Конспект уроку з англійської мови для 2 класу на тему: "My Toys "

Про матеріал
Lesson Plan Aims: 1. to learn and practise new vocabulary of the topic; 2. practising names of colours 3. to stimulate speaking activities practising new vocabulary of the topic in the speech pattern “What’s this? – It’s a ball. What colour is this? – It’s green” 4. to develop students’ skills in working with textbooks, to develop students’ logical thinking and memory
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План – конспект уроку по темі « Іграшки»




Topic: My Toys


Lesson Plan



  1. to learn and practise new vocabulary of the topic;
  2. practising names of colours
  3. to stimulate speaking activities practising new vocabulary of the topic in the speech pattern  “What’s this? – It’s a ball. What colour is this? – It’s green”
  4. to develop students’ skills in working with textbooks, to develop students’ logical thinking and memory

Lesson Equipment

  1. flashcards ‘Toys’
  2. computer, TV
  3. video  ‘Hello Song’, ‘Goodbye Song’, ‘If You’re Happy’, ’ Colors of the Rainbow’ ‘What’s this’ ‘Phonic Song2’
  4. flashcards ‘Toys’
  5. word cards ‘Toys’
  6. the Alphabet cards + pictures



In this lesson students practise speaking, listening, reading and writing while talking about toys. The focus is the language patterns ‘ It is a/an + colour + noun’.



  1. Lead-in. 1  Greeting (Watch, listen, sing and dance ‘Hello Song’)

Children listen to the greeting song and join in with the children's voices. (youtube/ Hello-SINGSING TOGETHER)

Hello! (4 times)

Nice to meet you! (2 times)

Hello! (4 times)

Nice to meet you! (2 times)


  1. Warm-up – “Magic Box”

Listening - reading (Ex.3 p.28)

Mrs Buss, Mrs Buss
Has got many toys for us:
A yellow duck and a blue boat,
A brown dog and a grey goat,
A green frog and an orange ball —
We can play with them all!

  1. Lexical drills.  

- Using the real items refresh the speech pattern:

What's this? - It's a ball.

What colour is it? -  It's green.

-Reciting rhymes

Намалюю кішку – cat,

Капелюх красивий – hat,

Ось її сусідка – mouse,

І хатинка поруч – house.

У Марини лялькаdoll,

 У Валери мячикball,

У Сашка ведмедикbear,

Ну а чий же зайчик - hare?

На подвірї  є a dog,

Поруч з ним стрибає frog,

На ставку пливе a duck

І кричить усім: «Кряк, кряк!»

  1. - Listening - singing  (Look, listen and sing)

Tell the children they will practise the colours they have learned. Encourage children to sing.

Children watch and listen to the phonic song and join in with the children's voices. (youtube/ Colors of the Rainbow-ABCFUN)

Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Purple, Pink – Rainbow (2 times)

  1. Speaking (Round-Game: Ask and answer) (Ex.2 p.28)

Using the hand puppets practise the speech pattern:

What's this? - It's a train.

What colour is it? -  It's green.

  1. Game “Lip Reading”

Children open their books and look at the rainbow (p.26). Ask them to point to the colours in the picture and read the words. Say the colours at random. Children find the colour/word, point and read.

Divide the class to take the boy/girl parts.

Drill the colours pronouncing them voiceless. Children name the colours in turn and point to the appropriate words and colours.

  1. Practise the colours

- Tell the children they will practise the colours they learned.

- Draw the pictures on the board and encourage children to learn the rhymes by heart.

Намалюю кораблю

Море синє-синє – blue.

Сонце скаже нам: ‘Hello!’

Сонечко жовтеньке yellow.

Ось незрілий мандарин

 Він зелений – просто green.

Трохи почекай і зїж,

Коли оранжевий він – orange.

Знайте, діти, наперед -

Червоний в світлофорі – red.

Коли він раптом загориться,

«Не йдіть, - нам каже. – Зупиніться!»


Рожевим народився - pink.

Чернилами з банки повсюди він шльопав,

І став фіолетовим, повністю purple.

- Using the flashcards practice the names of the colours

  1. Lexical drills

Watch, listen and sing 

Children watch and listen to the song and join in with the children's voices. (youtube/ Whats This-SINGSING TOGETHER)

1.What’s this? (3 times) What? What?

