Конспект уроку з англійської мови для 4 класу на тему "AT THE RESTAURANT"

Про матеріал


Practical:-to teach pupils to talk about food and drinks, plans and


-to teach pupils to give instructions on how to prepare a dish, to talk

about healthy habits;

Educational:- to revise vocabulary related to the topic;

-to practice structures: should/ shouldn't; a few / a little;

-to train the Imperative sentences

Cognitive:-to develop speaking, writing and listening skills;

Social:-to teach the rules of behavior at the restaurant.

Перегляд файлу

Natalia Babenko

a teacher of English, Skadovsk Hub-school “Academic Gymnasium”

Grade – 4th

Level – Elementary

Time – 40 min.




Theme:             AT   THE   RESTAURANT


Practical:      -   to teach pupils to talk about food and drinks, plans and  


     -   to teach pupils to give instructions on how to prepare a dish, to talk               

         about healthy habits;

Educational:  -   to revise vocabulary related to the topic;

     -   to practice structures: should/ shouldn’t; a few / a little;

     -   to train the Imperative sentences

Cognitive:    -   to develop speaking, writing and listening skills;

Social:          -   to teach the rules of behavior at the restaurant.

Materials: flashcards, CD, cassette, textbooks, cards

Time: 40 min.


1. Greeting!

Good morning pupils! I’m glad to see you! Sit down please!

2. Warming-up!

T: - Pupils first of all let’s speak about the weather today. Answer my questions, please, these pictures may help you:

-What season is it now?

- What is the date today?

- What is the weather like today?

- What color is the sky?

- What can you say about the trees?

- Do you like today’s weather?

3. Main part.

a). Presentation!

T: - The topic of our lesson today is “At the restaurant!” I want you to imagine that we are at the restaurant today and propose you to divide into two groups. One group will be a group of chefs, and another – a group of visitors. And we will prepare for the fancy dress party.

First of all look at our plan. Here you can see our tasks:

  • to revise the food you know
  • to make up the rules for chefs and visitors
  • to choose the food we need and find recipes how to cook the dishes
  • to choose the music for our fancy dress party
  • to write the invitations and make up the recipes
  • to learn how to order

We have a lot of tasks so let’s begin.

b). Revise vocabulary related to the topic!

T: - Now we’ll have an interesting dictation. Your task is to listen to the song, to watch a clip to this song which is called “Toy food”, and write down as much food as you can. (CD)  (T: Read the words you’ve written down)

c). Group work!

You have sheets of papers. You will work in groups. You must make up the rules. Chefs will make up the rules for visitors, and visitors – for chefs.

Read the sentences and write down should or shouldn’t.





Rules for visitors!!!


  • You   …………..  be quiet! 


  • You   ………….. wash your hands before you eat!


  • You   ………….  Be polite!


  • You   ………….  Make noise!


  • You   ………….  Break the dishes!



Rules for chefs!!!


  • You   …………..  be polite!


  • You   …………..  come to work late!


  • You  …………..  wear your uniform!


  • You  …………..  wash your hands before you cook!


  • You  …………..  do the washing-up!


d) Listening and Reading!

T: - Open your books p.44 here you can see the recipes of traditional British dishes. We may cook them for our party! 

  • First listen to the recipes and fill in the missing words.
  • Now your task will be to read the recipes and:
  1. Visitors will choose the food that they must buy for these dishes
  2. Chefs will choose how to cook these dishes

(PB Ex.9p.44)

Traditional British Dishes


     Irish Lamb stew is one of Ireland’s traditional dishes. Here’s what you need to make an Irish stew: lamb, potatoes, carrots, onions, peas and turnips.

     First, peel and chop the vegetables. Then, cut the lamb into pieces. Finally, put everything in a saucepan of water and boil it. It’s very easy and it’s a delicious meal!



     Roast beef and Yorkshire pudding is one of England’s traditional dishes. You need some beef, milk, eggs, flour and fat.

     Put the beef in the oven for an hour. Next, mix the eggs, flour and milk in a bowl. Heat the fat in the oven and pour the mixture into the fat. It’s easy and delicious, too.


     Welsh Rarebit is a traditional Welsh dish. All you need is some butter, cheese, milk, mustard and bread! First, toast two slices of bread. Then, mix everything else together and heat it in a saucepan. Finally, pour the mixture onto the toast and grill it. Delicious!

e) Relaxation!

What restaurant is without music? Let’s listen to the music that we can choose for our party and have a relaxation break!

“Hokey Pokey”

f) Writing!

And now it is the main part of our work. We must write the invitations and the recipes. We will work in groups. Chefs will write the recipe of their tasty dish, and visitors will invite their friends to the party!

(Oral presentation of the invitation and recipe)

d) Pair-work!

And now we will train how to order the dishes in the restaurant. Don’t forget you must be polite!

(PB Ex.5p.43)

Chef:     What would you like?

Visitor:  Just a few vegetables and a little Coke for me, please!

Chef:     Here you are!

Visitor:  Thank you!

4. Conclusion

a) Feed back

Let’s look at our plan again and decide what we’ve done we’ll put tick, and what we haven’t done we’ll put cross.


  • to revise the food you know
  • to make up the rules for chefs and visitors
  • to choose the food we need and find recipes how to cook the dishes
  • to choose the music for our fancy dress party
  • to write the invitations and make up the recipes
  • to learn how to order

b) Summing up!

You were very good chefs and visitors. And we’ve prepared everything for the fancy dress party. Some of you get such marks….

c) Home task.

Your home task will be Ex.13p.45. You must write the recipe of your favourite dish.

Thank you children for the lesson!  Good bye!










23 вересня 2018
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