Конспект уроку з англійської мови для 11 класу за темою"Розвиток української музики"

Про матеріал
Урок за темою "Розвиток української музики" формує практичні вміння та навички щодо вивчення даній темі, поглиблює знання учнів про мистецтво, розвиває почуття патріотизму і любові до своєї Батьківщини і її історії.
Перегляд файлу

Тема уроку: Розвиток української музики.

Мета уроку: формування практичних вмінь та навичок щодо вивчення лексичних одиниць за темою «Розвиток української музики», вдосконалення навичок роботи з текстом, практикувати учнів у читанні та перекладі, відповідей на запитання, пояснення значення слів, доповнення речень, поглибити знання учнів про мистецтво, розвивати логічне мислення та мовну здогадку, повторення граматичного матеріалу за темою «Ступені порівняння прикметників», використання лексичного та граматичного матеріалу на практиці.

Методичне забезпечення: словники, опорні граматичні таблиці, роздавальні картки, ноутбуки, смартфони.


                                        Хід уроку

  1. Початок уроку:


  1. Привітання та організаційний момент.
  2. Фонетична розминка

Pay attention to the pronunciation of the words - Звернути увагу на вимову слів

ee [i:]: see, week, meek, seek, wheel

ea [i:]: sea, tea, sweat, read, seal


see  seed  seat  feel  being  beef-tea

fee  feed  feet  field  seeing sea-captain

be  bead  beat  meal  evening knee-deep

he  heed  heat  reel  eager  sea-coast

pea  peas  peace  wheel  easy  beam-ends

knee  knees  niece  zeal  teamster sea-breeze



  1. Pleased to meet you.
  2. Please be seated.
  3. A pea for a bean.
  4. Extremes meet.
  5. Eating between meals?
  6. Greek meets Greek.
  7. Reach me a needle, please.
  1. Основна частина уроку

1. Read the words and remember the new ones - Введення нової лексики

  1. inscription                                 напис                                            
  2. to be famous for                        бути відомим
  3. to wander                                   мандрувати, блукати
  4. to accompany                            акомпанувати, супроводити
  5. to be regarded as                       вважатися
  6. reflection                                   відображення
  7. recitative                                    декламувати, декламування
  8. heritage                                      спадщина, спадок
  9. to destroy                                   руйнувати, знищувати
  10. government                                уряд
  11. to persecute                                переслідувати
  12. to flourish                                   процвітати
  13. to seek                                        шукати, розшукувати
  14. way                                             шлях; засіб, спосіб


Task 2

Read and translate the text                  Прочитати та перекласти текст

                                   Kobzars’ Art and Life

From time immemorial Ukrainian land has been famous for the art of kobzars (wandering singers and poets who accompanied themselves with kobza). Besides, folk singers who played kobza, bandura and lira players were also regarded as kobzars.

The history of Ukrainian Cossacks has found its reflection in dumas, a kind of heroic epos of folk singers which performed in recitative.

Kobzars’ heritage was constantly destroyed under tsar government and in other times. The kobzars were persecuted. Their art flourished during the years of the Zaporozhyan Sich before it was destroyed in 1775.

Now the Ukrainians are seeking ways to bring kobza to life again. One of the kobzars was Ostap Veresay whom T. Shevchenko presented “the Kobzar” with an inscription. Regrettably many kobzars passed away. There’re many dark spots in the history of the kobzars’ art. Our task is to revive the pages of history about “blind Homers” travelling along Ukraine’s roads.

And now some words about the Ukrainian folk musical instruments. They were usually homemade and played by musicians. They can be divided into three basic groups: string instruments (psaltimer, bandura or kobza, violin, baas viol and lira), wind instruments (reed, bagpipe, trembita) and percussion instruments (drum, tambourine, kettledrum, cymbals, bells and rattles). The most popular instruments in Ukraine were the bandura, sopilka, violin, and dulcimer.


Task 3

Answer the following questions             Дати відповіді на запитання   

  1. What has Ukraine been famous for from the time immemorial?
  2. What were kobzars?
  3. Who else were regarded as kobzars?
  4. Where has the history of Ukrainian Cossacks found its reflection?
  5. How did folk singers perform the heroic epos?
  6. When was kobzars’ heritage destroyed?
  7. When did their art flourish?
  8. Who did T. Shevchenko present “the Kobzar” with an inscription?
  9. What can you say about the Ukrainian folk musical instruments?
  10. What basic groups are they divided?
  11. What were the most popular instruments in Ukraine?


