Конспект уроку з англійської мови для 5-го класу на тему:"Environment Protection. Charity. Present Perfect"

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Topic: Environment Protection. Charity. Present Perfect

Aims: To develop communicative skills

To introduce and practice new vocabulary

To develop students' reading and writing skills

To practice using Present Perfect

To develop students' socio cultural skills

To rise students' creative thoughts

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Form: 5

Topic: Environment Protection. Charity. Present Perfect

Aims: To develop communicative skills

To introduce and practice new vocabulary

To develop students’ reading and writing skills

To practice using Present Perfect

To develop students’ socio cultural skills

To rise students’ creative thoughts


Computer, projector, pictures of the Earth, films

HO 1— Globe of the Earth, stickers

HO 2— Mind -map

HO 3—Tick or cross

HO 4— New words

HO 5—Fill in words

HO 6— Find and correct mistakes in the text

HO 7—Complete the sentences in correct order

HO 8—Finish the sentences

HO 9—  Dialogue

HO 10—Posters

HO 11— Complete these sentences

HO 12— The Earth where we would like to live, hands

HO 13 – Individual hometasks




  1. Introduction. Greetings









II. Introduce the topic

1. Warming-up

Good morning, dear pupils. Let me introduce myself—I’m Halyna Volodymyrivna. I would like to begin our lesson from the story. In a beautiful forest in Carpathian mountains St. Nicolas lives and every year he travels and gives present to children. But this one he has faced with a lot of disasters. Let’s watch the film and write down on the sticks what has happened on his way to us.

(Учні дивляться відеофрагмент і потім на листочках пишуть слова небезпек, які вони бачили і прикріпляють на глобус, пояснюючи за прикладом He has seen…)

HO 1

On his way he has lost many presents—we have to find them.


4-5 min

2. Vocabulary practice

1 present

a) How do think what the reason of these disasters is?

Complete the Mind-map HO2


Caused by Nature

Caused by Human





Tidal wave


Killing the animals

Destruction the forest

Dirt the rivers…


b)Presentation new words

Look at picture and put tick to good action of people and cross to bad.

(На листках із малюнками учні проставляють знаки і після відповіді на запитання повторюють слова за аудіо записом)  HO 3


c) Today we’re to learn some new words on the topic. Have a look at the screen. Let’s practice new vocabulary. (Students have the cards with new words on the desks) HO 4

Drop litter








Хімічні речовини

тропічний ліс

  1. We are going to practice these words. Your task is to fill in the gaps with new vocabulary. HO 5
  1. People use a lot of….. on farms. (chemicals)
  2. The chemicals from the…… have polluted the rivers. (factories)
  3. It is bad manner to…… on the streets. (drop litter)
  4. The destruction of the ……… has caused a lot of flooding. (rainforest)
  5. Some factories ……… plastics, bottles, paper. (recycle)
  6. Wastebin is the thing where we put…….. in. (rubbish)


5- 6 min

3. Reading

2 present

Open your books, page 78. Listen and read the article and say what environmental problems people are concerned about.

Water pollution

Air pollution

Destruction of the forest

We think the main problem is….., because…


After listening--shut the books

1 group Find and correct mistakes in the text –HO 6


2 group—Complete the sentences in correct order—HO 7


3 group—Finish the sentences—HO 8



What on Earth has happened?

      We have lived on Earth for thousands of years. It has taken care of us? But have we really taken care of our wonderful planet? Look at what we’ve done so far!

Our seas, rivers and lakes

       We have polluted many of our rivers, seas and lakes. We have thrown rubbish from our towns and cities into the oceans. We have also poured chemicals from factories into our beautiful rivers and seas. This has killed millions of fish and other water animals and plants.

The air we breathe

     We have polluted the air with chemicals from our cars and factories. This has caused serious health problems for thousands of people all over the world!

Our forests

    We have cut down thousands and thousands of our planet’s trees, most of them in tropical rainforests. The destruction of the rainforests has killed a large number of animals and plants, and they have disappeared forever. Cutting down the rainforests has also caused flooding in many areas. We’ve got to stop now, before it’s too late!

