Конспект уроку з англійської мови для 4 класу на тему: "My friend’s working day".

Про матеріал

Даний урок є уроком вивчення нового матеріалу на якому учні розвивають власні навички у вивченні англійської мови за допомогою спілкувння та вивчення нового граматичного матеріалу.

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                                      Form 4                                                                                                Subject of a lesson:My friend’s working day.
Objectives:Presenting new material.

                     Developing pupils skills in language learning.

Aids and materials:a blackboard,a book,pictures,TV.


Lexical warm-up:

T:Good morning,children!

Ch:Good morning,teacher!

T:I’m glag to see you.

Ch:We are glad to see you too.

T:I hope you are well today.

Ch:We hope you are too.

T:Sit down,pupils.Do you want to sleep now?

Ch:No,we don’t.

T:When do you get up today,Roman?

R:I get up at 8 o’clock today.

T:And you Mary,when do you get up?

M:I get up at 7:30 today.

T:Do you usually come in time to school,Mary?

M:Yes,I do.

T:Children,do you like to be late?


Phonetic warm-up:

T:Now,children,we will read a poem about a boy.His name is Nick.He doesn’t like to be late too.(The poem is written on the blackboard)

T:Children,listen to the rime:

     The clock

The clock says:’’Tock’’

It’s seven o’clock.

The clock says:’’Tick’’

Get up Little Nick.

The clock says:’’Tock’’

It’s a quarter to eight.

Hurry up,Nick,

Or you will be late.

(The pupils read the rime in chorus.)The way of teaching the rime is disappearing text.The pupils read the rime one-by-one.

-I wipe these words first(children repeat without it)

-then,I wipe the second line(they try to repeat)

-… third line

-… fourth line

-… fifth line

When the blackboard is clean,we repeat the rime in chorus.

Listening comprehension:

T:Children what do you usually do in the morning?

P₁:I usually have breakfast,wash myself…

P₂:I usually do my morning exercises.

P₃:I usually go to school.

T:Now we will do some morning actions together.But first look at the blackboard and listen to the new words combinations and remember them.

(unknown words and structures are written on the blackboard)

It’s time to wake up

час прокидатися;

You must


ти повинен;







Can not find


не могти знайти;

Hurry up



The bell rings


дзвонить дзвінок


(The pupils repeat these words combinations after me and prepere for listening.)

T:Do everything you hear.

Mime story-In the morning

It’s early morning.You sleep.It’s time to wake up.You don’t want to get up.But you must get up.You do your morning exercises.You wash yourself.You dress your trousers and a sweater.You have breakfast.Your breakfast is very tasty,you like it very much.

It’s time to go.You take your schoolbag,put your coat,your boots on and a hat…Where is your hat?You can’t find your hat.You look for it in your room,under the table,under the chair.Oh!!! here it is.Your hat is under your bed.

You can be late.You must hurry up.You go very quickly,you run.You are at school,at your class.The bell rings you sit at the desk.

T:So,children,you are in the classroom so let’s study English.Today we’ll speak about your friend’s working day.

Presenting and practising new material:

T:Look at this picture.It’s a little boy.His name is Billy.Listen carefully about his working day.

Billy’s working day

Billy likes to sleep long.He doesn’t like to get up early.He does not do his morning exercises.He dresses quickly and has breakfast.He hurries up to his school.

At school he usually has five lessons every day.Billy comes back home after school.After classes he likes to go for a walk and play with his friends.Billy does his home-work in the evening.Billy likes to watch TV.He goes to bed after it and sees sweat dreams.

(for better comprechention I explane the rule in Ukr.)

T:Якщо ви уважно слухали-ви зможете відповісти на моє запитання…Яке закінчення додавалось до дієслів?


T:You are right.У теперішньому часі-Present Simple-до дієслів ми додаємо закінчення-s у третій особі однини.Дієслово have перетвориться на has.А яке допоміжне дієслово для запитання і заперечення в Present Simple?


T:Правильно.Але в третій особі однини воно перетворюється на does.А кого ми відносимо до 3-тьої особи однини?


Вчитель пояснює учням правило додавання -s,-es до дієслів в окремих випадках.

T:Do you remember,Billy likes to sleep long?

P:Yes,he does.

T:Give the full unswer:Yes,he does.(I ask the pupils to repeat it in chorus.)Does Billy do his morning exercise?

P:No,he does not.

T:Mary,do you do your morning exercises?

M:Yes,I do.

T:Does Mary do her morning exercises?

P:Yes,she does.

T:Roman,do you like to sleep long?

R:Yes,I do.I like to sleep long.

T:Does he like to sleep long?

P:Yes,he does.He likes to sleep long.

(For practicing I use substitution drills)                                                                            I give my pupils cards with  substitution drill.

T:Look at this table and make up sentences.           



The boy             do                                      home-work

Ira                      write                                  to school

He                      like                                     to read

Oleh                   go             +S(es)               breakfast

She                     play                                    his morning exercises

Pupils                 have                                   for a walk

Boys                    go                                       with her friends

The pupils make up sentences.(in groups)Перемагає група,у якій учасники склали якомога більше вірних речень.

A little break:                                                                                      T:Let’s have a break.Let’s sing together the song about the little bear.Stand up.Hands on the sides.Let’s sing.

Teddy Bear

Teddy bear,Teddy bear,                                                                                                           Turn around,turn around.                                                                                                 Teddy bear,Teddy bear,                                                                                                 Touch the ground,touch the ground.                                                                          Teddy bear,Teddy bear,                                                                                              Show your shue,show your shue.                                                                          Teddy bear,Teddy bear,                                                                               That will do.

(The pupils sing and do.)

Pair work:                                                                                                       I give my children some pictures with daily actions of some pupils. They have to make up a small dialogue in pairs,asking each other questions  about the children they see in the pictures.                               For example:-What does Vicky do at 5 o’clock?                                                 -She plays computer games.                                                                            

Summary:                                                                                                                 T:Ще раз згадаємо яке закінчення додаємо в Present Simple в третій особі однини?                                                                                            Ch:-s,-es!                                                                                                                           T:Кого ми відносимо до третьої особи однини?                                     Ch:He,she,it.                                                                                                             T:Yes, you are right.Good job!Well done.                                                                                                             Home-work setting:                                                                           T:And now,write down your hometask for the next time:-My friend’s working day(I write the task on the black board).Складаючи розповідь,пам’ятайте про третю особу однини!                                T:Good-bye,children! See you next time!Thank you for your work!                                                                        Ch:Good-bye,teacher!



























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Англійська мова (підручник для загальноосвітніх навчальних закладів) 4 клас (Худик К.Г.)
20 лютого 2018
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