Конспект уроку з англійської мови для 10 класу на тему: "Винаходи та винахідники"

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Матеріали уроку створени за дійсною програмою з англійськой мови для 10 класу. Для проведення уроку можна використовувати таке обладнання як інтерактивна дошка та смартфони.
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Тема уроку: Винаходи та винахідники.

Цілі уроку: формування практичних вмінь та навичок щодо вивчення лексичних одиниць за темою «Винаходи та винахідники», вдосконалювати навички роботи з текстом, практикувати учнів у читанні та перекладі, відповідей на запитання, доповнення речень, пояснення значення слів, поглибити знання учнів про великі винаходи в історії людства, розвивати логічне мислення та мовну здогадку учнів, ознайомлення з граматичним матеріалом за темою «Пасивний стан», використання лексичного та граматичного матеріалу на практиці.

Методичне забезпечення: словники, опорні граматичні таблиці, роздавальні картки.


       Хід уроку

  1. Початок уроку
  1. Привітання
  2. Лексична та фонетична розминка

Read the words and remember the new ones

Прочитати та запамятати нові слова

  1. to notice                        звертати увагу
  2. ear                                 вухо
  3. to invent                        винаходити, вигадувати
  4. handkerchief                 носова хусточка
  5. to pull                            тягти
  6. to double                        подвоювати
  7. to cost                            коштувати
  8. size                                 розмір
  9. price                               ціна
  10. to adapt                          пристосовувати, адаптувати
  11. spinning wheel               веретено, прялка
  12. fireman                           пожежник
  13. lampshade                      абажур
  14. to twist                           скручувати, звиватися, перекручувати                
  15. to survive                       вижити



                    Фонетична розминка

Pay attention to the pronunciation of the words

Звернути увагу на вимову слів

w [w]: waist, west, week, window, willow

v [v]: vest, very, victim, victory, visit


  1. Основна частина уроку

Task 1

Read and translate the text          Прочитати та перекласти текст

                               INVENTORS AND INVENTIONS

  1. In 1816 Rene Laennec was walking near the Louvre in Paris when he noticed some children playing with long pieces of wood which they held to their ears. The next day he made the first version of something that no modern doctor could do without.
  2. In 1902 Hubert Booth invented something which can now be found in almost every house. He got the idea by lying on the floor, placing a handkerchief over his mouth and sucking as hard as he could. His first machine was much larger than modern versions. A horse pulled it along the street from house to house.
  3. In 1840 Rowland Hill invented something which doubled the number of letters posted in the following year. At first the things he invented were all small, black and cost one penny but now they come in all sizes, colors and prices.
  4. In 1790 John Greenwood adapted his mother’s spinning wheel to invent something which he could operate with his foot, leaving both hands free for the delicate work he performed on his patients. He was able to work more quickly, so his patients suffered less pain. Modern versions of this device are so fast that little, if any, pain is felt.
  5. In 1813 George Manby watched firemen trying to put out a fire in a building in Edinburgh and noticed that they could not pump water as high as the 5th floor. He invented a device that could put out small fires immediately however high the building.
  6. In 1903 Albert Parkhouse was working for a company which made lampshades. His boss was too mean to provide somewhere for the workers to hang their coats so Albert picked up a piece of wire from his workbench and twisted it into a shape we now find very familiar. His employer saw him do this, realized the commercial potential of Albert’s invention and patented it. Albert received nothing for his invention.
  7. In 1797 Jacques Garnerin performed, over Paris, an extraordinary act of bravery, using the device of his own invention. He survived, as have thousands of people who have used modern versions of his invention in emergencies.
  8. One morning in 1895 while looking in his mirror this man had the idea for something that would be used once and thrown away, and would therefore make him rich. It took him 6 more years to solve technical difficulties because he could not find a manufacturer who made steel that was thin enough but still strong. His product soon became immensely popular. Although it is used more than once, it soon wears out. It has made a daily chore quicker, easier and safer. 

See if you know what these inventions are. If you have difficulty deciding, look at the following list:

  1. parachute
  2. razor blade
  3. postage stamp
  4. vacuum cleaner
  5. stethoscope
  6. dentist’s drill
  7. wire coat hanger
  8. fire extinguisher

Task 2

Answer the following questions             Дати відповіді на запитання

  1. Which inventions have had the greatest effect on the way you live?
  2. How important are these inventions in your life?
  3. Do they need improving?
  4. Can you think of anything that hasn’t yet been invented that would make life easier?
  5. Do you agree that curiosity is an important trait of any scientist?
  6. Do you like science lessons?
  7. What qualities do you think are needed to succeed in scientific research?
  8. Which inventions are for fun?
  9. Which ones are fashionable?
  10. Do all of them appeal only to young people?
  11. Which of them is the best invention in recent years? Why?