 We mustn’t forget that planet Earth is our home! We must protect it!



Group 1

What on Earth has happened?

      We have lived on Earth for thousands of years. It has taken care of us? But have we really taken care of our wonderful continent? Look at what we’ve done so far!

Our seas, rivers and lakes

       We have polluted many of our rivers, seas and mountains. We have thrown rubbish from our towns and cities into the rivers. We have also poured chemicals from factories into our beautiful rivers and seas. This has killed millions of fish and other forest animals and plants.

The air we breathe

     We have polluted the air with rubbish from our cars and factories. This has caused serious health problems for thousands of people all over the world!

Our forests

    We have cut down thousands and thousands of our planet’s forests, most of them in tropical rainforests. The destruction of the rainforests has killed a large number of animals and flowers, and they have disappeared forever. Cutting down the rainforests has also caused flooding in many areas. We’ve got to stop now, before it’s too late!

We mustn’t forget that planet Earth is our mother! We must protect it!



Group 2

What on Earth has happened?

We mustn’t forget that planet Earth is our home!

We have thrown rubbish from our towns and cities into the oceans.

We have polluted many of our rivers, seas and lakes.

This has caused serious health problems for thousands of people all over the world!

We have polluted the air with chemicals from our cars and factories.

We have cut down thousands and thousands of our planet’s trees.

The destruction of the rainforests has killed a large number of animals and plants.

We have lived on Earth for thousands of years.

This has killed millions of fish and other water animals and plants.



Group 3

What on Earth has happened?

We have lived on Earth for ……

We have polluted many of our …….

We have also poured chemicals from ………...

This has killed millions of ……..

This has caused serious health problems for …..

We have cut down thousands and thousands of our planet’s trees, most of them in ……. The destruction of the rainforests has killed ……….

Cutting down the rainforests has also caused ……



4. Break

Pupils of every group stand up, sing song and act it—Dancing Christmas tree.


4 -5


5. Speaking task. Work in pairs.

Present 3

What is your opinion, how we can help and save our Earth? Repeat once more about its problems and say what have we to do. Act it in your dialogues.

(Some pupils have the list with the questions for the dialogue HO 9)


How do you think what Earth gives to us?

What are there problems where you live?


How do people pollute the nature?

Can we change the situation of destruction of the Planet?


What do you know about recycle useful materials?


Will the future be worse than the present?



5 -6


6. Talk about Earth’s problems

Present 4

Watch the film about Earth and fill in the gaps HO 10 – 4 групи (на плакатах)


We have…..

This has…

Water pollution


polluted …..





Air pollution





Destruction of the forest


cut down …..

polluted …..





Than talk about these problems.

5 min

7. Writing

Present 5

St. Nicolas has given his notes what he’s done to protect the Earth. Let’s complete these sentences—HO 11


He hasn’t driven by car.

He has already protected the rainforests.

His friends and he have never kept animals in the zoo.

He has never dropped litter.

His friends have already recycled old magazines.


Exercise b p. 82


10 min

8. Project work. Group work

Present 6

And now I and St. Nicolas would ask you to write on the pictures of hands what you have done to protect Earth, our home and glue it to the picture of Earth. HO 12

You have to write: I have cleaned… We have not polluted…


One of the pupil present the work


2-3 min

III. Summary

  1. Dialogue teacher- pupils

We are all part of Earth. We need to think about our part in the environment. If we don’t begin to change our behavior we will have no world to live.

We should love the beauty of the nature around us.

So today we’ve done a lot: learnt new words, discussed the topic, listened to the texts, and revised grammar topics.

Write on one of the present – what have you learnt better on this lesson and what have you liked and present it to me.

You’ve been working hard trying to do your best. Your grades are……

Thanks a lot for your activity.


2. Hometasks

Your home tasks for the next lesson:

  1. Fill in the form what you must do to protect the Earth” HO 13









Zhalovaha Halyna Volodymyrivna
27 лютого 2018
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