Task 4

Translate into Ukrainian                             Перекласти на українську мову

from time immemorial, to be famous for, wandering singers and poets, to accompany, folk singers, to be regarded as, the history of Ukrainian Cossacks, reflection, heroic epos, to perform in recitative, heritage, tsar government, to persecute, to flourish, to seek ways, to bring to life, inscription, regrettably, dark spots, to revive the pages of history, to be homemade, folk musicians, to be divided into, string instruments, wind instruments, percussion instruments


Task 5

Match the words                            Вставити необхідне слово в дужках  

(immemorial, to revive, are seeking, government, history, homemade)

  1. Now the Ukrainians … … ways to bring kobza to life again.
  2. There’re many dark spots in the … of the kobzar’s art.
  3. From time … Ukrainian land has been famous for the art of kobzars.
  4. Folk musical instruments were usually ….
  5. Our task is … the pages of history about kobzars.
  6. Kobzars’ heritage was constantly destroyed under tsar government and in other times.

Task 6

Think of the most general definitions that combine the following words

Придумати слова з найбільш загальним значенням


  1. concert-goers        1. classical music          1. Shakira
  2. symphony             2. chamber music          2. Gwen Stefani
  3. pop-concert           3. pop music                  3. Lady Gaga
  4. recital                    4. folk music                  4. Katy Parry


  1. violin                    1. Flo rida                        1. Linkin Park
  2. harp                      2. Pitbull                          2. System of Down
  3. piano                    3. David Guetta                3. Rammstein
  4. trumpet                 4.Adam Lambert              4.Metallica    


Task 7

Define what genre the following words belong to

Визначити до якому жанру відносяться ці слова


  1. only to the serious music;
  2. only to the pop music;
  3. to both


  1. sonata
  2. drums
  3. basso
  4. song
  5. audience
  6. trumpet
  7.  harp
  8. double-bass
  9. microphone
  10. guitar


  1. note
  2. to crowd-surf
  3. brutal
  4. trombone
  5. French-horn
  6. concert-goers
  7. keyboards
  8. cymbals
  9. stage
  10. melody


 Task 8

Who sings the following songs?               Хто співає ці пісні?


  1. On the Floor                                        1. Queen
  2. Love You Like a Love Song Baby      2. Tokio Hotel
  3. Gangnam Style                                    3. Madonna
  4. Alehandro                                            4. Eminem
  5. Masterpiece                                          5. Jennifer Lopez & feat. Pitbull
  6. Burn It Down                                       6. Rammstein
  7. I will Rock You                                    7. Evanescence
  8. Whistle                                                  8. Selena Gomez
  9. My Humps                                            9. Linkin Park
  10. My Immortal                                        10. Lady Gaga
  11. Der letzte Tag                                       11. 50 cent
  12. Hurt                                                       12. Psy
  13. The Real Slim Shady                            13. Black Eyed Peas
  14. Bestrafe mich                                        14. Christina Aguilera
  15. Piggy Bank                                            15. Flo rida

Answers: 1-5, 2-8, 3-12, 4- 10, 5- 3, 6- 9, 7- 1, 8 - 15, 9- 13,10 - 7, 11- 2, 12 - 14, 13- 4, 14- 6, 15- 11


Task 9

True or False                                Правда або ні

  1. Music is your cup of tea.
  2. You can’t live without music.
  3. You’re not fond of music.
  4. You’re crazy about heavy metal.
  5. You don’t take a delight in music.
  6. You have an ear for music.
  7. You don’t understand much in music.
  8. You wanna be a pop singer.
  9. You adore hip-hop.
  10. You like to listen to Flo rida.
  11. You admire Lady Gaga.
  12. You’d like to be a musician.
  13. The classical music goes to your heart.
  14. You can play the violin.
  15. You can play by ear.
  16. Serious and popular music can in no case be substituted by one another.



Task 10

Choose the right word                    Вибрати правильне слово

  1. I opened the door slow/slowly.
  2. Why are angry/angrily? I haven’t done anything.
  3. Bill is a careful/carefully driver. He drives careful/carefully.
  4. The party was very good/well. I enjoyed it very much.
  5. Tom didn’t do very good/well in his examinations.


Task 11

Write sentences with as… as.             Написати  речення з asas.

  1. My room is bigger than yours. Your room isn’t ____________.
  2. You got up earlier than me. I didn’t ___________.
  3. We played better than them. They didn’t _________.
  4. I’ve been here longer than you. You haven’t _________.
  5. Athens is older than Rome. Rome isn’t _________.


  1. Заключна частина уроку

1. Підсумок уроку

 - What have we learnt today?

 - What did you like?

2. Домашнє завдання

3. Оцінювання учнів



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Англійська мова (10-й рік навчання, рівень стандарту) 11 клас (Карпюк О.Д.)
30 березня 2020
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