Task 3

Translate into Ukrainian                Перекласти на українську мову

long pieces of wood, the next day, the first version, to do without, from house to house, to double the number of letters, to cost one penny, spinning wheel, to leave both hands free, the delicate work, to suffer less pain, firemen, to put out a fire, to pump water, to invent a device, immediately, to work for a company, to make lampshades, too mean, to hang coats, a piece of wire, workbench, to twist into a shape we now find very familiar, to realize the commercial potential, an extraordinary act of bravery, to survive, in emergencies, to make somebody rich, to solve technical difficulties, a daily chore

Task 4

Match the inventions and discoveries with the people below

Підібрати винаходи та відкриття з винахідниками

  1. basketball
  2. the electric light-bulb
  3. waterproof raincoat
  4. the Theory of Relativity
  5. dynamite
  6. a petrol-driven car
  7. the telephone
  8. X-rays
  9. airplane
  10. Coca Cola
  11. electric streetcar
  12. Black Hole radiation
  13. Blue jeans
  14. aqualungs
  15. sewing machine
  16. the Law of Gravitation


  1. Charles Mackintosh
  2. Jacques Yves Cousteau
  3. William Conrad Roentgen 
  4. Elias Howe
  5. Isaak Newton
  6. Wright brothers
  7. Thomas Edison
  8. Dr. John Pemberton
  9. Karl Benz
  10. Alexander Bell
  11. Levi Strauss
  12. Albert Einstain
  13. Thomas Davenport
  14. Alfred Nobel
  15. James Naismith
  16. Stephen Hawkings


1 – o, 2 – g, 3 – a, 4 – l, 5 – n, 6 – i, 7 – j, 8 – c, 9 – f, 10 – h, 11 – m, 12 – p, 13 – k, 14 – b, 15 – d, 16 – e

Task 5

Group the words under the following headings

Підібрати слова по наступним заголовкам

  1. Physics
  2. Space
  3. Household Chores

cooker               asteroid               atom               walkman                 fridge

star                    horse power        the Moon        zero charge            vacuum cleaner

counter              the Sun               galaxy             constellation         microwave oven

freezer              the Milky Way    power unit       radioactivity        molecular weight


Task 6

Match the words

Вставити необхідне слово

(version, pulled, invented, device, small fires, company, thousands, immensely)

  1. He invented a device that could put out … … immediately.
  2. His product soon became … popular.
  3. The next day he made the first … of something that no modern doctor could do without.
  4. He survived, as have … of people who have used modern versions of this invention in emergencies.
  5. A horse … it along the street from house to house.
  6. Modern versions of this … are so fast that little, if any, pain is felt.
  7. In 1903 Albert Parkhouse was working for a … which made lampshades.
  8. In 1840 Rowland Hill … something which doubled the number of letters posted in the following year.

Task 7

True or false                       Правда або ні

  1. Nowadays surgeons can perform the most amazing operations.
  2. Progress has made our life comfortable.
  3. The role of computers in industry is not important.
  4. New inventions are appearing every day.
  5. E-mail sends instant messages all over the world.
  6. Science very little affects our life.
  7. You know everything about space.
  8. You like reading about new inventions and discoveries.
  9. Psychology and politics belong to social sciences.
  10. Man must apply his skill and knowledge, his experience and energy to discover the secrets of nature.
  11. Many scientists are engaged in research to discover the cause of some dangerous diseases.
  12. You want to take part in an expedition to the bottom of the Atlantic or Pacific Ocean.
  13. You dream of traveling to Mars.
  14. You are an explorer by nature.
  15. You are absolutely sure that human beings originated from the monkey.

Task 8

In each group of words find the one that doesn’t belong in the group

Підібрати не відносне до групи слово

  1. computer        1. washing-machine       1. Biology             1. air-conditioning
  2. car                  2. display                        2. Zoology             2. hi-fi-system
  3. TV-set            3. mouse                         3. Criminology       3. heater
  4. DV                 4. key-board                    4. Botany                4. fan
  1. Alfred Nobel                   1. star                    1. to explore 
  2. Thomas Edison                2. the Moon         2. to investigate
  3. Salvadore Dali                 3. radium             3. to loose
  4. Wilhelm Roentgen           4. the Sun            4. to discover

Task 9

Think of the word with the most general meaning

Підібрати слово з найбільш загальним значенням

  1. Biology           1. TV-set                         1. Alexander Bell
  2. Psychology      2. radio-set                      2. James Clark Maxwell
  3. Physics            3. sewing-machine          3. Isaak Newton
  4. Chemistry        4. telephone                     4. Charles Darwin


  1. joystick                    1. Airplane                      1. electric charge
  2. mouse mat                2. hot-air balloon            2. horse power
  3. floppy disc                3. helicopter                   3. atom
  4. printer                       4. airship                         4. molecule

Task 10

Is the following word a Noun, an Adjective, Infinitive or a Preposition

Чи є наступне слово Іменником, Прикметником, Інфінітивом або Прийменником

high                        to put out                 morning              difficulty

extraordinary          idea                         daily                    without

at                             invention                 near                     children

long                         next                         under                   device

modern                    to pump                  doctor                   commercial

with                         bravery                    house                   to invent

horse                       following                 to pull                  small

floor                        to wear                     black                   size


Впр. 2, 3, 4 стр.130, 131


  1. Заключна частина уроку
  1. Домашнє завдання Впр.5-8 стр.132-136 Впр.9стр.136 пис.
  2. Рефлексія
Середня оцінка розробки
Оригінальність викладу
Відповідність темі
Всього відгуків: 3
Оцінки та відгуки
  1. Кравцов Ігор
    Оригінальність викладу
    Відповідність темі
  2. Ленюк Юлія Володимирівна
    Оригінальність викладу
    Відповідність темі
  3. Павлова Ганна Вадимівна
    Оригінальність викладу
    Відповідність темі
До підручника
Англійська мова (9-й рік навчання, рівень стандарту) 10 клас (Карпюк О.Д.)
26 березня 2020
Оцінка розробки
5.0 (3 відгука)
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