Конспект уроку " TV and video games" до підручника Англійської мови В.Буренко, 11 клас, рівень стандарту

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Конспект уроку " TV and video games / ТВ та відео ігри" до підручника Англійської мови В.Буренко, 11 клас, рівень стандарту, видавництво "Ранок", Харків, 2019 рік. Містить план уроку та рекомендації щодо виконання вправ
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TV and video games


  • to introduce and practice the new topic;
  • to revise previously taught vocabulary on the topic;
  • to improve students’ reading and speaking skills;
  • to practice students in grammar (indirect speech);
  • to develop students’ communicative competence;
  • to activate thinking imagination;
  • to encourage understanding and tolerance to others;
  • to broaden students’ outlook;
  • to encourage students’ understanding of importance of studying;
  • to develop self-esteem and a sense of respect for others.

Outcomes: by the end of the lesson students will be able:

  • to use the words of the topic in oral speech;
  • to express their personal attitude to modern technologies;
  • to discuss the questions expressing agreement or disagreement;
  • to read and understand texts finding the most essential / special information;
  • to give the definitions of the words.




1. Warm-up

Ex.1 p.95

Read and discuss the quotation. Do you agree with Carl Sagan?

Science is not only compatible with spirituality, it is a profound course of spirituality. (Carl Sagan)


2. vocabulary

Ex.2 p.95

Listen and read the new words and their definitions.

1. sin n an offence against God, a religious or moral law

2. conscience n a feeling of guilt about smth you have done; the part of your mind that helps you know whether your actions are wrong or right

3. worship n a strong feeling of love and respect for God or for smb/smth

4. humanity n the quality of being kind to people and animals

5. sermon n a talk on a moral or religious subject given by a religious leader

6. correlation n a connection between two things

7. violence n physical or emotional force and energy that can be used to hurt or kill smb

8. enlightenment n the process of understanding smth

9. insomnia n sleeplessness; the condition of being unable to sleep

10. consumer n a person who buys food or uses services

11. producer n a person, a company, etc. that makes or grows food, goods, materials, etc.

12. to seek (sought, sought) v to try to achieve something; to attempt


3. speaking

Make some sentences with the words above.


4. listening reading and speaking

Ex.3 p.95

Listen, read and discuss. Say what sins are the most terrible in youropinion. Give your reasons why you think so.

The Seven Social Sins are:

Wealth without work.

Pleasure without conscience.

Knowledge without character.

Commerce without morality.

Science without humanity.

Worship without sacrifice.

Politics without principles.

From a sermon given by Frederick Lewis Donaldson in Westminster Abbey


5. reading and writing

Ex.4 p.96-97

Read the text below. For each of the empty spaces (1—5) choose the correct answers (A, B, C or D). Say what this text is about.




6. speaking

Find the English meanings of these words:

  • гріх;
  • сумління; совість;
  • поклоніння;
  • богослужіння;
  • людство;
  • людяність;
  • проповідь;
  • взаємозв’язок;
  • насильство;
  • жорстокість.
  • навчання, освіта;
  • обізнаність;
  • безсоння;
  • споживач;
  • виробник;
  • шукати;
  • прагнути.

Name and spell them.


7. speaking and writing

Ex.5 p.97

Discuss good and bad effects of such technologies as TV and video games on their users. Some groups make a list of good effects and some groups make a list of bad effects. Present your list to the classmates. Give your reasons.


8. reading and speaking

Ex.6 p.97

Read the text and compare the information given in the text with the results of your group work. Say what aspects are not mentioned in the text and what information is new for you.


9. summary

Ex.7 p.98

An American student has come to your class. He is interested if you know about bad effects of TV and video games on your lives. Answer his questions.

1. What affects our lives greatly?

2. What, according to the studies, happens if we spend a lot of time staring at a screen of a TV set?

3. What will children and teenagers suffer from if they don’t stop watching TV day and night?

4. Can young TV addicts become aggressive?

5. What communication is dying because of spending less time out socialising?

6. What games may cause violence in real life?

7. What increases the likelihood of children and teenagers to be involved in fighting and bullying?

Summary and grammar

Ex.8 p.98

Transform the students’ questions from Ex. 7 into indirect ones. Start with the examples below.

1. The student asked what affected our lives greatly.

2. The student asked what, according to the studies, happened if you spent a lot of time staring at a screen of a TV set.


10. Homework

Ex.9 p.98

Write a for-and-against essay about the Internet describing its advantages and disadvantages.

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