire  in  the  places  of  picnics .









T: I  thank  everyone  and  I  want  to  give  a  short  summary  of  your  work  and  give  you  marks . 


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Англійська мова (10-й рік навчання, академічний рівень) 11 клас (Калініна Л.В., Самойлюкевич І.В.)
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