It’s a top (3 times) top, top.

2.(a ball)

3. (a cat)

  1. Chain Repetition

Use the the Alphabet cards to revise quickly the names of the letters. Then do the Alphabet chant (name letters + sound + example):

  1. Скажемо «УРА!»  Hooray!’

Знаємо англійську Aa.

Look!  Big / capital A, little / small а, [ӕ] apple, ant; an apple, an ant

  1. Пам’ятайте, діти, всі

М’ячик ball і букву Bb

Look!  Big / capital B, little / small b, [b] ball, bird; a ball, a bird.

  1. Бач, як хвостик на коті,

Вигинає буква Сс

Look!  Big / capital C, little / small c, [k] cat, cab; a cat, a cab

  1. В слові  dog є буква Dd

Знають це англійці всі

Look!  Big / capital D, little / small d, [d] dog, dad; a dog, my dad.

  1. Буква Nn і буква Oo

Заперечують нам знову- NO

Look!  Big / capital O, little / small o, [ɒ] orange; an orange.

  1. Pen і pencil на столі

Помістила буква Pp

Look!  Big / capital P, little / small p, [p] pig; a pig

Bring individual children to the front to lead the game.

  1. Relaxation. Children watch the “If You’re Happy” and join in with the children's voices and actions. (youtube/ If You’re Happy and You Know It – VINCI Preview)

If You’re Happy and You Know It – Clap your hands, Clap, clap (2 times)

If You’re Happy and You Know It

Then your face will surely show it

If You’re Happy and You Know It – Clap your hands.

(Nod your head, Shake your leg, Turn around, Clap your hands, Stamp your feet, Shout “Hurray!”, Do all these)

  1. Introducing letters and the names of the letters (Ex.4  p.29)

 Children open their books and look at the big and small letters Ee, Ff, Gg and examples. Help them to name letters + sound + example:

  1. Він/вона в нашій сімї

Не обійдуться без Ее: he, she, Ee

Look!  Big / capital E, little / small e, [e] elephant; an elephant

  1. Ніщо не завадить літері Ff

Покласти Flowers on the shelf

Look!  Big / capital F, little / small f, [f] frog; a frog

  1. Попрощатись допоможе буква Gg

Не забудьGoodbye сказати

I її не підведи: “Goodbye” - Gg

Look!  Big / capital G, little / small g, [ɡ] goat; a goat.

Demonstrate how to write letters on the board first. With your back to the class, name and draw letters in the air; children follow.

Encourage children to draw letters with their pointers in their textbooks (Ex.5  p.29) then encourage children to write letters in their Workpapers. Use the Alphabet poster in the classroom.

  1. Practising

Drill the letters. Children watch and listen to the phonic song and join in with the children's voices. (youtube/ Phonic Song2)

A is for apple,  [ӕ] [ӕ]  apple

B is for ball, [b] [b]  ball

C is for cat,  [k] [k]  cat

D is for doll, [d] [d]  doll

E is for elephant,  [e] [e]  elephant

F is for fish, [f] [f]  fish

G is for gorilla, [ɡ] [ɡ]   gorilla


O is for octopus,  [ɒ] [ɒ] octopus

P is for pig, [p] [p]  pig

  1. Speaking (Playing a game) (Ex.6  p.29)
    • Make certain children can name the colours and the toys in the pictures.
    • Put a toy on a table and say: I have got a toy. It is a pink elephant. etc.
  •                      Play a game using the hand puppets and wordcards.
  1. Assessment / summary, finishing the lesson. Conclusion.

You were good/very good/ excellent. The lesson is over. Goodbye.

  1. Parting (Watch, listen, sing and dance ‘Goodbye Song’)

(youtube/ Goodbye -SINGSING TOGETHER)

Goodbye, (2 times) everybody!

Goodbye, (2 times) see you once again!

Goodbye, Ken !

Goodbye, Sue !

Goodbye, (2 times)

bye! (3 times)





  1. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QfcwfMh-8MM
  2. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mtEKtNnSAKU
  3. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ROSvNS8oaW8
  4. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rlTO4OYza_s
  5. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dw45CQewCLY
  6. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BELlZKpi1Zs


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Англійська мова (підручник для загальноосвітніх навчальних закладів) 2 клас (Карпюк О. Д.)
22 грудня 2019
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