Конспект уроку з англійської мови "DIGNITY"

Про матеріал
Щорічно 21 листопада ми відзначаємо Всесвітній День Гідності. Я вирішила приєднатися до відзначення цього дня, провівши у 9 класі відкритий урок до Дня Гідності англійською мовою. Урок розроблений на основі матеріалів GLOBAL DIGNITY.
Перегляд файлу

Предмет: англійська мова

Клас: 9

Тема: Dignity.


Ключові компетентності:

Спілкування іноземною мовою

Інформаційно-цифрова компетентність

Уміння вчитися упродовж життя

Ініціативність і підприємливість

Соціальна та громадянська компетентності


Інтегровані змістові лінії: Громадянська відповідальність. Здоров’я і безпека.


Обладнання: комп’ютер, мультимедійний проектор, текст для аудіювання “What Is Dignity?”, “Global Dignity Song”.


  1. Introduction.

Good morning, pupils! I`m glad to see you today.

The topic of our lesson is devoted to the dignity.

Today we are going to speak, read, write and listen about dignity in your life.


  1. Warming-up.

Do you know what is the dignity?

Name the exemples.

Look at the photos and say what do you see ?

  1. Listening.
    1.        Pre-listening activity.

How do you think what is your own dignity?

  1.        Listening.

Listen and watch the video about dignity.

  1.        Post-listening activity.
  1. Do mind map “DIGNITY”











  1. Writing/Reading

Read the text and name 10 essential elements of dignity.

THE TEN ESSENTIAL ELEMENTS OF DIGNITY Donna Hicks is a renowned authority on dignity  and author of Dignity and Leading with Dignity.

DR. HICKS EXPLAINS THAT WHEN WE HONOR SOMEONE’S DIGNITY, WE: Accept their identity and give them the freedom to express their authentic selves without fear of being negatively judged.

Recognize their unique qualities, talents and ways  of life, and give them credit for their contributions, ideas  and experience.

Acknowledge them and make them feel seen and heard. We validate and respond to their concerns and what they have been through.

Include them and make them feel that they belong  and are part of a community.

Make them feel safe—both physically and from fear  of being shamed or humiliated.

Treat them fairly and with equality.

Give them a sense of freedom and independence,  and empower them to experience a sense of hope  and possibility.

Seek understanding and give them the chance  to explain their experiences and perspectives. Give them the benefit of the doubt by starting with  the premise that they have good motives and are acting  with integrity.

Apologize and take responsibility when we have  violated their dignity. We make a commitment to change  hurtful behaviors.


  1. Listening

Watch  Global Dignity Song and describe your feelings after the watching.


  1. Speaking.

Steps to dignity.

Everyone is born with dignity.  It is our inherent value. Dignity is  an inextricable part of what it means  to be a human being. There is so  much that divides us: ethnicities, religions, skin color, gender, politics, borders, and status. But dignity is the great equalizer. It cuts through all divisions and unites us around our shared humanity.

IT BEGINS WITH YOU. Every one of us is born into this world  with dignity and deserves to have our  dignity honored.

RECOGNIZING YOUR  OWN DIGNITY, VALUE  AND SELF-WORTH EMPOWERS YOU TO: » better navigate a complex and often difficult world;

 » help and protect other people;

» become a change maker;

» transform your communities and the world, and » cultivate resilience and inner-strength.

HONORING THE DIGNITY IN EVERYONE.Every single one of us has a right to be treated with dignity. In turn, we all have a responsibility to treat everyone else with dignity. HONORING THE DIGNITY IN EVERYONE Every single one of us has a right to be treated with dignity. In turn, we all have a responsibility to treat everyone else with dignity.

  1. Summing-up.

Today we have got a lot of information about dignity. Say me please, what task was the easiest for you, and what was the most difficult?


  1. Hometask.

Your hometask will be to express your ideas to the theme “Dignity”






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Англійська мова (9-й рік навчання) 9 клас (Карпюк О.Д.)
27 січня 2020
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